La heredera engañada

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The Duke's Perfect Wife

Book Description

Lady Eleanor Ramsay is the only one who knows the truth about Hart Mackenzie. Once his fiancee, she is the sole woman to whom he could ever pour out his heart. Hart has it all--a dukedom, wealth, power, influence, whatever he desires. Every woman wants him--his seductive skills are legendary. But Hart has sacrificed much to keep his brothers safe, first from their brutal father, and then from the world. He's also suffered loss--his wife, his infant son, and the woman he loved with all his heart though he realized it too late. Now, Eleanor has reappeared on Hart's doorstep, with scandalous nude photographs of Hart taken long ago. Intrigued by the challenge in her blue eyes--and aroused by her charming, no-nonsense determination--Hart wonders if his young love has come to ruin him . . . or save him.

Letters from Mexico

Book Description

Written over a seven-year period to Charles V of Spain, Hernan Cortes's letters provide a narrative account of the conquest of Mexico from the founding of the coastal town of Veracruz until Cortes's journey to Honduras in 1525. The two introductions set the letters in context.

El Dulce Encanto Del Infierno

Book Description

A pesar de los temores que constantemente acechan su mente, el padre Alberto es un empedernido amante de las faldas que se traza la meta de tres mil mujeres por saciar con su inagotable vigor. Juana Morales proviene del inmenso mundo de nosotros los pobres y para alcanzar el éxito pronosticado por su abuela, la anciana que comía tierra, debe recorrer caminos tormentosos. El dulce encanto del infierno es el espejo de un mundillo complejo permeado por paramilitares, guerrilla, dirigentes nocivos, políticos corruptos y una Iglesia llamada a cambios estructurales so pena de desaparecer. Dos de las amantes del padre Alberto, gemelas incluso en sus gustos varoniles, son secuestradas por orden de la otra mujer en el triángulo amoroso del religioso. Allí comienza la historia... El infierno poco a poco se irá consolidando.

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula

Book Description

A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula is the second comparative history of a new subseries with a regional focus, published by the Coordinating Committee of the International Comparative Literature Association. As its predecessor for East-Central Europe, this two-volume history distances itself from traditional histories built around periods and movements, and explores, from a comparative viewpoint, a space considered to be a powerful symbol of inter-literary relations. Both the geographical pertinence and its symbolic condition are obviously discussed, when not even contested. Written by an international team of researchers who are specialists in the field, this history is the first attempt at applying a comparative approach to the plurilingual and multicultural literatures in the Iberian Peninsula. The aim of comprehensiveness is abandoned in favor of a diverse and extensive array of key issues for a comparative agenda. A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula undermines the primacy claimed for national and linguistic boundaries, and provides a geo-cultural account of literary inter-systems which cannot otherwise be explained.

The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic (Complete)

Book Description

For several hundred years after the great Saracen invasion in the beginning of the eighth century, Spain was broken up into a number of small but independent states, divided in their interests, and often in deadly hostility with one another. It was inhabited by races, the most dissimilar in their origin, religion, and government, the least important of which has exerted a sensible influence on the character and institutions of its present inhabitants. At the close of the fifteenth century, these various races were blended into one great nation, under one common rule. Its territorial limits were widely extended by discovery and conquest. Its domestic institutions, and even its literature, were moulded into the form, which, to a considerable extent, they have maintained to the present day. It is the object of the present narrative to exhibit the period in which these momentous results were effected,—the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. By the middle of the fifteenth century, the number of states, into which the country had been divided, was reduced to four; Castile, Aragon, Navarre, and the Moorish kingdom of Granada. The last, comprised within nearly the same limits as the modern province of that name, was all that remained to the Moslems of their once vast possessions in the Peninsula. Its concentrated population gave it a degree of strength altogether disproportioned to the extent of its territory; and the profuse magnificence of its court, which rivalled that of the ancient caliphs, was supported by the labors of a sober, industrious people, under whom agriculture and several of the mechanic arts had reached a degree of excellence, probably unequalled in any other part of Europe during the Middle Ages. The little kingdom of Navarre, embosomed within the Pyrenees, had often attracted the avarice of neighboring and more powerful states. But, since their selfish schemes operated as a mutual check upon each other, Navarre still continued to maintain her independence, when all the smaller states in the Peninsula had been absorbed in the gradually increasing dominion of Castile and Aragon. This latter kingdom comprehended the province of that name, together with Catalonia and Valencia. Under its auspicious climate and free political institutions, its inhabitants displayed an uncommon share of intellectual and moral energy. Its long line of coast opened the way to an extensive and flourishing commerce; and its enterprising navy indemnified the nation for the scantiness of its territory at home, by the important foreign conquests of Sardinia, Sicily, Naples, and the Balearic Isles. The remaining provinces of Leon, Biscay, the Asturias, Galicia, Old and New Castile, Estremadura, Murcia, and Andalusia, fell to the crown of Castile, which, thus extending its sway over an unbroken line of country from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, seemed by the magnitude, of its territory, as well as by its antiquity, (for it was there that the old Gothic monarchy may be said to have first revived after the great Saracen invasion,) to be entitled to a pre-eminence over the other states of the Peninsula. This claim, indeed, appears to have been recognized at an early period of her history. Aragon did homage to Castile for her territory on the western bank of the Ebro, until the twelfth century, as did Navarre, Portugal, and, at a later period, the Moorish kingdom of Granada. And, when at length the various states of Spain were consolidated into one monarchy, the capital of Castile became the capital of the new empire, and her language the language of the court and of literature.

Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro

Book Description

Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro ofrece una selección de obras literarias de ocho escritoras medievales, renacentistas y barrocas. Cada capítulo presenta una extensa introducción sobre la autora y su obra. Esta antología contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre la lengua, la literatura y la cultura españolas, al igual que ofrece una lectura desde la perspectiva de género de estas escritoras. Acompañada de textos originales modernizados al castellano actual, notas aclaratorias, actividades y una extensa y actualizada bibliografía, Antología de escritoras españolas de la Edad Media y el Siglo de Oro muestra la evolución de voces femeninas a lo largo de estos siglos. Las actividades sugeridas para cada capítulo ayudan a exponer y a reflexionar sobre la relevancia cultural que en la actualidad tienen los argumentos que estas mujeres proponent en sus trabajos. Esta antología será de gran utilidad para estudiantes de literatura y cultura españolas de niveles de grado y graduado e, igualmente, para los estudiantes hispanohablantes de literature comparada y de estudios de género.

Renaissance and Golden Age Essays in Honor of D.W. McPheeters

Book Description

This volume gathers seventeen important contributions to a better understanding of the poetry, drama, and prose of the Golden Age. Theodore S. Beardsley, Jr., Francisco López Estrada, Everett W. Hesse, Margherita Morreale and A. Valbuena Briones are among the contributors.