El rompecabezas

Book Description

The Construction of Democracy

Book Description

How should democracies balance the hopes and constraints of their societies with the architecture of their constitutions and institutions to secure freedom, promote citizenship, and foster prosperity? In The Construction of Democracy, leading scholars from seven different countries—and key decision makers from eight—come together to analyze the dimensions of democratic design and draw not only practical but feasible recommendations. Here citizens, politicians, and government officials offer valuable insight into the craft of politics with real examples of success and failures from some of the leading policy makers of our time—including the president of Portugal, former presidents of Brazil and Colombia, and a former prime minister of India. Drawing on the work of the Club of Madrid's Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, the contributors discuss building and sustaining a contemporary democratic state, strengthening pluralism and public participation, designing effective constitutions, confronting economic challenges for new democracies, and controlling corruption. In a rare instance where the expertise of practical-minded scholars is melded with the experience of thoughtful policy makers, this volume offers much-needed insight to others seeking sensible and effective solutions. Contributors: Carlos Blanco, minister for the reform of the state, Venezuela; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former president of Brazil; Aníbal Cavaco Silva, president of Portugal; Antônio Octávio Cintra, the Research Service of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies; Rut Diamint, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires; Jorge I. Domínguez, Harvard University; Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University; César Gaviria, former president of Colombia; Anna Grzymala-Busse, University of Michigan; Inder Kumar Gujral, former prime minister of India; Anthony Jones, the Gorbachev Foundation of North America; Marcelo Barroso Lacombe, the Research Service of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies; José Luis Méndez, El Colegio de México; Andrew Richards, Instituto Juan March of the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Ciencias Sociales, Madrid; Susan Rose-Ackerman, Yale University; Richard Simeon, University of Toronto; Luc Turgeon, University of Toronto.

Relations Between the European Union and Latin America

Book Description

The volume describes, analyses, and evaluates EU-Latin American relation in general with special reference to MERCOSUR and the Carribean. It combines empirical analyses of the development of this relation with a systematic discussion of regionalisation and biregionalism and includes discussions about future developments. In addition, it relates this "biregional" relation into the general framework of global change, U.S.-EU-Latin American relations, and Latin American regionalisation processes. The project summarizes results from a research project, in which leading Latin American and European scholars jointly explored possibilities and limits of EU-Latin American cooperation in the past, present, and future.

Construyendo la democracia en sociedades posconflicto

Book Description

En los aos 90, Guatemala y El Salvador firmaron acuerdos de paz integrales que pusieron fin a d(r)cadas de un sangriento conflicto interno. Ambos acuerdos de paz OCoas como el proceso de construccin de paz que le siguiOCo han tenido un impacto en el concepto tradicional de paz, ya que fueron pioneros en lo que son consideradas operaciones de paz de segunda generacin, multidisciplinarias (que van mis alli del cese al fuego). Uno de los objetivos principales de los acuerdos de paz y el proceso de construccin de paz, era fortalecer los incipientes procesos democriticos en el per odo del posconflicto. Mis de una d(r)cada ha transcurrido desde que los acuerdos fueron suscritos. En ambos casos la democracia electoral o pol tica ha logrado mantenerse vigente y el sistema pol tico ha tenido una apertura. Los combatientes armados en ambos pa ses han ahora formado sus propios partidos pol ticos, han participado en elecciones y han obtenido puestos en el Congreso. Sin embargo, muchos problemas persisten y la democracia dista de estar consolidada. La democratizacin en ambas sociedades, se ve confrontada con muchos problemas antiguos y por nuevos desaf os. Sin duda alguna la paz ha tenido un impacto en la democratizacin, pero algunas ireas han avanzado mis que otras y algunas pueden haberse incluso estancado. Existen diversos estudios individuales acerca de los procesos de negociacin e implementacin de la paz en Guatemala y El Salvador. Sin embargo, se ha escrito muy poco desde una perspectiva comparada. Ademis, se han llevado a cabo pocos anilisis integrales acerca del desarrollo democritico reciente en esos pa ses. En este libro, dos equipos de investigacin utilizan nueva informacin y t(r)cnicas mltiples de investigacin comparada para presentar un perfil actualizado del proceso de democratizacin en ambos pa ses y una evaluacin de la interaccin existente entre la paz y la democratizacin."

Neoliberalism and Neopanamericanism

Book Description

In this edited volume fourteen scholars, mostly from Latin America, analyze the current state of relations between North America and Latin America in a number of sectors - economic, security, politics, and the environment. Particular attention is paid to processes of economic integration that dominated political discussions during the decade of the 1990s - NAFTA, MERCOSUR, the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). Because most of the scholars are from Latin America, the book has a perspective that is often lacking in books on similar scholars written almost exclusively by scholars from the U.S.