La recherche en éducation muséale

Book Description

Des textes qui s'intéressent à des thèmes aussi diversifiés que les perspectives de la recherche en éducation muséale, le partenariat école-musée, les liens entre l'éducation muséale et les expositions, les formes que prend l'éducation muséale au sein des musées d'art ou, de manière plus large, le musée comme lieu d'apprentissage.

Contemporary research trends in museum education

Book Description

Les recherches regroupées dans ce présent volume sont présentées en lien avec trois grands courants de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales?: les études par voie d'enquête, les études sur le développement et l'apprentissage en contextes éducatifs informels et les recherches en lien avec les nouvelles technologies éducatives.

Museum education / Médiation culturelle - éducation muséale / Educación museal - mediación cultural

Book Description

ICOM Education is the annual journal issued by CECA, the international Committee for Education and Cultural Action of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) network. The journal publishes papers written by museum professionals as well as academic researchers around the world in order to foster the reflection on the themes which are the committee's raison d'être: museum education, cultural action and audience research. This issue is dedicated to museum education, looking into the different meanings and understandings of the words as well as the various implementations in the museums all over the world.

Education in museums as seen in Canada, the United States and Europe

Book Description

L'éducation muséale vue du Canada des États-Unis et d'Europe?, tel est le thème unificateur qui regroupe les sujets traités lors de deux colloques du Groupe d'Intérêt Spécialisé sur l'Éducation et les Musées (GISEM) qui ont eu lieu en 2003 à Halifax en Nouvelle-Écosse à la Dalhousie University et en 2004 à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, à la University of Manitoba. Ils se sont tenus sous l'égide de la Société canadienne des chercheurs en éducation et se sont déroulés lors des congrès de la Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éducation. Cette publication comprend les textes de chercheurs universitaires et de chercheurs en contexte muséal. Ceux-ci nous présentent leurs recherches récentes ayant comme préoccupation d'origine la qualité des expériences muséales des visiteurs.

Special issue on research

Book Description

CONTENTS / SOMMAIRE / INDICE Colette Dufresne-Tassé, Introduction / Introduction / Introducción Theoretical research / Recherche théorique / Investigación teóretica Ricardo Rubiales García Jurado, Reflexiones desde la educación contemporánea – el visitante en el centro de la acción museística Historical research / Recherche historique / Investigación historica Michel Allard, La fonction éducative dans l’histoire des musées québécois (1824-2015) Nicole Gesché-Koning, The avant-garde of European museum education in Belgium Sofia Trouli, Insights into the genealogy of museum education in Greece: early compatible views on the importance of museum education expressed at two international meetings in Athens Emprirical research / Recherche empirique / Investigación empirica Fernanda de Lima Souza and Adriana Mortara Almeida, The History Museum of the Instituto Butantan: visitor’s profile and perception Maria Esther A. Valente, Andréa F. Costa and Flávia Requeijo, The audience of a science museum and the concept of time Silvia Alderoqui y María Cristina Linares (coords.), Participación y representación de los visitantes en el Museo de las Escuelas Alexandra Tranta, Assimilating the museum experience: Dimensions of the education of potential museum educators, based on the results of a limited survey among students of Preschool Education Magaly Cabral, Does a summer camp favour the relationship with the museum? Rosane Maria Rocha de Carvalho, Public opinion survey of users of the gardens of the Museu da República in Rio de Janeiro

The Presented Past

Book Description

"Most of the chapters were first prepared for the Education theme at the Second World Archaeological Congress (WAC 2), Barquisimeto, Venezuela in September 1990"--Pref.

Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces

Book Description

For two centuries, the school system has been a central point around which other players have gravitated: local authorities, voluntary organizations and the world of work. Over the course of the 20th century, this school centric configuration underwent a transformation, with local authorities tending to become integrated into the vertical culture of the school system. This was only the beginning of a process that brought schools and socio cultural players into constant contact. Cultural, Training and Educational Spaces first examines the relationships with knowledge generated by the links between the school system and other cultural, training and educational spaces, taking a historical, pedagogical and philosophical perspective. Easy access to learning materials creates different relationships with knowledge than those observed in schools. The book then looks at the pedagogical practices in these different cultural educational spaces, such as libraries and media libraries, museums and historical sites, places of heritage, history and entertainment, social networks and other multimedia formats.

Museums and Written Communication

Book Description

This volume brings together 30 museum experts (26 in English and 4 in French) to lift the lid on museum print and texts. Contributions were originally presented at the UNESCO World Book Capital of 2012, a timely and far-sighted conference held in Armenia. If text is essential to communication, how can museums be sure that what they offer will engage, interpret or even transform the visitor, the tourist or the scholar? This book offers a wealth of answers to this question and related concerns.

Museum, Media, Message

Book Description

Collecting together a group of talented writers, Museum, Media, Message considers, in depth, the most up-to-date approaches to museum communication including: museums as media; museums and audience; and the evaluation of museums. Addressing the need for museums to develop better knowledge of visitor experience, this volume introduces a broad range of issues, and presents the ultimate how, why and who of museum communication. Museum, Media, Message combines philosophical discussion, practical examples and case studies and examines museum communication in three sections: analyzing how museums and galleries construct and transmit complex systems of value through processes of collection and exhibition raising philosophical and management issues and exploration of work with specific audiences introducing methods for studying the audiences’ experiences of communication events in museums. Perfect for people who want to develop a more critical and informed professional museum practice, and for students looking to enhance their skills of analysis and reflection, this book is of value to anyone interested in the current debates and issues of this new and growing field.

Crossing the Line in Africa

Book Description

This book explores a collective understanding of the perception and treatment of borders in Africa. The notion of boundary is universal as boundaries are also an important part of human social organization. Through the ages, boundaries have remained the container by which national space is delineated and contained. For as long as there has been human society based on territoriality and space, there have been boundaries. With their dual character of exclusivism and inclusivism, states have proven to adopt a more structural approach to the respect of the former in consciousness of the esteem of international law governing sovereignty and territorial integrity. However, frontier peoples and their realities have often opted for the latter situation, imposing a more functionalist perception of these imaginary lines and prompting a border opinion shift to a more blurring form of representation and meaning in most African communities. This collective multidisciplinary effort of understanding how tangible and intangible borders have influenced Africas attitude and existence for ages is worthy in its own rights. The difference between what borders are and what they are not to a people is the mere product of their own estimations and practices, a disposition that leads the contributors to this book to study borders beyond states or nations and how borders are crossed or transferred from one point to the other for the convenience of their histories and being.