Asi somos los espanoles

Book Description

Así somos los españoles provides advanced students with a genuine insight into Spanish culture via a range of practical activities and exercises. The courses includes many unscripted recordings of interviews with Spaniards from a variety of geographical areas. Students explore these recordings through activities designed to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. This course suitable for classroom use or independent learning.

Informe nacional sobre el desarrollo de la educación

Book Description

Publicación bilingüe de algunos aspectos generales del sistema educativo como la legislación, la administración educativa, etc.

The School-Based Vocational Education and Training System in Spain

Book Description

This book discusses the developments in policy and practice in the field of formal, non-formal and continuing vocational education and training in Spain since 1970. It describes how VET has been transformed and become one of the country’s main areas of pedagogical innovation, and also examines current developments, such as the role of non-formal vocational education and training, the accreditation of vocational qualifications acquired in the non-formal system, and the adoption of dual apprenticeships that bear little resemblance to central European dual systems. Written by respected researchers in these fields, the first section is informative and analytical, offering a description of the system and comments based on academic literature and research. The second section illustrates the research on relevant issues, portraying empirical data from different regions in Spain, as well as nationwide data. Explaining and interpreting data on the basis of the authors’ different theoretical frameworks, the book provides a comprehensive, updated and accurate overview of VET and relevant research in Spain, as well as their relation to European and global developments.

Education and Training Policy Qualifications Systems

Book Description

After reviewing policies and practice in 15 countries, this book presents nine broad policy responses to the lifelong learning agenda that relate directly to national qualifications systems. They also identify twenty linkages between qualifications systems and lifelong learning goals.

Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico. Nancy Caroline. Volumen 1 Impreso, Volumen 2 libro electrónico. En español.

Book Description

El Programa de Formación Profesional del Paramédico, de Nancy Caroline, segunda edición, es la evolución más reciente del principal programa de formación académica para paramédicos.

La educación mediática y los profesionales de la comunicación

Book Description

Este libro recoge los testimonios de los profesionales de la comunicación sobre un asunto de máxima actualidad y da algunas respuestas a preguntas tales sobre: ¿Cómo enfocar las múltiples alfabetizaciones necesarias para reforzar la formación de una ciudadanía más educada? ¿En qué competencias deberíamos formar a los ciudadanos? ¿Cuáles son los principales contenidos que los profesionales de la comunicación deberían conocer? ¿Cómo renovar unas metodologías docentes obsoletas que no se corresponden con las exigencias del actual universo transmedia?

The Lighthouse Function of Social Law

Book Description

This is the conference book for the XIV European Regional Congress of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law, dedicated to the interactions between social law and other areas of law. In recent years, labour law and social security law have been subject to various reforms and developments. Social law is however not an isolated domain but rather interacts with other fields, often even functioning as a guide or giving direction to those lost at sea. In other words: serving as a lighthouse. The key aspect addressed in this book is the existence of a connection between social law sensu stricto (labour law and social security law) and other areas of law. Pursuing an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, it gathers contributions on topical and challenging issues in four broad areas: 1. Basic and fundamental principles of European social law 2. The future in the light of the past 3. The impact of regionalisation 4. Enforcement in social law In turn, various developments can be identified in connection with these topics: the emergence of social criminal law is creating new overlaps between social and criminal law; the growing number of administrative law sanctions offers new insights into and connections between social security law and administrative law; the increasing similarity of employment in the public and private sectors raises questions about the applicability of administrative law in labour law relations; the relation between the ECHR and the articles of the Constitution opens up new perspectives on the constitutional interpretation of freedoms and on the interaction between human rights, constitutional law and social law; and lastly, there is a growing influence of EU law and international treaty law (concerning trade) on social law. Can we, by looking at these developments, draw certain conclusions at a different and innovative level? The contributions were selected by an international working group of distinguished scholars from across Europe.

New Media Pedagogy: Research Trends, Methodological Challenges and Successful Implementations

Book Description

This volume constitutes selected papers presented during the First International Conference on New Media Pedagogy: Research Trends, Methodological Challenges and Successful Implementations, NMP 2022, held in Kraków, Poland, in October 2022. The 20 papers presented were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 55 qualified submissions. They present recent research in the areas of teacher education in the information society, digitally-enhanced didactics, pedagogical innovations using ICT, e-learning, blended learning, crisis e-learning, digital inclusion and exclusion, identity of media pedagogy, and more.

Museum education / Médiation culturelle - éducation muséale / Educación museal - mediación cultural

Book Description

ICOM Education is the annual journal issued by CECA, the international Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) network. The journal publishes papers written by museum professionals as well as academic researchers around the world in order to foster the reflection on the themes which are the committee's raison d'être: museum education, cultural action and audience research. This issue is dedicated to museum education, looking into the different meanings and understandings of the words as well as the various implementations in the museums all over the world.

El MéTodo Arenas

Book Description

Miguel Arenas Vargas, creador del método educativo que lleva su nombre, nació en la ciudad de México, Distrito Federal, el 14 de julio de 1940. Ha dedicado su vida a la formación de científicos independientes en pequeñas comunidades esparcidas en la periferia de la república mexicana a partir del reconocimiento que la sociedad mexicana, así como la de muchos países con economías en desarrollo necesitan de científicos para poder acceder a mejores condiciones de vida para sus habitantes. Al tratar de responder la pregunta: ¿Cómo aprende el hombre?, propone una revolución en la educación para la salud humana, la salud animal y el aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, mediante innovaciones educativas que centran al estudiante en el aprendizaje auto‐dirigido y en la investigación como método de estudio. Este libro es producto de 30 años de trabajo pedagógico por parte de Joel López-Pérez y y17 años de inmersión en la innovación educativa por parte de Susana Juárez-López, ambos comprometidos con la formación de investigadores al lado de Miguel Arenas. El Método Arenas (MA) utiliza las estrategias del PBL (Problem Based Learning) ligado a otras técnicas de aprendizaje grupales, como los grupos operativos de Pichón Riviere, y las Comunidades de Práctica (COPs) ampliamente estudiadas por Jean Lave y Etienne Wenger desde la última década del siglo XX, para hacer de las reuniones de discusión una experiencia óptima que fluye para hacer consciente el inconsciente y generar cambios en la mente de los participantes. El componente educativo fundamental de este revolucionario método es el acto consciente, ya que las cosas adquieren importancia para nosotros cuando somos conscientes de su existencia, que es el pensamiento central en los grupos que han adoptado las formas de preceder propuestas por Miguel Arenas.