La lectura sobrenatural de la Biblia

Book Description

John Piper pretende mostrarnos cómo Dios trabaja a través de su palabra escrita cuando buscamos el acto natural de leer la Biblia, de manera que experimentemos su poder “sight-giving” — un poder que se extiende más allá de las palabras en la página. John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sight-giving power — a power that extends beyond the words on the page.

Exultación expositiva

Book Description

La predicación cristiana es un medio designado por Dios para transformar a sus oyentes tanto en la mente como en el corazón. Con ejemplos claros de métodos específicos, Piper muestra a los predicadores cómo y qué comunicar desde el púlpito de una manera que toma en serio la tarea de manejar la Palabra de Dios semana tras semana en el contexto de, y como, la adoración cristiana. Christian preaching is a God-appointed means of transforming its hearers in both head and heart. With clear examples of specific methods, Piper shows preachers how and what to communicate from the pulpit in a way that takes seriously the task of handling the word of God week in and week out in the context of, and as, Christian worship.

Sagrada Biblia

Book Description


Book Description

Con el título Inteligencia espiritual y Biblia nos queremos referir a todo aquello que hace, que el libro más conocido de nuestro planeta, la Biblia,sea importante para la vida de las personas y las sociedades. No se rata de un libro más, que poco importa conocerlo o no. Se trata de una carta del mismo Dios-Amor a toda la humanidad, donde esta consignado todo su proyecto de amor desde la creación hasta los cielos nuevos y la tierra nueva que se nos promete.

The Supernatural Life

Book Description

Cindy Jacobs begins The Supernatural Life with a testimony of her first stirring encounter with the Holy Spirit. Her relationship with God was transformed, giving her the power of the supernatural in her life and the knowledge of how to release it. As in Acts 1:8, the Scriptures came alive to her more than ever before, and she found the capacity to witness boldly. With warmth, humor, and many revealing accounts, Jacobs shows that it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do what God wants you to accomplish in your life. Join the bestselling author of Women of Destiny and discover step by step how to invite the Holy Spirit into your own life for remarkable change.

Why We Believe in God(s)

Book Description

In this groundbreaking volume, J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD, with Clare Aukofer, offers a succinct yet comprehensive study of how and why the human mind generates religious belief. Dr. Thomson, a highly respected practicing psychiatrist with credentials in forensic psychiatry and evolutionary psychology, methodically investigates the components and causes of religious belief in the same way any scientist would investigate the movement of astronomical bodies or the evolution of life over time—that is, as a purely natural phenomenon. Providing compelling evidence from psychology, the cognitive neurosciences, and related fields, he, with Ms. Aukofer, presents an easily accessible and exceptionally convincing case that god(s) were created by man—not vice versa. With this slim volume, Dr. Thomson establishes himself as a must-read thinker and leading voice on the primacy of reason and science over superstition and religion.

Conexiones Vitales

Book Description

Conexiones Vitales tiene el propósito de guiar al lector en el mejoramiento de sus relaciones interpersonales. Tiene que ver con las líneas de vida a desarrollar a lo largo de nuestra existencia. Así como hay “líneas de vida” para los trabajadores que laboran en las alturas sobre andamios endebles; o enfermos en hospitales que están “conectados” para seguir viviendo, lo mismo, tú y yo requerimos de conexiones firmes y saludables que nos permitan vivir plena y saludablemente.

Predica sin hablar (Preach without talking)

Book Description

As Christians is very important to watch our way of speaking and acting, the world's eyes are upon us. This is known as ""good evidence"". According to the book of Proverbs, testimony amounts to fame, Let ensure that our reputation is positive. The foundation of this exhortation to people of God, have addressed in a fun way, using a narrative way of introduction. (Book in 3 formats: Print, Ebook and Audio, with the links inside in the last page)

Lecciones Cristianas libro del maestro trimestre de primavera 2020

Book Description

Lecciones Cristianas está escrito especialmente para las clases de adultos de habla hispana. Tiene como propósito ayudar a las personas adultas a crecer en su comprensión de la Biblia y la relación que tiene con la vida. El libro del líder provee sugerencias, preguntas para discutir y actividades importantes que ayudarán a hacer mejor la enseñanza de cada lección. Nuevas lecciones cada trimestre. Lecciones Cristianas helps Hispanic adults grow in their knowledge of the Bible and how it relates to their lives. The content of this excellent quarterly study is written especially for Spanish-speaking churches. The leader guide provides valuable suggestions for teaching the class, discussion questions, and class activities.

Library of Congress Catalog

Book Description

A cumulative list of works represented by Library of Congress printed cards.