From Filippo Lippi to Piero Della Francesca

Book Description

In doing so, it examines the art of Florence in the 1440s and the work of, among others, Fra Filippo Lippi, Domenico Veneziano, Luca della Robbia, and Michelozzo."--BOOK JACKET.

Carlo Crivelli

Book Description

Venetian artist Carlo Crivelli (c. 1430–1495) is a painter whose individuality of style and mastery of powerful line have fascinated many, but whose life and art have remained enigmatic. This absorbing book, drawing on extensive research in Venice and the Marches, the region of central Italy that Crivelli dominated artistically from 1468 until his death, examines his paintings in depth and traces the fundamental influences of the Vivarini, of Squarcione and Mantegna, and later of Flemish art. Ronald Lightbown, eminent historian of Italian Renaissance art, interweaves stylistic and iconographical analysis of Crivelli’s work with historical and cultural background. The author uncovers the reasons that led patrons to choose the saints that figured in Crivelli’s altarpieces, discusses the initiations of new cults and the devising of an iconography for them, and demonstrates Crivelli’s independence from clerical dictation in the symbolism of his still-life pictures.

La città ideale

Book Description

La mostra si propone di dimostrare come la tavola dipinta, conosciuta come Città Ideale, conservata nella Galleria Nazionale delle Marche a Urbino, rappresenti, insieme con i dipinti gemelli -col medesimo soggetto- di Berlino e Baltimora, il compendio della civiltà rinascimentale fiorita ad Urbino e nel Montefeltro, nella seconda metà del Quattrocento, ad opera di Federico da Montefeltro, Duca di Urbino; il più dotto ed illuminato fra i signori del suo tempo. Il dipinto, nella perfezione della veduta prospettica che vi si rappresenta, è certamente il risultato di ricerche e speculazioni a tutto campo, sia sotto il profilo specificamente architettonico ed ingegneristico che nel campo filosofico, nonché matematico; tanto da far guadagnare alla civiltà urbinate quattrocentesca l'efficace titolo di capitale del "rinascimento matematico" (André Chastel).

A Heritage of Holy Wood: The Legend of the True Cross in Text and Image

Book Description

This fascinating study reconstructs the tradition of the Legend of the True Cross in text and image, from its tentative beginnings in 4th-century Jerusalem to the culminating expression of its multi-layered cosmic content in 14th and 15th-century monumental cycles in Germany and Italy.

Encyclopedia of World Art

Book Description

Subject matter consists of representational arts in the broadest sense, architecture, sculpture, painting, and other man-made objects with no limits as to time, place, or cultural environment.