La Torre negra

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La torre negra

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La Torre negra

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La torre

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La Torre

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The Sea and the Bells

Book Description

The sound of ships' bells, sea waves, and migratory birds fuel Neruda's longing to retreat from life's noisy busyness. Stripped to essentials, these poems are some of the last Neruda ever wrote, as he pulled "one dream out of another." Includes the final lovesong to his wife, written in the past tense: "It was beautiful to live / When you lived!" Bilingual with introduction. "Deeply personal, expansive, and universal... majestic and understated beauty."ÑPublishers Weekly

La Torre

Book Description

A salvo en la torre de marfil... Gabriel Miller jura que me mantendrá a salvo. Los enemigos acechan afuera, esperando para atacar. Hay un ejército mantenido a raya por estos muros. Pero un instinto animal me advierte que el peligro está mucho más cerca. Ya está aquí. ¿Es Gabriel mi protector o mi enemigo? ¿Es esta casa un refugio o una jaula? No tengo a dónde ir, no queda nadie en quien confiar. No hay escape de un pasado decidido a reclamar su premio.

La Torre negra

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In the Light of Contradiction

Book Description

In 1926, as a young man of 28 with a growing reputation as an oral poet, Federico Garcia Lorca (1898-1936) toyed with the idea of proving his worth in writing by bringing out a boxed set of three volumes of his verse. Because the Suites , Canciones , and the Poema del cante jondo eventually came out singly (in the case of the Suites , posthumously), readers have not always realised that they formed a single body of work -- one which, Lorca himself was surprised to note, has 'una rarisima unidad', an odd unity of aims and accomplishment. This is poetry which takes up the question of desire in progressively depersonalizing ways, and shows modernism coming into being. Through renunciation, by cutting away the personal and the taboo, Lorca created a poetry that, like no other in Europe, stood between the avant-garde and oral traditions, making their contradictions his truth. Roberta Ann Quance is Senior Lecturer in Spanish at Queen's University, Belfast.

Eclipse lunar

Book Description

Las hermanas entraron. La puerta se cerró tras ellas. Urd quiso hablar, pero la mujer que sospechaba la interrumpió:--Yo sé quiénes son ustedes --las hermanas se sonrieron. Aquello no les resultaba en absoluto sorprendente.Se acomodaron en una pequeña sala de estar, con mullidas butacas y una hermosa mesita. Las hermanas entregaron un sobre a los habitantes de aquella casa. En ese documento tenían toda la información. Las hermanas necesitaban la ayuda de aquellas personas. Y aquellas personas, por supuesto, no podían negarse a ayudarlas.No podían negarse porque hacerlo supondría el fin de todos los Mundos.