Lama Chopa and Tsog Offering eBook

Book Description

Lama Chopa is a practice of guru devotion special to the Gelugpa tradition. During this practice, the lamas of the graduated path lineage beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha himself, are invoked, extending to present direct teachers who have shown the path. Practitioners pay homage, make offerings, and request each of them to please bless their minds with the same realizations that they themselves have generated. By offering sincere, heartfelt requests, students make their minds ripe to receive the full blessings of this precious lineage and quickly actualize the realizations they need to attain enlightenment. If you wish to experience realizations quickly, the practice of Lama Chopa is indispensable. "Practicing this Guru Puja, which is an integration of the three deities, makes it much easier to achieve enlightenment in a brief life of this degenerated time. Doing this practice every day, with purification and many infinite skies of merit, brings the mind closer to the path to enlightenment and closer to enlightenment itself, and so much closer to freeing all sentient beings from obscurations and suffering and leading them to enlightenment. Putting the meaning of this into practice in ones life makes each day extremely rich and worthwhile". - Lama Zopa Rinpoche This PDF edition of the Lama Chopa without the Jorcho practices contains the essential additional prayers recommended by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. 2020 edition.

Lama Chopa Jorcho eBook

Book Description

English and Phonetics only. Lama Chopa is a practice of guru devotion special to the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism where we invoke all the lamas of the graduated path lineage beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha himself, extending to our present direct teachers who have shown us the path. Practicing this Guru Puja [Lama Chopa], which is an integration of the three deities, makes it much easier to achieve enlightenment in a brief life of this degenerated time. Doing this practice every day, with purification and many infinite skies of merit, brings the mind closer to the path to enlightenment and closer to enlightenment itself, and so much closer to freeing all sentient beings from obscurations and suffering and leading them to enlightenment. Putting the meaning of this into practice in ones life makes each day extremely rich and worthwhile. - Lama Zopa Rinpoche 148 pages, Oct. 2016 edition.

Six-Session Guru Yoga Commentary eBook

Book Description

This practice is restricted to only those with the appropriate tantric initiation. If you are unsure whether you are qualified or not, please email us at [email protected]. By purchasing this text, you confirm you have received the appropriate initiation. You need to have received an initiation (wang) of the yoga tantra or highest yoga tantra class in order to read these commentaries of the six-session guru yoga. Within the Gelug tradition, practicing the six-session guru yoga is a daily commitment for anyone who has received a highest yoga tantra initiation. This text provides the commentary from Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the benefits of the practice, how to meditate on each verse of the sadhana, and the samayas of the five buddha families. The commentary uses the extension version of Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo’s Six-Session Guru Yoga as its basis. Contents Include: - The Benefits of Six-Session Guru Yoga - How to Practice Six-Session Guru Yoga - The Samayas of the Five Buddha Families “Phabongkha Dechen Nyingpo said Six-Session Guru Yoga is much more precious than three galaxies filled with gold,” Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches in Six-Session Guru Yoga Commentary. “Why? Because the practice of Six-Session Guru Yoga has unbelievable benefits. It gives incredible protection. This practice eliminates so much heavy negative karma and purifies all ten nonvirtuous actions. It purifies broken pratimoksha vows, bodhisattva vows, and tantric vows. It allows us to practice the general tantric vows, the samayas of the five buddha families, and the particular tantric root vows. By doing Six-Session Guru Yoga, we practice all the samayas and are reminded of the fourteen root downfalls and eight bompos of mother tantra samaya. We accumulate unbelievable merit by keeping the samayas and vows of tantra. According to the root tantra of Manjughosha, without practicing the pure morality of these vows, we have no basis for tantric realization and no way to achieve enlightenment. Even if we don’t do many other practices, living purely in the samaya vows is enough. Therefore, this practice gives incredible protection.” 76 pages, 2020 edition.

Yoga of Offering Food

Book Description

All the things we do -- eating, walking, washing, working, talking -- everything can become very powerful methods for quickly achieving enlightenment. Through the Mahayana practice of offering the food we eat which is based on the Hinayana and adorned with the Vajrayana our lives become most beneficial, not only for ourselves but for all sentient beings. This book is made possible by kind supporters of the Archive who, like you, appreciate how we make these teachings freely available in so many ways, including in our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. Please help us increase our efforts to spread the Dharma for the happiness and benefit of all beings. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting us online! Thank you so much, and please enjoy this ebook.

Lama Chopa Jorcho

Book Description

(Note: This text has perfect binding and will not naturally lie flat for use. English and Phonetics only.) Lama Chopa is a practice of guru devotion special to the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism where we invoke all the lamas of the graduated path lineage beginning with Shakyamuni Buddha himself, extending to our present direct teachers who have shown us the path.Practicing this Guru Puja [Lama Chopa], which is an integration of the three deities, makes it much easier to achieve enlightenment in a brief life of this degenerated time. Doing this practice every day, with purification and many infinite skies of merit, brings the mind closer to the path to enlightenment and closer to enlightenment itself, and so much closer to freeing all sentient beings from obscurations and suffering and leading them to enlightenment. Putting the meaning of this into practice in ones life makes each day extremely rich and worthwhile. - Lama Zopa RinpocheNote: the text is perfect-binding, not spiral bound, so it does not naturally sit flat on a table open to the page being used.148 pages, Oct. 2016 edition

The Preliminary Practice of Altar Set-up & Water Bowl Offerings eBook

Book Description

This eBook provides a complete explanation of how to set up a personal altar, how to make water bowl offerings, and how to offer them in the most extensive and beneficial way. This edition includes information on water bowls, meditations to use while doing the practice, and a mantra to recite when removing food offerings from the altar to avoid creating the karma of stealing from the Triple Gem. Contents Include: - Altar Set-up and Water Bowl Offerings - The Practice of Offering by Lama Zopa Rinpoche - Guidelines for Completing 100,000 Water Bowl Offerings - Extensive Offering Practice - Light Offering Prayer by Lama Atisha - Appendix: How to Fill a Small Statue 40 Pages. 2016 Edition.

Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga eBook

Book Description

Anyone can do this practice. Instructions for visualization are included in the text. This text contains a method for practicing the Hundred Deities of Tushita (Ganden Lhagyama) according to the instructions of Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Ganden Lhagyama is a seven-limb practice related to Lama Tsongkhapa. To supplement and complete this text, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has added a preliminary practice of the Four Immeasurable Thoughts, Lama Tsongkhapa’s lamrim prayer The Foundation of All Good Qualities, and two visualizations to do while reciting the five-line migtsema prayer—one for purifying negative karma and one for achieving the seven types of wisdom. This text is suitable for the preliminary practice of collecting 100,000 recitations of the migtsema prayer. It can also be used as the basis for other preliminary practices. 32 pages, 2021 edition.

Teachings from Tibet

Book Description

Back in the 1970s and ‘80s most of the great lamas to leave Tibet were still alive and teaching. Those of us who had the good fortune to be in India and Nepal at that time were able to benefit by sitting at their feet, drinking in the nectar of their holy speech. Many of the teachings in this book were given at Tushita Mahayana Meditation Center, New Delhi. Two of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings were published in a souvenir booklet issued for Tushita’s Second Dharma Celebration, November 1982, the first at which His Holiness spoke. Three of the others are from unpublished manuscripts. This compilation text contains teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Khunu Lama Rinpoche, Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche, Song Rinpoche, Geshe Lhundub Sopa, Geshe Rabten, Gomchen Khampala, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, Gehlek Rinpoche, Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. This book is made possible by kind supporters of the Archive who, like you, appreciate how we make these teachings available in so many ways, including in our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. Please help us increase our efforts to spread the Dharma for the happiness and benefit of all beings. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting our website. Thank you so much, and please enjoy this book.

The Nectar of Bodhicitta

Book Description

LYWA director Nick Ribush writes: The story behind this book is that in the early Kopan Monastery courses, Lama Zopa Rinpoche would start his day’s teachings by quoting a verse from Shantideva’s or Khunu Lama Rinpoche’s seminal texts, giving a short teaching on it and then suggesting that students use it to generate a bodhicitta motivation for the day’s activities (mainly teachings, meditations and discussion groups but also ordinary activities such as eating, talking, walking around and so forth). Since those days I’ve always thought that a compilation of these short teachings would make a great book, and finally, here it is. Editor Gordon McDougall has assembled Rinpoche's teachings into two parts, sorted by author of the verses and arranged thematically. In Part One, Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches on selected verses from Khunu Lama Rinpoche's Jewel Lamp, now published as Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea. Lama Zopa Rinpoche advises, "Understanding and constantly reminding ourselves of the skies of benefits that bodhicitta brings is unbelievably worthwhile. This is the overall purpose of Khunu Lama Rinpoche’s book, to cause us to feel inspired and joyful that such a mind is possible." In Part Two, Rinpoche teaches on verses from the first chapter of Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. These verses describe the amazing benefits of developing the precious mind of bodhicitta, the supreme cause of happiness for all sentient beings.