The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Spanish Plays

Book Description

From a colonial past to a precarious European present, this selection of works by contemporary writers challenges the accepted vision of the Spain to explore the national themes, historical legacies and modern-day concerns of a country of great geographical and cultural diversity. A Basque History by Borja Ortiz de Gondra (2017 Max Award, Best Playwright) explores the impact of war, regional and national identity, language and culture on the Basque people of the Iberian north. The Sickness of Stone by Blanca Domenech. An idealistic restoration expert clashes with an old-school pragmatist over the best way to acknowledge and heal the wounds of Spain's bloody and oppressive past. Cuzco by Víctor Sánchez Rodríguez. A Spanish couple travels to Peru to save their relationship, but find themselves confronted by post-colonial guilt, depression and disconnectedness. The Greyhound by Vanessa Montfort. This comic tale of a homeless greyhound explores the clash between the EU's prosperous north and the austerity-stricken Mediterranean. On The Edge by Julio Escalada explores the little-known underworlds of Spain's North African territories where the fight for survival leads to prejudice, volatility and violence.

Pensando en Alta Voz

Book Description

SUMARIO Algo para empezar..........................................11 De niños a hombres.......................................17 Ñoo... Tremenda Gente....................................61 Cuba: Independiente o Dominada.....................104 El hombre colcho, o el amigo.....................150 Un hermano llamado el mejor........................200 La niña descocada.......................................247 Unos se van otros se quedan........................299 Reunidos en “tierra de libertad”.....................343 Del Combinado a la Yuma: Via Mariel............390 Todos en la misma cuerda........................439 Algo para terminar..........................................486

Las Principales Leyendas, Mitos, Historias y Cuentos de Chile

Book Description

Esta antología no pretende ser una recopilación científica o exhaustiva. Ha sido redactado con la aspiración de divulgar la riqueza de las esenciales leyendas, mitos, historias y cuentos de Chile. El libro recoge más de 125 de las más conocidas narraciones, mitos y leyendas que se han pasado oralmente de generación en generación y forman parte de la memoria popular chilena. Refleja así las creencias, costumbres y experiencias del pueblo chileno antes y después de la conquista española.

Aurora Bertrana

Book Description

Silvia Roig explores the narrative of Aurora Bertrana (1892-1974), an unknown writer today, but a successful and recognized female author in Catalonia and Spain during the 20th century. Aurora Bertrana's works are almost never mentioned in manuals of literature. Her rich, intellectual work has not received the attention it deserves, relegated almost to absolute oblivion. The author reviews and studies twenty-four of Bertrana's novels written in Catalan andSpanish, including: Ariatea (1960), El pomell de les violes (MS), L'inefable Philip (MS), La aldea sin hombres (mn.), La madrecita de los cerdos (MS), Entre dos silencis (1958), La ninfa d'argila (1959), Fracàs (1966) and La ciutat dels joves: reportatge fantasia (1971). She studies her work, published and unpublished, from a feminist approach, taking into account the intellectual history of Spain and Catalonia. Bertana's strong commitment to social issues reveals her association with the Modernist and Noucentists trends of her time. Bertrana's novels reveal a unique interest in non-Western cultures and lifestyles and her work undertakes controversial topics and socio-cultural issues, while she observes and draws special attention to the situation of women in different circumstances and cultural geographies. This book is therefore anchored on interpretive and theoretical parameters that intersect with consideration of gender, such as travel-and-gender and war-and-gender. Roig uses the work of feminists such as Simone De Beauvoir, Shulamith Firestone, Jelke Boesten, Margaret and Patrice Higonnet, Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Julia Kristeva to help assess Bertrana's engagement with gender and socio-political issues. This approach is particularly well suited for a writer like Bertrana, a Catalan and Republican intellectual woman forced into self-exile during the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco. Silvia Roig is a Faculty Member, BMCC Department of Modern Languages, The City University of New York.

A bordo de una isla

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Obras Completas

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Cinco Seamanas en Globo

Book Description

Las emociones que experimentamos al iniciar un viaje el placer ante el descubrimiento conocidos para el novelista frances Julio Verne. Desdu su biblioteca atestada de periodicos, revistas cientificas, mapas, almanaques y libros de viajes, Verne nos propone un reto: una aventura en la que participar observando los preparativos de la expedicion, admirando lugares remotos, no hallados, aun por el hombre, asombrandonos ante paisajes paradisiacos o animales salvajes, pueblos de otras razas y culturas. Asi el autor nos invita a un periplo imaginario donde el placer de conocer no cede a las fuertes imprisiones de una arriesgada travesia cargada de peligros y sorpresas. En la Inglaterra de finales del siglo XIX los circulos cientificos solohablan de un suceso: un explorador tozudo y voluntarioso, un experto cazador y un criado oficioso y dicharachero pretenden Ilevar a cabo la mas osada aventura que pudiera imaginarse, a bordo de un ingenio volador extrano y peligroso. Y aqui comienza tambien nuestro apasionante viaje de la mano de Julio Verne.


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Consists of English translations of articles in the Spanish American press.

La Voz

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