Laboratory Measurements of Sound Speed and Attenuation of Water-saturated Granular Sediments

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The propagation of acoustic waves through water-saturated granular sediments has been widely studied, yet existing propagation models can not adequately predict the speed and attenuation of sound across the range of frequencies of interest in underwater acoustics, especially in loosely packed sediments that have been recently disturbed by storms or wave action. Advances in modeling are currently dependent on experimental validation of various components of existing models. To begin to address these deficiencies, three well-controlled laboratory experiments were performed in gravity-settled glass beads and reconstituted sand sediments. Sound speed and attenuation measurements in the 0.5 kHz to 10 kHz range are scarce in the literature, so a resonator method was used to investigate a reconstituted sand sediment in this range. The literature contains laboratory and in situ measurements of sound speed and attenuation at higher frequencies, but existing models can not predict both the speed of sound and attenuation simultaneously in some sediments. A time-of-flight technique was used to determine the speed of sound and attenuation in monodisperse water-saturated glass beads, binary glass bead mixtures, and reconstituted sediment samples in the frequency range 200 kHz to 900 kHz to investigate the effect of sediment inhomogeneity. The effect of porosity, independent of changes in other sediment physical properties, has not been demonstrated in the experimental literature. Therefore, a fluidized bed technique was used to independently vary the porosity of monodisperse glass bead samples from 0.37 to 0.43 and a Fourier phase technique was used to determine the speed and attenuation of sound. Collecting these results together, measured sound speeds showed positive dispersion below 50 kHz while negative dispersion was observed above 200 kHz for some samples. Attenuation measurements showed an approximately f0̇5 dependence in the low frequency regime and an approximately f3̇5 dependence for large-grained samples in the high frequency regime. The laboratory experiments presented in this work demonstrate that both sound speed and attenuation in idealized loosely packed water-saturated sediments can not be simultaneously predicted by existing models within the uncertainties of the model input parameters, but the independent effect of porosity on sound speed can be predicted.

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Acoustical Properties of Sediments

Book Description

The work consisted of (1) final development of the ARL:UT profilometer recorder and transducer to enable the in situ measurement of compressional wave, shear wave, acoustic impedance, and static shear strength of ocean bottom sediments during geophysical coring, and (2) laboratory acoustical measurements on artificial sediments to test predictions of the Hovem model when the pore fluid viscosity is varied. The new profilometer recorder and transducer are described in detail as well as the microcomputer band playback system. Data obtained from the laboratory measurements are displayed.

Sediment Acoustics

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During the period 1 January - 31 December 1979, work under Contract N00014-76-C-0117 consisted of three parts: (1) use of the profilometer system to obtain in situ compressional wave data and to test in situ shear wave transducers, (2) development of theoretical models for acoustic propagation in sediments, and (3) laboratory measurements of compressional wave and shear wave parameters in laboratory sediments. Data obtained for the three parts of the program are reported. (Author).

Acoustic Attenuation in Ocean Sediments Found in Shallow Water Regions

Book Description

The acoustic attenuation in ocean sediments is a major loss mechanism for low frequency acoustic propagation in shallow water regions. Analysis of measured propagation in these regions has generally included estimates of the attenuation in the sediment, without consideration of the variations in attenuation as a function of depth. It will be shown that these variations can have a significant impact on the standard estimates. A new procedure is then developed which provides estimates of the attenuation as a function of depth. This procedure is used to obtain attenuation depth profiles in three shallow water regions. These estimated profiles present characteristics observed in laboratory and in situ measurements

Acoustical and Engineering Properties of Sediments

Book Description

As part of a program of in situ acoustical measurements in ocean sediments, an experimental investigation was started in order to examine the feasibility of measuring shear wave speed, shear wave attenuation, and bulk density by using instruments similar to the compressional wave profilometer developed previously. Measurements were made of the shear wave speed and attenuation in high porosity koalinite clay as the clay consolidated over a period of time. Experimential and theoretical investigation of the measurement of bulk density by acoustical means indicates that the radiation impedance of a driven piezoelectric ceramic transducer can be determined by measuring the electrical input to the transducer. Preliminary measurements of these parameters are reported. As an adjunct to the other measurements, physical properties of the sediments used in the laboratory measurements were determined and are reported.