The Letters of Lady Anne Bacon

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The letters of Lady Anne Bacon, mother of Francis Bacon, which shed light on Elizabethan politics from a female perspective.

The Painted Closet of Lady Anne Bacon Drury

Book Description

Lady Anne Bacon Drury (1572-1624) was the granddaughter and niece of two of England's Lord Keepers of the Great Seal, Sir Nicholas Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon. Lady Anne was also the friend and patroness of John Donne and Joseph Hall; however, she deserves to be remembered in her own right. Within her massive country house, Lady Anne created a tiny painted room that she seems to have used as a kind of three-dimensional book. The walls consisted of panels of pictures and mottoes, grouped under Latin sentences. These panels can still be viewed in a Suffolk museum: Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich. Some panels point to classical and Biblical sources, and to popular emblem books. The sources of other panels are more recondite, while still others are original compositions by Lady Anne. The panels exhibit a contemptus mundi theme and reflect a struggle with ambition, pride, and even despair. Some panels also appear to register carefully veiled but pointed critiques of political and religious events and figures. Lady Anne's painted closet or 'architext' is thus relevant to a wide range of early modern scholarship in various disciplines but is as yet largely unappreciated. For the first time in four hundred years, this book fully describes the closet and places it in its personal, social, intellectual, and aesthetic contexts. It argues for the painted closet's importance for understanding early modern conceptualizations of private and public spaces, and for illuminating fundamental early modern habits of seeing and reading (especially combinations of text and image). Finally, this book explores the closet as an example of the ingenious ways in which female subjectivity found ways to express itself even within the constraints of early modern patriarchal society in England.

Lady Anne Bacon

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Anne, Lady Bacon

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An Apology or Answer in Defence of The Church Of England

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Lady Anne Cooke Bacon's translation of Bishop John Jewel's Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae (1562) as An Apology or Answer in Defence of the Church of England (1564) is the official defence of the Elizabethan Settlement. At once an explanation and vindication of the establishment of the English Church and an attack on the perceived failings of the Church of Rome, An Apology embodies the tensions of a polemical age. It illustrates how politics and religion were inextricably entwined in early printed books. As well as shining light on the intense controversy between Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, and fellow Devon native Thomas Harding, exiled in Louvain, Lady Bacon's text and its reception foreground the critical significance of her translating expertise in presenting church history and debates through pungent, idiomatic prose. One of the lauded Cooke sisters and mother of Sir Anthony and Sir Francis, Lady Bacon combined her proven talent in languages and reform principles with an insider's knowledge of court intrigues. Although her translation disappeared from print acknowledgement for almost two centuries, it is here offered in a richly annotated edition. Explaining and contextualizing the cryptic marginalia, this edition allows twenty-first-century readers to feel the heat and apprehend the strategic importance of An Apology.


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The Private Correspondence of Jane Lady Cornwallis Bacon, 1613-1644

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The readiness of families such as this to write directly, rather than to dictate through secretaries, makes the literary outcome more personal and intimate, more expressive of inner feelings and shared sensibility. In consequence, the letters carry their own truth across the ages."