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Electronic Signatures in Law

Book Description

Using case law from multiple jurisdictions, Stephen Mason examines the nature and legal bearing of electronic signatures.

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Beweisrecht in Der Europäischen Union

Book Description

This important book, the fifth in the Civil Procedure in Europe series, provides a comparative overview, of 13 EU countries and Switzerland, on the law of evidence. Each country's practice in this area is described and analysed by a national expert distinguished in the field of civil procedural law. The contributions are written in either English, French or German, and are followed by summaries in both remaining languages. Bibliographies are included to enable the reader to locate material for further study. A comparative contribution by the editor, Professor Jose Lebre de Freitas, analyses the similarities and differences between the various European systems. Furthermore, the editor discusses attempts to harmonise the law of evidence in Europe and provides concrete suggestions for a future harmonisation or unification of this area of law. The countries covered are Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Copyright in Cyberspace

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An E-Commerce Law For The World: The Model Electronic Transactions Act

Book Description

An E-Commerce Law For the World: The Model Electronic Transactions Act contains summaries of E-commerce laws of the United Nations, the European Union, and more than 120 countries on six continents. At the end, the best attributes of those laws are incorporated into a model E-commerce statute for consideration for enactment by lawmakers all over the world. This is Volume 2 of the E-COMMERCE LAW TRILOGY. Volume 1, E-Commerce Law Around the World, was released in 2011; and Volume 3, Certification Authority Law Around the World, is scheduled for release in 2013. All of them will become available for purchase at,,, law bookstores and other outlets.

E.U. Sales Directive

Book Description

European standards of interpretation (including interpretation of comparative law) and reference to the directive and to instruments of European law are now part of sound legal practice even in the most routine of domestic cases. The huge reforms in many national laws, in some countries the rewriting of their Code to reflect the Directive, is no more than good approximation. What really matters and what ultimately will be the decisive standard is the Directive. The Geneva Conventions on bills of exchange and cheques, the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods and the Brussels Convention on jurisdiction and recognition of judgments were milestones. They did not, however, influence national private law in its core area as profoundly and as extensively as the EU Sales Law Directive will. This book starts off by explaining the instruments of European law and their influence on national law and lays solid foundations for a thorough transnational understanding of every single pro-vision of the directive. Also discussed are the philosophical, historical and economic foundations of the different rules, which are followed by a detailed commentary on each individual article. Contributions to this book are made by C.M. Bianca, M. Bridge, W. van Gerven, F. Gomez, S. Grundmann, E. Hondius, P. Malinvaud, A.L. Serrano, P. Sirena and S. Stijns.

Protection des données sur Internet

Book Description

La cybercriminalité croissante atteste de la difficulté de trouver un juste équilibre entre la sécurité, la protection de la vie privée et la liberté de naviguer sur le web. Cet ouvrage expose les menaces de confidentialité qui pèsent sur les technologies fixes et mobiles, plus particulièrement au niveau de la protection des données personnelles, qu’elles soient fournies volontairement par l’utilisateur ou recueillies à son insu. Illustré d’exemples et de décisions jurisprudentielles, il décline également l'ensemble des législations nationales et internationales destinées à protéger l’internaute tout en assurant l’ordre public. Enfin, ce livre énonce les règles de bonne conduite et alerte le lecteur sur les pièges dont il peut faire l’objet sur Internet.

L'e-santé et la télémédecine

Book Description

La télémédecine ou la e-santé regroupent un ensemble d’applications des technologies de l’information et de la communication, lesquelles sont traitées dans cet ouvrage en partant d’idées simples. Cet ouvrage place le patient au cœur du système. La santé est vue sous cet angle à travers la multitude des technologies disponibles actuellement. L’acceptabilité de ces technologies par le patient, l’aidant et le professionnel de soin devient alors un élément clé. L’auteur liste les différentes applications ainsi que les briques matérielles et logicielles indispensables à leur réalisation. Quelques éléments de prospective complètent les évolutions récentes, comme le partage entre l’hôpital et les nouveaux lieux de soins tel le domicile du patient. L’ouvrage analyse les contraintes liées à la mise en place de ces dispositifs, en particulier les normes et certifications nécessaires, puis il aborde les différentes formations mises en œuvre au service du déploiement de ces solutions.