Construyendo la democracia en sociedades posconflicto

Book Description

En los aos 90, Guatemala y El Salvador firmaron acuerdos de paz integrales que pusieron fin a d(r)cadas de un sangriento conflicto interno. Ambos acuerdos de paz OCoas como el proceso de construccin de paz que le siguiOCo han tenido un impacto en el concepto tradicional de paz, ya que fueron pioneros en lo que son consideradas operaciones de paz de segunda generacin, multidisciplinarias (que van mis alli del cese al fuego). Uno de los objetivos principales de los acuerdos de paz y el proceso de construccin de paz, era fortalecer los incipientes procesos democriticos en el per odo del posconflicto. Mis de una d(r)cada ha transcurrido desde que los acuerdos fueron suscritos. En ambos casos la democracia electoral o pol tica ha logrado mantenerse vigente y el sistema pol tico ha tenido una apertura. Los combatientes armados en ambos pa ses han ahora formado sus propios partidos pol ticos, han participado en elecciones y han obtenido puestos en el Congreso. Sin embargo, muchos problemas persisten y la democracia dista de estar consolidada. La democratizacin en ambas sociedades, se ve confrontada con muchos problemas antiguos y por nuevos desaf os. Sin duda alguna la paz ha tenido un impacto en la democratizacin, pero algunas ireas han avanzado mis que otras y algunas pueden haberse incluso estancado. Existen diversos estudios individuales acerca de los procesos de negociacin e implementacin de la paz en Guatemala y El Salvador. Sin embargo, se ha escrito muy poco desde una perspectiva comparada. Ademis, se han llevado a cabo pocos anilisis integrales acerca del desarrollo democritico reciente en esos pa ses. En este libro, dos equipos de investigacin utilizan nueva informacin y t(r)cnicas mltiples de investigacin comparada para presentar un perfil actualizado del proceso de democratizacin en ambos pa ses y una evaluacin de la interaccin existente entre la paz y la democratizacin."

Pulso Parlamentario 2009

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Social and Solidarity Economy

Book Description

As economic crises, growing inequality and climate change prompt a global debate on the meaning and trajectory of development, increasing attention is focusing on 'social and solidarity economy' as a distinctive approach to sustainable and rights-based development. While we are beginning to understand what social and solidarity economy is, what it promises and how it differs from 'business as usual', we know far less about whether it can really move beyond its fringe status in many countries and regions. Under what conditions can social and solidarity economy scale up and scale out - that is, expand in terms of the growth of social and solidarity economy organizations and enterprises, or spread horizontally within given territories? Bringing together leading researchers, blending theoretical and empirical analysis, and drawing on experiences and case studies from multiple countries and regions, this volume addresses these questions. In so doing, it aims to inform a broad constituency of development actors, including scholars, practitioners, activists and policy makers.

Cuánto cuesta la pobreza de las mujeres?

Book Description

Esta obra aborda el problema de la "feminizacion" de la pobreza, haciendo un analisis de las diferencias de genero en las diferentes formas de pobreza. El tema se centra en el area de america latina y el caribe, donde las mujeres y especialmente las pobres, negras o indigenas estan en una situacion mas dificil. Otro asunto que centra el interes, es el de la injusta distribucion de los ingresos, con el consiguiente desequilibrio entre ricos y pobres. Cuestiona por tanto, las politicas de desarrollo que se han llevado a cabo en los ultimos años, ya que no han podido erradicar las desigualdades de genero ni la situacion de marginacion. En este volumen se incluyen varios trabajos que, desde una perspectiva de genero, presentan una serie de analisis diferentes y proponen nuevas reflexiones.

Democracy in Mexico

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Christian Faith, Philosophy & International Relations

Book Description

International relations are in constant turbulence. Globalisation, the rise and fall of superpowers, the fragilisation of the EU, trade wars, real wars, terrorism, persecution, new nationalism and identity politics, climate change, are just a few of the recent disturbing developments. How can international issues be understood and addressed from a Christian faith perspective? In this book answers are presented from various Christian traditions: Neo-calvinism, Catholic social teaching, critical theory and Christian realism. The volume offers fundamental theological and Christian philosophical perspectives on international relations and global challenges, case studies about inspiring Christian leaders such as Robert Schuman, Dag Hammarskjöld, Abraham Kuyper and prophetic critiques of supranational issues.

Leading Public Sector Innovation

Book Description

In a time of unprecedented turbulence, how can public sector organisations increase their ability to find innovative solutions to society's problems? Leading Public Sector Innovation shows how government agencies can use co-creation to overcome barriers and deliver more value, at lower cost, to citizens and business. Through inspiring global case studies and practical examples, the book addresses the key triggers of public sector innovation. It shares new tools for citizen involvement through design thinking and ethnographic research, and pinpoints the leadership roles needed to drive innovation at all levels of government. Leading Public Sector Innovation is essential reading for public managers and staff, social innovators, business partners, researchers, consultants and others with a stake in the public sector of tomorrow.

Glosario Del Banco Mundial

Book Description

This edition of the World Bank has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit in the Languages Services Division of the World Bank in collaboration with the English, Spanish, and French Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using French and Spanish in their work, and free-lance translator's and interpreters employed by the Bank. For this reason, the Glossary contains not only financial and economic terminology and terms relating to the Bank's procedures and practices, but also terms that frequently occur in Bank documents, and others for which the Bank has a preferred equivalent. Although many of these terms, relating to such fields as agriculture, education, energy, housing, law, technology, and transportation, could be found in other sources, they have been assembled here for ease of reference. A list of acronyms occurring frequently in Bank texts (the terms to which they refer being found in the Glossary) and a list of international, regional, and national organizations will be found at the end of the Glossary.

The Politics of Civil Society Building

Book Description

Strengthening civil society may be all the rage in the international donor community, but what does it mean in practice? This seminal work critically examines the political aspects of civil society building and the role of non-governmental development aid agencies during recent democratic transitions in Central America.