La globalización de la pobreza

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¿Por qué sigue creciendo, día a día, la distancia que separa a los países ricos de los pobres? Erik S. Reinert, profesor de la Universidad Tecnológica de Tallin, revisa la historia del crecimiento económico del mundo desarrollado para demostrarnos que las reglas que hicieron posible su progreso son contradictorias con las que las organizaciones que controlan la economía mundial, incluyendo las que ofrecen ayuda para el desarrollo, imponen hoy a las naciones pobres. Con un lenguaje claro, pensado para facilitar al lector medio la plena comprensión de sus argumentos, Reinert desmonta los mitos neoliberales -como el de la libertad de mercado, que está destruyendo nuestro propio tejido industrial- y nos enseña a mirar con ojos críticos la forma en que estamos agravando la situación de quienes viven en los países pobres. Como ha dicho José Antonio Ocampo, Subsecretario general para asuntos económicos y sociales de las Naciones Unidas, éste es un libro «que obliga a pensar».


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"Esta compilaciaon de artaiculos que fueron publicados por el autor en los diarios, La Informaciaon de Santiago, Diario Libre y en 'Clave Digital' entre Julio de 2007 hasta la desapariciaon de este aultimo en Agosto de 2010, contiene una selecciaon de temas nacionales e internacionles."

Challenges for Human Rights

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Nowadays we are fortunate enough to be experiencing a boom in human rights - an enormous increase of their importance in the international sphere at all levels (political, economic, social, legal and moral). For the first time the condition of the individual as “citizen,” and not just as “subject,” has gained importance. Individuals, and not only states, have now become the subjects of international law, as a result of the boom in humanitarian law and international criminal law. However, although there have been many battles won and goals met concerning human rights, the war against injustice continues and the fight has not ended. It is necessary to stay alert and to avoid a potentially paralyzing self-complacency. This collection focusses on topics that are particularly relevant for the present era. It examines issues such as multiculturalism, globalization, international criminal justice (specifically third and fourth generation rights) and, within this thematic framework, the problems that have come about as a result of the expanding reach of the Internet and of new biomedical advances. In addition, it explores the increasingly urgent challenge of how to respond to international terrorism, in view of worldwide events since September 11, 2001, and its resulting aftermath. Originally published in Spanish, this thought-provoking collection will be of interest to human rights scholars and practitioners alike.

De la sociedad de las naciones a la globalización: Visiones desde América y Europa

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El contenido de este texto dice relación directa con las investigaciones que presentaron diferentes académicos nacionales y extranjeros en el V Congreso Chile España, que se desarrolló en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción durante el año 2018. Las temáticas que se consideraron en dicha actividad, tuvieron directa relación con la Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales y se iniciaron con el origen y rol de la Sociedad de Naciones el año 1919, culminando con la iniciativa americana en este campo, representada por UNASUR y su actual condición.

Endogenous Development

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Western ideas, worldviews, actors, tools, models, and frameworks have long dominated development theory and practice in Africa. The resulting development interventions are too rarely locally rooted, locally driven, or resonant with local context. At the same time, theories and practices from developing countries rarely travel to the Western agencies dominating development, undermining the possibility of a beneficial synergy that could be obtained from the best of both worlds. There are many reasons why the experiences of locally driven development are not communicated back to global development actors, including, but not limited to, the marginal role of Southern voices in global forums. This volume gives a platform to authentic African voices and non-African collaborators, to explore what endogenous development means, how it can be implemented, and how an endogenous development approach can shape local, national and global policies. This book was originally published as a special issue of Development in Practice.

The Ethics of Anthropology and Amerindian Research

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The decision to publish scholarly findings bearing on the question of Amerindian environmental degradation, warfare, and/or violence is one that weighs heavily on anthropologists. This burden stems from the fact that documentation of this may render descendant communities vulnerable to a host of predatory agendas and hostile modern forces. Consequently, some anthropologists and community advocates alike argue that such culturally and socially sensitive, and thereby, politically volatile information regarding Amerindian-induced environmental degradation and warfare should not be reported. This admonition presents a conundrum for anthropologists and other social scientists employed in the academy or who work at the behest of tribal entities. This work documents the various ethical dilemmas that confront anthropologists, and researchers in general, when investigating Amerindian communities. The contributions to this volume explore the ramifications of reporting--and, specifically,--of non-reporting instances of environmental degradation and warfare among Amerindians. Collectively, the contributions in this volume, which extend across the disciplines of archaeology, anthropology, ethnohistory, ethnic studies, philosophy, and medicine, argue that the non-reporting of environmental mismanagement and violence in Amerindian communities generally harms not only the field of anthropology but the Amerindian populations themselves.

Latin America and Global Capitalism

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2009 Best Book, International Political Economy Group of the British International Studies Association This ambitious volume chronicles and analyzes from a critical globalization perspective the social, economic, and political changes sweeping across Latin America from the 1970s through the present day. Sociologist William I. Robinson summarizes his theory of globalization and discusses how Latin America’s political economy has changed as the states integrate into the new global production and financial system, focusing specifically on the rise of nontraditional agricultural exports, the explosion of maquiladoras, transnational tourism, and the export of labor and the import of remittances. He follows with an overview of the clash among global capitalist forces, neoliberalism, and the new left in Latin America, looking closely at the challenges and dilemmas resistance movements face and their prospects for success. Through three case studies—the struggles of the region's indigenous peoples, the immigrants rights movement in the United States, and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela—Robinson documents and explains the causes of regional socio-political tensions, provides a theoretical framework for understanding the present turbulence, and suggests possible outcomes to the conflicts. Based on years of fieldwork and empirical research, this study elucidates the tensions that globalization has created and shows why Latin America is a battleground for those seeking to shape the twenty-first century’s world order.

En clave de marcas

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Gonzalo Brujó y 23 visionarios del marketing descubren el presente y el futuro del intangible más importante.

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