The Law of the Seabed

Book Description

The Law of the Seabed reviews the most pressing legal questions raised by the use and protection of natural resources on and underneath the world’s seabeds. While barely accessible, the seabed plays a major role in the Earth’s ecological balance. It is both a medium and a resource, and is central to the blue economy. New uses and new knowledge about seabed ecosystems, and the risks of disputes due to competing interests, urge reflection on which regulatory approaches to pursue. The regulation of ocean activities is essentially sector-based, and the book puts in parallel the international and national regimes for seabed mining, oil and gas, energy generation, bottom fisheries, marine genetic resources, carbon sequestration and maritime security operations, both within and beyond the national jurisdiction. The book contains seven parts respectively addressing the definition of the seabed from a multidisciplinary perspective, the principles of jurisdiction delimitation under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the regimes for use of non-living, living and marine biodiversity resources, the role of state and non-state actors, the laying and removal of installations, the principles for sustainable and equitable use (common heritage of mankind, precaution, benefit sharing), and management tools to ensure coexistence between activities as well as the protection of the marine environment.

Process Engineering Renewal 3

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Handbook of Energy Transitions

Book Description

The global energy scenario is undergoing an unprecedented transition. In the wake of enormous challenges—such as increased population, higher energy demands, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, depleting fossil fuel reserves, volatile energy prices, geopolitical concerns, and energy insecurity issues—the energy sector is experiencing a transition in terms of energy resources and their utilization. This modern transition is historically more dynamic and multidimensional compared to the past considering the vast technological advancements, socioeconomic implications and political responses, and ever-evolving global policies and regulations. Energy insecurity in terms of its critical dimensions—access, affordability, and reliability—remains a major problem hindering the socioeconomic progress in developing countries. The Handbook of Energy Transitions presents a holistic account of the 21st-century energy transition away from fossil fuels. It provides an overview of the unfolding transition in terms of overall dimensions, drivers, trends, barriers, policies, and geopolitics, and then discusses transition in terms of particular resources or technologies, such as renewable energy systems, solar energy, hydropower, hydrogen and fuel cells, electric vehicles, energy storage systems, batteries, digitalization, smart grids, blockchain, and machine learning. It also discusses the present energy transition in terms of broader policy and developmental perspectives. Further, it examines sustainable development, the economics of energy and green growth, and the role of various technologies and initiatives like renewables, nuclear power, and electrification in promoting energy security and energy transition worldwide. Key Features Includes technical, economic, social, and policy perspectives of energy transitions Features practical case studies and comparative assessments Examines the latest renewable energy and low-carbon technologies Explains the connection between energy transition and global climate change


Book Description

L'an dernier, dans notre livre « Crise du système impérialiste mondial ― La décomposition finale de "l'industrie de bazar" et la naissance d'un nouvel ordre impérialiste mondial », nous avions souligné le caractère structurel de la crise actuelle, ainsi que le différentiel croissant entre l'impérialisme chinois et ses plus puissants concurrents. Nous avions également souligné que les résultats du plan de relance chinois contrasteraient nettement avec ceux de ses concurrents. Nous avions enfin souligné l'inéluctabilité de l'aggravation du déficit des Etats bourgeois qui seraient en définitive forcés de faire retomber le poids de la crise sur les masses exploitées au moyens de PAS (qualifiés de "plans de rigueur"), visant à la destruction des chaînes dorées de l'esclavage salarié. Les derniers mois ont confirmé toutes ces anticipations, comme l'illustre ce livre qui fait le point sur la rapide montée en puissance de l'impérialisme chinois et ses implications actuelles et futures.

Geopolitics and Energy Transition, Volume 1

Book Description

The energy sector is undergoing unprecedented change. Twenty years ago, the main concern was having enough oil and gas, whereas today, political leaders are faced with the need to reduce the CO2 emissions produced by still-dominant fossil fuels, without being able to totally rely on renewable energies, which are intermittent and whose share in energy production remains low. Geopolitics and Energy Transition 1 presents the technical aspects of energy and its main characteristics, and outlines the challenges of the energy transition, the conditions for the development of renewable energies and the geopolitical stakes of this transition. It also describes the various energy markets and the consequences of liberalization policies, not forgetting to analyze the structures of the different sectors, while pointing out the fundamental problems of supply security and ways of strengthening it.

Mineral Resource Economy 2

Book Description

The challenges associated with the environmental impact of renewable energies are formidable and multiple. The exploitation of diffuse forms of energy will require us to reshape our lifestyles and infrastructures. Reducing their environmental impact is imperative and requires the mobilization of all available levers of action. Beyond the analysis of these challenges, this book presents an overview of the levers of action that should allow us to meet them, by crossing the fields of the human sciences, geosciences and engineering. The levers of action examined are both technical (through the substitution or use of low technology) and economic and social (through the development of recycling or decoupling). The book also addresses the question of their effectiveness and their overall impact.

Digital Dictionary

Book Description

"Digital age", "digital society", “digital civilization”: many expressions are used to describe the major cultural transformation of our contemporary societies. Digital Dictionary presents the multiple facets of this phenomenon, which was born of computers and continues to permeate all human activity as it progresses at a rapid pace. In this multidisciplinary work, experts, academics and practitioners invite us to discover the digital world from various technological and societal perspectives. In this book, citizens, trainers, political leaders or association members, students and users will find a base of knowledge that will allow them to update their understanding and become stakeholders in current societal changes.

Ecology for the 99%

Book Description

If everyone—from Emmanuel Macron to Jeff Bezos, and even Coca Cola—is green, why is the environmental crisis growing at an alarmingly rapid rate? The world is already experiencing the impact of climate crisis, but we are not equally responsible for its violent effects. Some of those who claim to be helping the planet are actually making things worse. To avoid being duped by false allies and to create an ecology for the 99%, we must discuss a radical topic: the exit from capitalism. Ecology for the 99% provides inspiration for building grassroots environmental movements through a lively discussion of the most persistent capitalist myths. It presents compelling evidence for why carbon market policies will fail, why a capitalist economy cannot be based on renewable energy sources, and why we should be protesting against overproduction, not overconsumption. Ecology for the 99% is an antidote to apathy and a bulwark against false leads. Time is running out, we can’t afford to take any wrong turns.

The Rare Metals War

Book Description

The resources race is on. Powering our digital lives and green technologies are some of the Earth’s most precious metals — but they are running out. And what will happen when they do? The green-tech revolution has been lauded as the silver bullet to a new world. One that is at last free of oil, pollution, shortages, and cross-border tensions. Drawing on six years of research across a dozen countries, this book cuts across conventional green thinking to probe the hidden, dark side of green technology. By breaking free of fossil fuels, we are in fact setting ourselves up for a new dependence — on rare metals such as cobalt, gold, and palladium. They are essential to electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, our smartphones, computers, tablets, and other everyday connected objects. China has captured the lion’s share of the rare metals industry, but consumers know very little about how they are mined and traded, or their environmental, economic, and geopolitical costs. The Rare Metals War is a vital exposé of the ticking time-bomb that lies beneath our new technological order. It uncovers the reality of our lavish and ambitious environmental quest that involves risks as formidable as those it seeks to resolve.