La pandemia de COVID-19 y un nuevo orden mundial

Book Description

Las consecuencias del coronavirus son de distinto orden. En este libro se consideran algunas de las que afectan el orden mundial, el cual tendrá diversos impactos en la pospandemia. La pandemia de covid-19 no ha sido la primera ni tampoco será la última, en un mundo en el que la humanidad no ha sabido guardar la debida relación con la naturaleza y con el planeta. Se ha reaccionado con interpretaciones variadas sobre el coronavirus, algunas racionales y otras disparatadas que incorporan teorías lineales y hasta conspirativas. Hay visiones que invitan a pensar en el futuro en derivas autoritarias innecesarias frente a las del respeto de las libertades individuales democráticas, en un clima de generalización de sistemas de vigilancia y de tecnologías digitales de control lideradas por China, pero utilizadas también por algunos Gobiernos en Occidente. El comportamiento chino se ofrece como modelo para el mundo, lo cual plantea disyuntivas para países latinoamericanos de alineamientos diferentes frente al nuevo poder y el alineamiento tradicional con Estados Unidos. Este entorno ofrece la posibilidad de pensar en un régimen político mundial fundamentado en experiencias maquiavelianas, pero sin descuidar el trasfondo político de un terrorismo siempre activo y vigente y de los fuertes cambios en el entorno geoeconómico con el acortamiento de las cadenas globales de valor en su espacialidad transcontinental.

La pospandemia y políticas públicas para enfrentarla

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Este libro tiene el objetivo de analizar las alternativas de política pública necesarias para la preservación de la salud de la población, la reactivación de la economía y la definición de un marco institucional que facilite las relaciones entre individuos en un contexto pospandémico, mediante un enfoque multidimensional. En ese sentido, se analizan los antecedentes de las pandemias de carácter universal, el rol de las organizaciones internacionales, el papel de los bienes públicos globales, los modelos de gobernanza global desde un contexto glocal, las tendencias en investigación acerca de pandemias y sostenibilidad, los nuevos retos del Estado, el financiamiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, los incentivos fiscales a la innovación en inteligencia artificial y la utilidad de los modelos matemáticos para la toma de decisiones de política pública. De esta manera, se presenta un análisis ordenado de los retos que enfrenta la sociedad en la actualidad, con su explicación y atención mediante alternativas de acción pública. Por lo tanto, es una guía sobre el rol y la capacidad que deben desarrollar coordinadamente los funcionarios nacionales, junto a las organizaciones internacionales, para influir la definición de políticas que reorganicen el equilibrio mundial.

Handbook of Research on Emerging Business Models and the New World Economic Order

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The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a radical change in both the economic and business paradigms that have ruled countries for decades. Emerging models are leading to a new world economic order predictably led by China and the United States. New forms of organization, new ways of working remotely, the strengthening of some industries to the detriment of others, and the supremacy of technology to be able to work are going to change the economies as we know them today. The Handbook of Research on Emerging Business Models and the New World Economic Order offers strategies, economic policies, social, economic, and political trends that will affect organizations to increase their efficiency and labor productivity and change the world’s business and financial structures. This book forecasts future business changes and prospective models, structural or not, for guiding the survival of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), multinationals, family firms, entrepreneurs, and NGOs in the post-COVID-19 era. Covering topics such as business model creation, global sustainable logistics 4.0, and social and solidarity economy, this text is essential for economists, entrepreneurs, managers, executives, family firms, SMEs, business professionals, policymakers, students, researchers, practitioners, and academicians.

Pandemic and Narration: Covid-19 Narratives in Latin America

Book Description

'Pandemic and Narration: Covid-19 Narratives in Latin America' sheds light on how, as Covid-19 spread, infecting and killing millions across the world, life not only continued to be experienced but also continued to be narrated. By putting together this volume, we help understand what happened in the region from a perspective in which, unlike most of what we saw during the health emergency, numbers, statistics and percentages are not at the centre of the analysis. The essays gathered here foreground something else: the manifold ways Covid-19 was subjectively and collectively narrated in the news, government reports, political speeches, NGO communications, social media, literature, songs and many other media. From a wide range of disciplinary approaches, the contributors to this edition pay attention to how fictional and non-fictional stories, official discourses, as well as personal and political accounts, documented, represented and shaped the health crisis, laying bare how —in Latin American countries— the spread of the virus intersected with corruption, gender-based violence, inequality and exclusion, as with community, solidarity and hope. Readers will find that the focus on narrative provides an alternative source of knowledge on Latin America’s Covid-19 experience. Our perspective contrasts with the usual emphasis on death tolls, infection rates, weekly cases, vaccination counts, and the plethora of statistics that illustrated the gravity of the situation in the build-up to, during, and after the peak of the crisis. While extremely important to understand the situation, numbers do not tell the whole story. A comprehensive picture of the pandemic can only be achieved when the stories of the virus are accounted for. Health, after all, is no stranger to narrative. And neither is Latin America.

El Milagro de Sunem

Book Description

Si nos dejamos seducir por la unción y permitimos que nos atrape, nunca más seremos los mismos, veremos la gloria de Dios. El Milagro de Sunem: “Atraídos por la unción”, pretende romper el monopolio de la atracción secular y despertar en nuestro espíritu el hambre por la unción del Espíritu Santo, aquella que rompe cadenas y pudre los yugos y nos hace libres. Hoy más que nunca este mundo necesita no solo la proclamación del evangelio, sino también la demostración del poder de Dios; la iglesia debe ser el Eliseo de Dios en la Tierra: atractiva y poderosa que haga retroceder aun al mismo infierno. Si quieres algo más y deseas ver lo sobrenatural en tu vida, bienvenido a esta fascinante historia en la olvidada e insignificante ciudad de Sunem


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The World Under the Domination of the Power Elites

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This book tells the story of several characters who, from 1773, established a project in a house in Frankfurt on the "Judenstrasse" to pave the way for a World Government.However, the people mentioned in this book have absolutely nothing to do with any dogma and don't belong to any nation. They are neither left nor liberal, but they use all institutions to pursue their aims.Indeed, they are not part of any organization, but they often use strategies to hide possible research and create confusion and consequently steer people to a false path. To get to their objectives, these people use Christians, Jews, Communists, Fascists, Zionists, Mormons, Atheists, poor or rich, of all!According to the experts, the people mentioned above are called the "Illuminati" (the enlightened, the ones who know), Big Brother, the invisible government, the gray men, the shadow government, the secret government. The Illuminati's actions in the world date back about 3,000 years before Christ when they infiltrated the "Snake Brotherhood" in Mesopotamia. After 3,000 years, it was succeeded by other groups, such as Jews, Christians, Freemasons, or other religious communities.What started in the past, continues to work on the same terms, so we just have to look at the current situation to see where the problem is. The Illuminati control everything in Europe, the United States, and most of the world. Their secret war against humanity is designed to make us accept their tyranny, in other words, a "World Government."As media owners, they begin and determine their outcome. Moreover, they are responsible for the depressions, and the war against terrorism is a pretext for promoting more conflicts. The Illuminati govern through their control of large companies (agreements between cartels, finance, oil, defense, pharmaceuticals, media, etc.), as well as governments, secret societies, intelligence agencies, armies, judiciary, churches, foundations, think tanks, NGOs and the education system. The Chatham House in London and the New York-based "Pratt House" are two main control mechanisms. The power of the Illuminati is ubiquitous, but the masses do not even know their existence.Fritz Springmeier, one of the pioneering investigators, describes the Illuminati's activities as follows: "The Illuminati are the most influential people in the world. They are an elite group - I call them tribes or families - there are 13 main lineages. They lead a double life. They have a life that the world sees and then they have a hidden life that the world doesn't see. There have been very few people who have been able to decipher their secrets. The first 13 lines are the Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Reynolds, Krupp, Russell... the thirteenth lineage concern the Merovingians . I just call it the thirteenth, and then there's the Illuminati Van Duyn lineage. Lineage 13, is extremely important, as it includes the royal families of Europe."A former Illuminati named John Todd says: "the Illuminati spend a lot of money to corrupt people, especially evangelists and Christian preachers: A lot of what you see in churches, thinking this is liberalism is just an illusion. It's difficult for a ministry to reject half a million dollars and they can get even higher amounts. One church got eight million dollars in two years, and another, ten million dollars in a year!"An example of the actions of these gray men: During the American Civil War (1861-1865) northern states (opposed to slavery) fought the southern states (favorable to the maintenance of slavery). Before the war, the Rothschild family sent agents to support the position of Union between the northern states, and at the same time, other Rothschild agents provoked an attitude against the Union among the southern states. When the war broke out, London's Rothschild Bank financed the northern states and southern states.

La covid-19 y la integración ante los desafíos de un nuevo orden mundial

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Cuando pase la pandemia y sobrevenga la pospandemia, habrá que enfrentar los profundos cambios en el sistema internacional que conducirán hacia un nuevo orden mundial. Dichos cambios cubren diversos frentes: el económico, el geopolítico, el social o el ambiental, y un instrumento como la integración se debe preparar para atender de manera cooperativa, solidaria y consensuada tales retos. En el ámbito económico se produce una revalorización de la actuación de los Estados mediante políticas públicas orientadas inicialmente de manera prioritaria hacia la salud, pero que derivarán hacia otros temas de política social en materia de empleo y reactivación económica. Así, se consolidarán nuevas formas de encadenamientos productivos y de establecimiento de políticas públicas orientadas a priorizar medidas correspondientes a un Estado de bienestar, donde los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible adquieren prioridad, así como todas las políticas relacionadas con las problemáticas medioambientales. Estas medidas estarán acompañadas de una revalorización del manejo multilateral mediante reformas institucionales y acuerdos globales, influenciados a la vez por una gran disputa del liderazgo mundial entre los Estados Unidos y China, pero en un contexto de regionalización con diferentes áreas del planeta ejerciendo algún papel protagónico, como Asia Oriental y Medio Oriente. Los países de América Latina poco lograrán de manera individual y desorganizada, por lo cual un reto en la pospandemia es reactivar sus procesos de integración para atender las enormes necesidades y requerimientos del mejor modo posible. Académicos investigadores integrantes del Grupo de Reflexión sobre Integración y Desarrollo en América Latina y Europa (Gridale) analizan los desafíos de un nuevo orden mundial como consecuencia de la covid-19.

Africa Uprising

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From Egypt to South Africa, Nigeria to Ethiopia, a new force for political change is emerging across Africa: popular protest. Widespread urban uprisings by youth, the unemployed, trade unions, activists, writers, artists, and religious groups are challenging injustice and inequality. What is driving this new wave of protest? Is it the key to substantive political change? Drawing on interviews and in-depth analysis, Adam Branch and Zachariah Mampilly offer a penetrating assessment of contemporary African protests, situating the current popular activism within its historical and regional contexts.