La Historia Secreta de los Jesuitas

Book Description

Secretos de los jesuitas no quieren a los cristianos a conocer. Desde Europa escuchamos una voz del mundo secular que documenta, históricamente, la misma información que nos fue dada por ex sacerdotes. Edmond Paris expone con valentía la intervención del Vaticano en la política y en las intrigas mundiales, además de fomentar guerras a través de la historia. Se ve, sin duda alguna, que la institución católica romana no es una iglesia cristiana y jamás lo fue. Proféticamente, es la ramera de la que habla Apocalipsis 17—18. El pobre pueblo católico romano ha sido traicionado por ella y está enfrentando una tragedia espiritual. Quiera Dios usar este libro para ayudarle a hacer un nuevo compromiso, de guiar a los amados católicos romanos al Cristo vivo y verdadero de la Biblia, de modo que sus almas puedan ser salvadas. El autor Edmond París explica porqué él escribió este libro... "La gente prácticamente desconoce la enorme responsabilidad del Vaticano y de los jesuitas en el inicio de las dos guerras mundiales; esto, en parte, se debió a los grandes recursos financieros que el Vaticano y los jesuitas tenían a su disposición, dándoles poder en muchos ámbitos, especialmente después del último conflicto. "En realidad, su papel en aquellos trágicos eventos casi no se ha mencionado sino hasta estos tiempos, excepto por apologistas deseosos de encubrirlo. A fin de rectificar esto y dar a conocer los hechos, presentamos en este libro y en otros la actividad política del Vaticano durante la época contemporánea, la cual tiene que ver también con los jesuitas. "Este estudio se basa en irrefutables documentos de archivo, en publicaciones de conocidos políticos, diplomáticos, embajadores y escritores eminentes —en su mayoría, católicos—, legalizadas incluso por el imprimátur."

The Consul at Rome

Book Description

In modern times there have been studies of the Roman Republican institutions as a whole as well as in-depth analyses of the senate, the popular assemblies, the tribunate of the plebs, the aedileship, the praetorship and the censorship. However, the consulship, the highest magistracy of the Roman Republic, has not received the same attention from scholars. The purpose of this book is to analyse the tasks that consuls performed in the civil sphere during their term of office between the years 367 and 50 BC, using the preserved ancient sources as its basis. In short, it is a study of the consuls 'at work', both within and outside the city of Rome, in such varied fields as religion, diplomacy, legislation, jurisdiction, colonisation, elections, and day-to-day politics. Clearly and accessibly written, it will provide an indispensable reference work for all scholars and students of the history of the Roman Republic.

The Censors as Guardians of Public and Family Life in the Roman Republic

Book Description

This volume explores the effects of the Roman censorial mark (nota censoria) and the influence of censorial regulations on the development of written law in ancient Rome. The censor was one of the most fascinating legal institutions of Republican Rome. One of the most colourful and anecdotal areas of censorial activities was in the upkeep of public morals (regimen morum) through which censors controlled private, even intimate, aspects of Roman life. Although the office of the censor has been studied by various scholars from prosopographical, historical, and social perspectives, there has been no comprehensive study of its impact on the development of written law. This book aims to full the gap by providing an overview of the applications of the nota censoria to demonstrate its impact on the development of numerous regulations in the field of private and public laws during the Republican and Imperial periods. This book explores the relationship between magistrate law (ius honorarium) and regimen morum, and how the activities of the censors in this area influenced the formation of praetorian edicts and later legislation during the Principate period, most notably the marriage laws of Augustus. By examining the influence of the censor and the censorial nota in these spheres, readers will gain a new understanding of the overall significance of the censor's office in shaping the Roman legal order. The Censors as Guardians of Public and Family Life in the Roman Republic will be of interest to students and scholars of Roman law in both the Republican and Imperial periods, as well as to those interested in Roman moral attitudes and society more broadly.

Locuciones Latinas En Materia Juridica

Book Description

El presente manuscrito es una compilación de diversas Locuciones Latinas en Materia Jurídica. No es una guía de Derecho. Tampoco una exposición doctrinaria de las locuciones plasmadas, sólo se busca mostrar sencillamente, algunas locuciones y vocablos visualizados en diversos textos, cuyos autores se exponen en la bibliografía, haciendo con mucho respeto hacia ellos. De inicio se muestra un capítulo de "introducción", con lo que se busca explicar la importancia del contenido, se detalla una "breve historia romana" alusiva a los "orígenes de la península italiana", los "pueblos que conformaron la península itálica", sobre todo los pueblos que se establecieron en la región del Lazio, (centro-sur de Italia), los etruscos, (norte-centro de Italia) y los colonizadores griegos que se establecieron en el sur de Italia, todos ellos contribuyeron al crecimiento de Roma a partir de su fundación en el siglo VIII a.C. La obra de "Rómulo y Remo", "La Monarquía", "La República, "El Imperio" (sus emperadores y su ocaso); cómo surge el "Derecho Romano", y "el uso del latín en el derecho". Con la explicación breve en cada una de las locuciones y vocablos, (de las de mayor importancia), se busca explicar el sentido de las mismas, es decir, lo que pensaron y quisieron decirnos los antiguos jurisconsultos romanos. De manera general, se muestra brevemente la historia romana, la conformación del Derecho y las locuciones con una breve explicación.

After Death in Arabia

Book Description

Myth and History in the Historiography of Early Rome

Book Description

This volume studies the marvellous stories of early Rome transmitted by ancient historians, to explore the porous boundaries and the hybrid borrowings between myth, history and historiography.

The Statesman in Plutarch's Works, Volume I: Plutarch's Statesman and his Aftermath: Political, Philosophical, and Literary Aspects

Book Description

This volume presents the first half of the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society (2002). The selected papers are divided by theme in sections concentrating on political, philosophical, and literary aspects of Plutarch's presentation of statesmen and their activities, and on the aftermath of this Plutarchan heritage. The volume bears witness to the ongoing, wide-ranging interest in the work of Plutarch.

The Statesman in Plutarch's Works

Book Description

The papers in this volume concentrate on political, philosophical, and literary aspects of Plutarch's presentation of statesmen and their activities, and on the aftermath of this Plutarchan heritage.

Fear of slaves, fear of enslavement in the ancient Mediterranean

Book Description

Les intervenants analysent le couple du maître et de l'esclave au regard des schémas d'autorité et d'obéissance, de liberté et de servitude, de suprématie et de soumission, et les incidences de ces problématiques sur les mouvements du corps social dans l'Antiquité.

The Ambassador Juan Ramírez de Lucena, the father of the chessbook writer Lucena

Book Description

This is the first bibliography in English of the protonotary Juan Ramírez de Lucena (1430-1504) who was one of the ambassadors of the Catholic monarchs. He was the father of Lucena, the writer of a chess book that was published in Salamanca in 1997. Knowing the biography of the protonotary and his activities in Italy and France in the highest sphere of society it is clear that his son Lucena could take advantage of this, because his father had opened the door in many places. No doubt that during the life of the protonotary Juan Ramírez de Lucena his son visited these places in Italy and France, as Lucena himself confirmed in the chess treaty of 1497.