Les intelligences artificielles au prisme de la justice sociale. Considering Artificial Intelligence Through the Lens of Social Justice

Book Description

Cet ouvrage vient clôturer deux années de réflexion intensive sur les enjeux à l’intersection entre la justice sociale et les technologies d’IA. Une compréhension de ces impacts sociétaux dépasse alors l’aspect technique pour se concentrer principalement sur le fait social.

Ambition numérique

Book Description

The "Ambition numérique" ("digital ambition") report is the conclusion of an open debate with the French citizens in order to prepare the government's digital strategy. The report formulates 70 proposals divided in four parts : fairness and freedom in a common digital environment; a new form of public action: openness, innovation, participation; fostering French growth for an innovation-driven economy; solidarity, fairness, empowerment: the challenges of a digital society. During five months (october 2014 - february 2015), the Conseil National du Numérique (French Digital Council) animated a wide consultation on the "digital ambition" of France, in order to collect proposals and plans for action to make of the digital an asset as much for economy as for society. This mission, assigned to the CNNum by the French Prime Minister in september 2014 and followed by Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State assigned to the Digital, and Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State to the Reform of the State and to Simplification, is an unprecedented experimentation of public policy building. The platform www.contribuez.cnnumerique.fr conceived with the association Démocratie Ouverte permitted to each citizen, public or private organisation to contribute to the proposed consultations. At the end of those consultation phases, the CNNUM published syntheses open to comments for each consultation, tracing back the great controversies that emerged while staying as neutral as possible and studying the proposed plans for action. During the concertation, 4 "journées contributives" ("contributive days") have been organized on each of the themes - respectively in Lille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Nantes - in presence of local actors. During those days, thematic workshops permitted to deepen the proposals seen on the online platform, and to confront them to participants' feedback. In parallel, "contributive pitches" gave the opportunity to entrepreneurs, studens, members of civil society, law professionals, etc. to present their innovations and to propose their ideas to "update France". A concertation on the network, mobilizing various actors: to stimulate the production of collective ideas, the CNNum developed, while being accompanied by the start-up Nod-A, a DIY resource kit, offering the possibility for actors to organize themselves workshops on the consultations of their choice. The CNNum has also brought their support on methodological and background subject grounds (from a distance or on the spot) to ensure a good appropriation of the tools and of the addressed problems. Organizers, on their side, engaged themselves to post their contributions on the platform at the end of those workshops. A regular followup of the concertation with the government: to ensure the coordination of the concertation's progresses with the government's work (preparation of the digital bill, elaboration of action plans), weekly points were held, gathering the CNNum and the ministerial cabinets of the Prime Minister, Axelle Lemaire and Thierry Mandon. Interministerial meetings were also organized to spread the concertation in administrations.

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Entertainment - Droit, Médias, Art, Culture 2017/1

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Découvrez le sommaire de ce premier numéro et l'article "Pourquoi une nouvelle revue ?" Discover the table of contents of this first issue and the article "Why a New Publication?"

Entertainment - Droit, Médias, Art, Culture 2017/3

Book Description

Ce numéro contient notamment l'article d'analyse "Purchasing and Selling Intellectual Property Assets – The Purchase Price is not Just About Valuation", d'Harold Flegelman.

Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation

Book Description

This book pursues the questions from a broad range of law and economics perspectives. Digital transformation leads to economic and social change, bringing with it both opportunities and risks. This raises questions of the extent to which existent legal frameworks are still sufficient and whether there is a need for new or additional regulation in the affected areas: new demands are made on the law and jurisprudence.

Economic Reason and Political Reason

Book Description

The public space of democracies is constructed in a context that is marked by the digital transformation of the economy and society. This construction is carried out primarily through deliberation. Deliberation informs and guides both individual and collective action. To shed light on the concept of deliberation, it is important to consider the rationality of choice; but what type of rationality is this? References to economic reason are at once widespread, crucial and controversial. This book therefore deals with arguments used by individuals based on the notions of preferential choice and rational behavior, and also criticizes them. These arguments are examined in the context of the major themes of public debate that help to construct the contemporary public space: "populism", social insurance, social responsibility and environmental issues. Economic Reason and Political Reason underlines the importance of the pragmatist shift of the 2000s and revisits, through the lens of this new approach, the great utilitarian and Rawlsian normative constructs that dominated normative political economics at the end of the 20th century. Alternative approaches, based on the concept of deliberative democracy, are proposed and discussed.

Avoirs dématérialisés et exécution forcée / Digital Assets and Enforcement

Book Description

On 17 December 2009, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice of the Council of Europe adopted the Guidelines for a better implementation of the existing recommendation of the Council of Europe on enforcement. These principles aim to guarantee to all the access to an enforcement agent and a quality enforcement in the respect of the fundamental rights of the litigants. In the first part of the book, reference is made to the genesis of the CEPEJ Guidelines on Enforcement as well as to its state of application in the various Council of Europe Member States. The second part of the book deals with the problem of the evolution of technologies and aims to question how artificial intelligence can be put at the service of enforcement. In this respect, the analysis focuses on the importance of both electronic access to information and access to dematerialised information, to highlight the imperative need for a procedure for seizure of dematerialised assets and to consider drafting the a crypto-currency attachment procedure. *** Le 17 décembre 2009, la Commission européenne pour l’efficacité de la justice du Conseil de l’Europe a adopté des Lignes directrices pour une meilleure mise en œuvre de la recommandation existante du Conseil de l’Europe sur l’exécution. Ces principes visent à garantir à tous l’accès à un agent d’exécution et à une exécution de qualité dans le respect des droits fondamentaux des justiciables. Dans la première partie de l’ouvrage il est fait état de la genèse des Lignes directrices de la CEPEJ sur l’exécution ainsi que de son état d’application au sein des différents États membres du Conseil de l’Europe. La seconde partie de l’ouvrage aborde la problématique de l’évolution des technologies et vise à s’interroger sur la façon dont l’intelligence artificielle peut être mise au service de l’exécution. À cet égard, l’analyse porte sur l’importance tant d’un accès dématérialisé aux informations que d’un accès aux informations dématérialisées, pour relever l’impérieuse nécessité d’une procédure de saisie des avoirs dématérialisés et envisager l’ébauche d’une procédure de saisie des crypto-monnaies.

Droit de la finance alternative

Book Description

La finance est en crise ; mais elle est indispensable à la vie des hommes en société. Cependant, il serait abusif de considérer "la finance" comme un tout homogène. En effet, loin de la finance conventionnelle qui fait la une de l'actualité, il existe une finance dite alternative qui tente de placer et de maintenir l'Homme au centre de son projet et à l'horizon de son ambition. Cet ouvrage, premier du genre, se propose de présenter sous forme d'études réalisées par des spécialistes du droit financier, les manifestations de cette finance alternative, les outils, instruments et techniques juridiques qui existent et qui permettent de concilier finance et humanisme. À travers l'analyse des critères de développement durable ou religieux appliqués à la finance, des monnaies alternatives, du microcrédit, de la notation extra-financière, du mutualisme et du coopératisme en finance, du crowdfunding, des fonds éthiques, du financement associatif, du financement alternatif de l'habitat ou du soutien des collectivités publiques aux entreprises, ce livre fait, en France comme en Espagne, au Royaume-Uni, en Grèce et au Canada, un tour d'horizon complet de ce segment du secteur financier souvent méconnu et qui offre néanmoins aux Hommes de réaliser leurs projets dans la perspective d'un mieux-être collectif. Pour rompre avec l'idée que la finance n'est que spéculation et prédation.