Derechos humanos y transformación política en contextos de violencia

Book Description

Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.

Derechos humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea

Book Description

En este libro, en 15 capítulos, en español, inglés y francés, se abordan temas como la inmigración irregular en el ámbito mediterráneo, la participación de las Organizaciones Internacionales en la gestión de la inmigración irregular, los Derechos Humanos de los inmigrantes en situación irregular, los inmigrantes en situación irregular en el Derecho Español e inmigración irregular y derecho de asilo.En la realidad soplan malos vientos para los inmigrantes, en general, y especialmente para aquellos que se hallan en situación irregular, sea originaria o sobrevenida. Así lo prueban la Directiva de retorno (con toda justicia calificada como «Directiva de la vergüenza») y la Directiva de sanción a los empleadores de personas en situación irregular{ y también puede decirse que existe un empeoramiento de ciertas legislaciones estatales, como la italiana, la francesa, etc. Frecuentemente se utiliza un peligroso mito para referirse a estas personas: son calificadas como «ilegales», a pesar de que ninguna persona lo es. El mito esconde importantes dosis de xenofobia y de criminalización de personas que simplemente han atravesado irregularmente una frontera o se hallan con una documentación caducada.El respeto de los Derechos Humanos de las personas en situación irregular no siempre se produce en nuestros democráticos Estados de Derecho{ en ellos surge con demasiada frecuencia el cinismo del doble o triple lenguaje. El respeto efectivo de los Derechos Humanos (universales, indivisibles, interdependientes, inalienables e irrenunciables) interesa a todos y a todas. Cuando algún grupo de personas sufre su violación, otras personas (en esta hipótesis, muchos ciudadanos de la Unión) no se dan cuenta de que se cuestiona, sufre y peligra la misma esencia de la democracia.

The Migration Conference Abstracts Book

Book Description

The Migration Conference is the largest international annual academic event on migration with a global scope and participation. Participants of the TMC2022 Rabat have come from all around the world presenting and discussing migration. Researchers from over 70 countries have presented their work at the Conference. The conference entertained 3 plenary sessions, 6 panel discussions, 4 workshops, and 1 movie screening over four days. 8 sessions were held in French and Arabic, while 6 sessions in Spanish and 3 sessions were in Turkish. The topics covered in the conference included integration, acculturation, migration policy and law, labour markets, theory and methods in migration studies, culture, communication, climate change, conflicts, insecurities, media, gender, remittances, high skilled migration and several other key topics. Several sessions have focused on migration in Morocco and North Africa. @migrationevent Email: [email protected]

Humanitarian Crises and Migration

Book Description

Whether it is the stranding of tens of thousands of migrant workers at the Libyan–Tunisian border, or the large-scale displacement triggered by floods in Pakistan and Colombia, hardly a week goes by in which humanitarian crises have not precipitated human movement. While some people move internally, others internationally, some temporarily and others permanently, there are also those who become "trapped" in place, unable to move to greater safety. Responses to these "crisis migrations" are varied and inadequate. Only a fraction of "crisis migrants" are protected by existing international, regional or national law. Even where law exists, practice does not necessarily guarantee safety and security for those who are forced to move or remain trapped. Improvements are desperately needed to ensure more consistent and effective responses. This timely book brings together leading experts from multi-disciplinary backgrounds to reflect on diverse humanitarian crises and to shed light on a series of exploratory questions: In what ways do people move in the face of crisis situations? Why do some people move, while others do not? Where do people move? When do people move, and for how long? What are the challenges and opportunities in providing protection to crisis migrants? How might we formulate appropriate responses and sustainable solutions, and upon what factors should these depend? This volume is divided into four parts, with an introductory section outlining the parameters of "crisis migration," conceptualizing the term and evaluating its utility. This section also explores the legal, policy and institutional architecture upon which current responses are based. Part II presents a diverse set of case studies, from the earthquake in Haiti and the widespread violence in Mexico, to the ongoing exodus from Somalia, and environmental degradation in Alaska and the Carteret Islands, among others. Part III focuses on populations that may be at particular risk, including non-citizens, migrants at sea, those displaced to urban areas, and trapped populations. The concluding section maps the global governance of crisis migration and highlights gaps in current provisions for crisis-related movement across multiple levels. This valuable book brings together previously diffuse research and policy issues under the analytical umbrella of "crisis migration." It lays the foundations for assessing and addressing real challenges to the status quo, and will be of interest to scholars, policy makers, and practitioners committed to seeking out improved responses and ensuring the dignity and safety of millions who move in the context of humanitarian crises.

The Migration Conference 2021 Selected Papers

Book Description

This is a collection of self-selected papers presented at The Migration Conference 2021 London. COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions and difficulties in international travel forced us to run the TMC online for a second time. It is a new and improving experience for most of us and there is strong hints that the conference will continue in hybrid form in the near future. As usual we have invited participants to submit 2000 words papers for the proceedings book and this volume brings you these papers. Topics covered in the volume includes gender, education, mass movements, refugees, religion, identity, migration policy, culture, diplomacy, remittances, climate, water, environment and pretty much everything about migration. Most of the papers are in English, but there are some in French, Spanish and Turkish too. This is a great book for those who want short accounts on all aspects of migration and refugees.

Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights / Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, Volume 36 (2020) (VOLUME II)

Book Description

This Yearbook aims to contribute to a greater awareness of the functions and activities of the organs of the Inter-American system for the protection of human rights. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. NB: This book is part of a three volume set. Each volume should be ordered separately!Vol 1 isbn 978-90-04-44560-4Vol 2 isbn 978-90-04-50440-0Vol 3 isbn 978-90-04-50991-7

The Human Rights of Migrants

Book Description

Includes statistics.

The Migration Conference 2024 Abstracts

Book Description

The Migration Conference 2024 Abstracts for 5 days full of research, debates and discussions on migration and all relevant topics and areas from Iberoamericana Universidad in Mexico City.