La Gauche globale

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Dans cet ouvrage, Immanuel Wallerstein dresse le bilan des pratiques de la gauche, hier à l'heure des grands idéaux et jusqu’aujourd’hui, au cœur de la crise mondiale du capitalisme.

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Le livre de l'interne en réanimation

Book Description

Le livre de l’interne en réanimation est un guide indispensable à l’interne et au chef de clinique en réanimation. Pratique et synthétique, il rassemble en 27 chapitres toutes les pathologies susceptibles d’être prises en charge en réanimation médicale, chirurgicale ou polyvalente. Sont traités : - les différentes techniques de réanimation ; - la ventilation mécanique ; - tous les types de pathologies infectieuses, métaboliques, circonstancielles ; - les états de choc ; - les troubles de l’équilibre hydro-électrolytique, de l’endocrinologie, de l’appareil digestif ; - la chirurgie cardiaque et la neurochirurgie ; - les bases de réanimation pédiatrique ; mais aussi la réanimation en traumatologie, en obstétrique, la toxicologie, les prélèvements d’organe, des notions d’organisation des soins et d’éthique… Ce livre est agrémenté de nombreux schémas, arbres décisionnels et tableaux ainsi que d’un index facilitant la recherche par mots-clés. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants préparant l’examen classant national, aux internes de médecine d’urgence, d’anesthésie-réanimation ou de réanimation médicale et aux praticiens de toutes spécialités.

Chiasmi International 16

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Merleau-PontyENTRE HIER ET DEMAINBETWEEN YESTERDAY AND TOMORROWTRA IERI E DOMANI****dossiers – special sections – dossiersMerleau -Ponty demainMerleau -Ponty TomorrowMerleau -Ponty domaniMerleau -Ponty et la philosophie classique allemandeMerleau -Ponty and Classical German PhilosophyMerleau -Ponty e la filosofia classica tedesca****varia – diverse – varia****COMPTES RENDUS – REVIEWS – RECENSIONItextes de – texts by – testi diJacopo Bodini, Guillaume Carron, Frank Chouraqui, Anna Caterina Dalmasso, Guy-Félix Duportail, Faustino Fabbianelli, Véronique M. Fóti, Anne Gléonec, Koji Hirose, Kathleen Hulley, Takashi Kakuni, Stefan Kristensen, Donald A. Landes, Len Lawlor, Laura McMahon, Stefano Micali, David Morris, Angelica Nuzzo, Claudio Rozzoni, Ted Toadvine, Dylan Trigg, Luca Vanzago

IFDA Dossier

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Rethinking the European Union and its global role from the 20th to the 21st Century

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Discover the various scientific debates that Mario Telò has been involved. This edited volume, which has been drafted in honour of Professor Telò’s research career, offers the reader an overview of the various scientific debates that he has been involved in throughout his distinguished career. The aim was to highlight, contextualise and build on his most innovative contributions to each of these debates. This book revolves around four thematic areas, each of which brings together a number of contributions that offer timely reflections on a given question or challenge covered by Professor Telò’s research. EXTRACT We wanted to have a personality of international calibre, espousing different political systems across the world. But we also wanted to bring a good teacher into the fold filling students with enthusiasm, able to lead them to develop their study projects, to establish their vocation as researchers and even to train personalities active in every day life, in fact to promote a European conscientiousness. We know that Mario Telò has perfectly fulfilled these many wishes, in particular through his commitments towards his colleagues as well as his very active role as member and President of the Institut d’études européennes – Institute of European Studies (IEE-ULB), but also through the support that he has given numerous researchers who have completed brilliant doctoral theses under his supervision. It is difficult to pay him tribute, however, as Mario Telò has engaged in and still engages in multiple and international academic activities. We have lost count of the number of foreign invitations that have been extended to him as well as his numerous speeches to defend and to explain the need for a European area. Mario Telò knows better than anyone that European values still need to be defended, that European studies cover several aspects, not just the political integration process in Europe but also the analysis of the behaviour of actors, decision-makers and citizens. We know that the ‘EU acquis’ is often temporary and several times the work has to be redone, as the difficulties of functioning with twenty-eight member states, and soon to be twenty-seven member states, show. The European Union does not always respond to the democratic deficit, the political integration approach needs to show the usefulness and expected benefits of European cooperation essential to its existence in a very tense global context. The energy of Mario Telò, his creativity, his international engagement, his academic openness will always be essential to the ULB. A member of the Académie Royale de Belgique [Royal Academy of Belgium], in the Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques [section of letters and moral and political sciences], Mario Telò will always find the opportunity to express his analyses and proposals to get through the currently very troubled time of Europe’s and the world’s evolution.

Développement territorial durable : renforcement des relations intersectorelles

Book Description

L'aménagement du territoire joue un rôle important dans le renforcement des relations intersectorielles. Mais, la diversité de l'environnement, des valeurs culturelles, et des caractéristiques nationales et ethniques est un atout majeur en Europe qu'il convient de préserver et de mettre en valeur dans le contexte de la mondialisation. Il est tout aussi important de réduire les disparités entre pays, régions et communes d'Europe en matière de qualité de vie, de perspectives économiques, de prospérité et de niveau de développement. La question de l'accès aux services essentiels - accès à l'eau potable, assainissement des eaux usées, collecte et traitement des déchets, transport public, construction durable - dans ce contexte prend ici toute son importance. Ouvrage en anglais et en français.

The Rest and the West

Book Description

In the wake of a pandemic that tested economies and societies, geopolitical conflict has taken on a new intensity. The Rest and the West locates the origins of this development in the turbulent dynamics of the capitalist world market. Rather than reducing global conflict to a matter of great power rivalries or the process of economic decoupling, Sandro Mezzadra and Brett Neilson investigate the increasing centrality of war to capital operations and to the transformation of capital ism. The goal is to forge a theory of imperialism adequate to a world in which the 'rest' no longer provides a putative unity that defines and opposes the 'West'.