La segunda reforma agraria de México

Book Description

Los autores ofrecen un an lisis pormenorizado de la situaci n en que se encontraba el sector ejidal mexicano de 1990 a 1994. Este estudio, rico en datos e ideas, proporciona abundante material de reflexi n Para juzgar los xitos y los fracasos de las reformas del art culo 27 constitucional, que liber de constricciones los derechos de propiedad y propici su transformaci n en propiedad privada. el contexto fue de cambios pol ticos e institucionales que afectaron al sector agr cola y a toda la econom a.

Seguna reforma agraria

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Los últimos años de la reforma agraria mexicana, 1971-1991

Book Description

Introducción --1.El primer contendiente : los agricultores del noroeste.Geografía divina ;Propietarios y empresarios ;Pequeños productores y trabajadores --2.El otro contendiente, el estado posrevolucionario hacia 1970.Focos rojos ;El intento del 1971-1976, entre la desesperación y la debilidad --3.La contienda.De la nueva ley agraria al "Asalto al cielo", 1971-1974 ;San Ignacio Río Muerto y Montelargo, 1975 ;El desenlace de noviembre de 1976 ( y el papel de Lauro) --4.Lo difícil que es pedir perdón en el valle del Yaqui.Indemnizaciones a cambio de amparos ;Modos de consolarse, sin perdón ni olvido --5.Cambio agrario, debilidad gubernamental y ascenso empresarial y panista.Ni dinero ni agrarismo ;Lucha por la producción, no por la tierra ;Contra las expropiaciones y el estado que las posibilita : El Pelón Rosas y el Maquío Clouthier --6.La reforma constitucional de 1991 o la alianza PRI-PAN.El debate de los diputados, en lo general ;En lo particular ;En el Senado y en tres congresos locales --7.Conclusiones.

Reclaiming the Land

Book Description

Rural movements have recently emerged to become some of the most important social forces in opposition to neoliberalism. From Brazil and Mexico to Zimbabwe and the Philippines, rural movements of diverse political character, but all sharing the same social basis of dispossessed peasants and unemployed workers, have used land occupations and other tactics to confront the neoliberal state. This volume brings together for the first time across three continents - Africa, Latin America and Asia - an intellectually consistent set of original investigations into this new generation of rural social movements. These country studies seek to identify their social composition, strategies, tactics, and ideologies; to assess their relations with other social actors, including political parties, urban social movements, and international aid agencies and other institutions; and to examine their most common tactic, the land occupation, its origins, pace and patterns, as well as the responses of governments and landowners. At a more fundamental level, this volume explores the ways in which two decades of neoliberal policy - including new land tenure arrangements intended to hasten the commodification of land, and new land uses linked to global markets -- have undermined the social reproduction of the rural labour force and created the conditions for popular resistance. The volume demonstrates the longer-term potential impact of these movements. In economic terms, they raise the possibility of tackling immiseration by means of the redistribution of land and the reorganisation of production on a more efficient and socially responsible basis. And in political terms, breaking the power of landowners and transnational capital with interests in land could ultimately open the way to an alternative pattern of capital accumulation and development.

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Community Action for Conservation

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This book provides an in-depth analysis on community conservation in Mexico. The volume explores vivid examples and case studies that illustrate some of the critical issues at stake, including the participation of local communities in national and global conservation, indigenous and local perceptions of conservation initiatives in Southern Mexico, and challenges in ICCA governance and ecotourism. The book also reviews methodological approaches for understanding and strengthening community conservation, touching upon such topics as community-based biodiversity monitoring and tools for understanding children's perceptions of community conservation. Written by international experts in the field, Community Action for Conservation: Mexican Experiences is a lively and deep-running resource that offers invaluable stories and analyses of the Mexican experience with conservation.

The Community Forests of Mexico

Book Description

Mexico leads the world in community management of forests for the commercial production of timber. Yet this success story is not widely known, even in Mexico, despite the fact that communities around the globe are increasingly involved in managing their own forest resources. To assess the achievements and shortcomings of Mexico's community forest management programs and to offer approaches that can be applied in other parts of the world, this book collects fourteen articles that explore community forest management from historical, policy, economic, ecological, sociological, and political perspectives. The contributors to this book are established researchers in the field, as well as many of the important actors in Mexico's nongovernmental organization sector. Some articles are case studies of community forest management programs in the states of Michoacán, Oaxaca, Durango, Quintana Roo, and Guerrero. Others provide broader historical and contemporary overviews of various aspects of community forest management. As a whole, this volume clearly establishes that the community forest sector in Mexico is large, diverse, and has achieved unusual maturity in doing what communities in the rest of the world are only beginning to explore: how to balance community income with forest conservation. In this process, Mexican communities are also managing for sustainable landscapes and livelihoods.