Sustaining European social security systems in a globalised economy

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In addition to long-term demographic trends, European social security systems face new challenges as a result of increased global competition and an international banking system focused on short-term financial gain. This report therefore explores new ways for European policy makers and institutions to make social security systems more sustainable. It investigates ways to achieve short and long-term financial viability. It also identifies key mechanisms that work to achieve social cohesion, such as greater emphasis on social rights and social dialogue. It then examines the main policy issues in sustaining major individual social security programmes, such as health care, social assistance and family benefits, pensions, unemployment and work incapacity benefits, as well as long-term care.

Social Justice and the World of Work

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In this book, leading international thinkers take up the demanding challenge to rethink our understanding of social justice at work and our means for achieving it – at a time when global forces are tearing the familiar fabric of our working lives and the laws regulating them. When fabric is torn we can see deeply into it, understand its structural weaknesses, and imagine alterations in the name of resilience and sustainability. Seizing that opportunity, the authoritative commentators examine the lessons revealed by the pandemic and other global shocks for our ideas about justice at work, and how to advance that cause in the world as we now find it. The chapters deliver critical re-assessments of our goals, explore our new challenges, and creatively re-imagine trajectories for progress on two global fronts - via international institutions and by a myriad of other transnational techniques. These forward-looking essays are in honour of Francis Maupain, whose international career and scholarly writing are inspiring models for those who, in a changing world, seize opportunities for creativity in the pursuit of global justice at work.

Approche de la Sécurité Par la Cohésion Sociale : Propositions Pour Une Nouvelle Gouvernance Socio-économique

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Alors que le précédent volume de la collection était plus spécifiquement centré sur les nouveaux rôles de l'Etat dans le contexte de la mondialisation, cet ouvrage examine quelques unes des nombreuses initiatives qui s'inscrivent dans le mouvement citoyen que la société civile développe afin de donner aux décisions économiques un caractère éthique.

Recueil Des Cours, 1999

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The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the Collected Courses of the "Hague Academy of International Law," "J. Barboza," Professor at the Catholic University of Buenos Aires "International Criminal Law" Since the Nuremberg and Tokyo judgments, criminal responsibility has played an increasing role in international law. This article gives a general view of the field, including recent developments such as the Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, submitted by the International Law Commission to the General Assembly; the Courts for the ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda and the Statute for an International Criminal Court considered by the Rome Conference. International Crimes of the State' are also considered, in the light of the developments in the ILC and of their likely projections. "F. Maupain," Special Adviser of the International Labour Office, Geneva "The ILO, Social Justice and the Global Economy" The Creation of the ILO was premised upon the idea that the activities of States to promote social justice must, if they are to be effective, be supported by international action. However, international action is supposed to be limited to activities of co-ordination and emulation, while initiatives for progress and the determination of the contents ofsuch progress remain the business of each State individually. The globalization of the economy seems to create a dual challenge to this interpretation: first, by weakening States' capacity and desire to engage in individual actions: and second, by provoking a growing demand, in particular on the part of workers, for the definition of a universal common denominator of protection. This article examines the various implications of these new problems, in particular with regard to ILO's constitutional means of action.

Record of proceedings

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La Déclaration Universelle Des Droits de L'homme, 1948-2008

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Invités par la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l'homme, des conférenciers ont apporté des réflexions approfondies à l'occasion du lancement en France des manifestations qui ont marqué le soixantième anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme.

Offshoring and the Internationalization of Employment

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This collection of papers examines key trends in the internationalisation of employment, drawing on the proceedings of an ILO conference held in Annecy, France in April 2005. The papers focus on three related issues: the impacts of trade and investment abroad, including the offshoring of production of goods and services, and effects on the winners and losers in terms of employment; adjustment methods for coping with the short and medium term problems related to the globalisation of employment; and the importance of international instruments to help ensure a level playing field in trade and promote development, drawing on established rights and international labour standards.

Globalisation, Global Justice and Social Work

Book Description

Globalization has become a seemingly unstoppable force over recent decades and, in its wake, global notions of social justice have developed in response to its negative aspects. Neo-liberal economic policies have been a key element in the wider process of globalization, and these policies have had a profound impact on welfare provision and the shape of social work practice. Arising dissatisfaction among users of welfare and social work services is fuelling the search for a new, more radical social work that is firmly rooted in principles of social justice. Globalisation, Global Justice and Social Work explores the global effects of neo-liberal policies on welfare services in different countries, with contributions from social work academics, practitioners and welfare activists around the world. The first section of the book presents case studies of impact of neo-liberalism on welfare systems, social service provision and the practice of social work. In the second section the chapters explore the relationship between social work practice and the struggle for social justice. Authors discuss the personal and political dilemmas they have had to address in seeking to link a personal commitment to social justice with their daily practice as workers and educators in social work. The final section assesses the prospects for social work practice based on notions of social justice, by looking at what can be learned from the experience of previous radical movements as well as from emergent global and local movements.