Laminar Burning Velocities and Laminar Flame Speeds of Multi-component Fuel Blends at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures

Book Description

Iso-octane, n-heptane, ethanol and their blends were tested in a constant volume combustion chamber to measure laminar burning velocities. The experimental apparatus was modified from the previous version to an automatically-controlled system. Accuracy and speed of data acquisition were improved by this modification. The laminar burning velocity analysis code was also improved for minimized error and fast calculation. A large database of laminar burning velocities at elevated temperatures and pressures was established using this improved experimental apparatus and analysis code. From this large database of laminar burning velocities, laminar flame speeds were extracted. Laminar flame speeds of iso-octane, n-heptane and blends were investigated and analysed to derive new correlations to predict laminar flame speeds of any blending ratio. Ethanol and ethanol blends with iso-octane and/or n-heptane were also examined to see the role of ethanol in the blends. Generally, the results for iso-octane and n-heptane agree with published data. Additionally, blends of iso-octane and n-heptane exhibited flame speeds that followed linear blending relationships. A new flame speed model was successfully applied to these fuels. Ethanol and ethanol blends with iso-octane and/or n-heptane exhibited a strongly non-linear blending relationship and the new flame speed model was not applied to these fuels. It was shown that the addition of ethanol into iso-octane and/or n-heptane accelerated the flame speeds.

Enhancements of a Combustion Vessel to Determine Laminar Flame Speeds of Hydrocarbon Blends with Helium Dilution at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures

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Fuel flexibility in gas turbines is of particular importance because of the main fuel source, natural gas. Blends of methane, ethane, and propane are big constituents in natural gas and consequently are of particular interest. With this level of importance comes the need for baseline data such as laminar flame speed of said fuels. While flame speeds at standard temperature and pressure have been extensively studied in the literature, experimental data at turbine-like conditions are still lacking currently. This thesis discusses the theory behind laminar flames; new data acquisition techniques; temperature and pressure capability improvements; measured flame speeds; and a discussion of the results including stability analysis. The measured flame speeds were those of methane, ethane, and propane fuel blends, as well as pure methane, at an elevated pressure of 5 atm and temperatures of 298 and 473 K, using a constant-volume, cylindrical combustion vessel. The current Aramco mechanism developed in conjunction with National University of Ireland Galway compared favorably with the data, while the literature data showed discrepancies at stoichiometric to rich conditions. An in-depth flame speed uncertainty analysis yielded a wide range of values from 0.5 cm/s to 21.5 cm/s. It is well known that high-pressure experiments develop flame instabilities when air is used as the oxidizer. In this study, the hydrodynamic instabilities were restrained by using a high diluent-to-oxygen ratio. The thermal-diffusive instabilities were inhibited by using helium as the diluent. To characterize this flame stability, the Markstein length and Lewis number were calculated for the presented conditions. The resultant positive Markstein lengths showed a low propensity of flame speed to flame stretch, while the larger-than-unity Lewis numbers showed the relatively higher diffusivity of helium to that of nitrogen. The electronic version of this dissertation is accessible from

Synthesis Gas Combustion

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Coal, still used to generate more than half of the electric power in the U.S., will likely be part of any future global energy plan. But this finite resource is also responsible for 80 percent of the CO2 emissions from power production, and its continued use will require improved processing techniques that are less damaging to the environment and l

Laminar Flame Speeds and Autoignition of Dimethyl Ether at Elevated Pressures and Temperature Using Novel Combustion Technique

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Dimethyl Ether (DME) is a candidate fuel that has potential to be renewable and advantageous over diesel in terms of combustion and emission characteristics as well as suitable for use in stationary gas turbines. Further, it can be used neat as well as blended with diesel, gasoline or other fuels in conventional and advanced CI engines. The design of various types of engines that use DME as a fuel is greatly dependent on computational simulations which require validated chemical kinetic mechanisms that can reliably mimic the combustion and pollutant formation behavior of DME at physical conditions that are relevant to engines. The objective of this work is to contribute to a better understanding and validation of chemical kinetics of DME, particularly at elevated pressures. This is done by obtaining data for auto-ignition and laminar flame speed of DME, which is subsequently used to assess and refine existing chemical kinetic mechanisms.To this effect, a novel optically accessible experimental facility, called DCF (Dynamic Combustion Facility), is first designed, fabricated, characterized and validated for laminar flame propagation studies. In this facility, the combustible mixture in the reactor cylinder is compressed to elevated pressures and temperatures by controlled motion of the reactor piston through a custom-designed hybrid cylinder arrangement. Spark is initiated after compression in the constant volume spherical chamber, yielding an outward propagating flame which is observed by Schlieren imaging technique. The procedures for data interpretation are developed and the experimental conditions under which piston motion induced temperature non-homogeneity is avoided are delineated. The facility is validated by obtaining data for methane/air flame speed at atmospheric and elevated pressures and comparing with the literature data. Subsequently, flame speed data for DME is obtained over a range of pressures and compared with predictions from recent chemical kinetic mechanism. The phenomenon of autoignition in the low-to-intermediate temperature region is of great practical importance in engines. Advanced combustion engines are based on low temperature combustion regime. Operation at these low temperature strategies is significantly kinetically-influenced by the complex low temperature chemistry of fuels. Therefore, autoignition of DME is investigated at low temperatures (630-785 K) and high pressures (8-38 bar) over a range of equivalence ratios (1-6) using a Rapid Compression Machine (RCM). In addition, the effect of CO2 addition on ignition is investigated to gauge the effect of exhaust gas recirculation. Results show that DME is very reactive and there is significant kinetic activity during the compression stroke. Experiments using CO2 show that there is no kinetic effect of CO2 on ignition delay. The experimental data are compared with simulations from available detailed and skeletal chemical kinetic models. In general, there is good overall agreement and discrepancies are noted at low temperatures. The key reactions are identified through flux and sensitivity analysis.The designed facility (DCF) is a novel approach and will be a substantial contribution to the existing arsenal of experimental facilities in combustion. The innovation can extend the range of experimental studies to higher pressures and temperatures, conditions beyond those attainable in existing facilities.

On the Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Lean Partially Premixed Combustion, Burning Speed, Flame Instability and Plasma Formation of Alternative Fuels at High Temperatures and Pressures

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This dissertation investigates the combustion and injection fundamental characteristics of different alternative fuels both experimentally and theoretically. The subjects such as lean partially premixed combustion of methane/hydrogen/air/diluent, methane high pressure direct-injection, thermal plasma formation, thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon/air mixtures at high temperatures, laminar flames and flame morphology of synthetic gas (syngas) and Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) fuels were extensively studied in this work. These subjects will be summarized in three following paragraphs. The fundamentals of spray and partially premixed combustion characteristics of directly injected methane in a constant volume combustion chamber have been experimentally studied. The injected fuel jet generates turbulence in the vessel and forms a turbulent heterogeneous fuel-air mixture in the vessel, similar to that in a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Direct-Injection (DI) engines. The effect of different characteristics parameters such as spark delay time, stratification ratio, turbulence intensity, fuel injection pressure, chamber pressure, chamber temperature, Exhaust Gas recirculation (EGR) addition, hydrogen addition and equivalence ratio on flame propagation and emission concentrations were analyzed. As a part of this work and for the purpose of control and calibration of high pressure injector, spray development and characteristics including spray tip penetration, spray cone angle and overall equivalence ratio were evaluated under a wide range of fuel injection pressures of 30 to 90 atm and different chamber pressures of 1 to 5 atm. Thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon/air plasma mixtures at ultra-high temperatures must be precisely calculated due to important influence on the flame kernel formation and propagation in combusting flows and spark discharge applications. A new algorithm based on the statistical thermodynamics was developed to calculate the ultra-high temperature plasma composition and thermodynamic properties. The method was applied to compute the thermodynamic properties of hydrogen/air and methane/air plasma mixtures for a wide range of temperatures (1,000-100,000 K), pressures (10−6-100 atm) and different equivalence ratios within flammability limit. In calculating the individual thermodynamic properties of the atomic species, the Debye-Huckel cutoff criterion has been used for terminating the series expression of the electronic partition function. A new differential-based multi-shell model was developed in conjunction with Schlieren photography to measure laminar burning speed and to study the flame instabilities for different alternative fuels such as syngas and GTL. Flame instabilities such as cracking and wrinkling were observed during flame propagation and discussed in terms of the hydrodynamic and thermo-diffusive effects. Laminar burning speeds were measured using pressure rise data during flame propagation and power law correlations were developed over a wide range of temperatures, pressures and equivalence ratios. As a part of this work, the effect of EGR addition and substitution of nitrogen with helium in air on flame morphology and laminar burning speed were extensively investigated. The effect of cell formation on flame surface area of syngas fuel in terms of a newly defined parameter called cellularity factor was also evaluated. In addition to that the experimental onset of auto-ignition and theoretical ignition delay times of premixed GTL/air mixture were determined at high pressures and low temperatures over a wide range of equivalence ratios.


Book Description

This book provides a rigorous treatment of the coupling of chemical reactions and fluid flow. Combustion-specific topics of chemistry and fluid mechanics are considered and tools described for the simulation of combustion processes. This edition is completely restructured. Mathematical Formulae and derivations as well as the space-consuming reaction mechanisms have been replaced from the text to appendix. A new chapter discusses the impact of combustion processes on the atmosphere, the chapter on auto-ignition is extended to combustion in Otto- and Diesel-engines, and the chapters on heterogeneous combustion and on soot formation are heavily revised.

Effect of Blending on High-pressure Laminar Flame Speed Measurements, Markstein Lengths, and Flame Stability of Hydrocarbons

Book Description

Natural gas is the primary fuel used in industrial gas turbines for power generation. Hydrocarbon blends of methane, ethane, and propane make up a large portion of natural gas and it has been shown that dimethyl ether can be used as a supplement or in its pure form for gas turbine combustion. Because of this, a fundamental understanding of the physical characteristics such as the laminar flame speed is necessary, especially at elevated pressures to have the most relevance to the gas turbine industry. This thesis discusses the equations governing premixed laminar flames, historical methods used to measure the laminar flame speed, the experimental device used in this study, the procedure for converting the measured data into the flame speed, the results of the measurements, and a discussion of the results. The results presented in this thesis include the flame speeds for binary blends of methane, ethane, propane, and dimethyl ether performed at elevated pressures, up to 10-atm initial pressure, using a spherically expanding flame in a constant-volume vessel. Also included in this thesis is a comparison between the experimental measurements and four chemical kinetic models. The C4 mechanism, developed in part through collaboration between the National University of Ireland Galway and Texas A & M, was improved using the data presented herein, showing good agreement for all cases. The effect of blending ethane, propane, and dimethyl ether with methane in binary form is emphasized in this study, with the resulting Markstein length, Lewis number (Le), and flame stability characterized and discussed. It was noticed in this study, as well as in other studies, that the critical radius of the flame typically decreased as the Le decreased, and that the critical radius of the flame increased as the Le increased. Also, a rigorous uncertainty analysis has been performed, showing a range of 0.3 cm/s to 3.5 cm/s depending on equivalence ratio and initial pressure.

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Laminar Burning Speed and Flame Instability of Alternative Fuels and Refrigerants

Book Description

"Alternative fuels and alternative refrigerants have attracted a lot of attention as many are deemed to be environmentally friendly. Consequently, the combustion behavior of fuels such as Syngas, Biogas, Liquified petroleum gas (LPG), and Gas to liquid (GTL) premixed flames were studied. In this investigation, the laminar burning speed and the flame instability of alternative fuels and refrigerants and different diluents (Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), Helium, CO2) mixtures were evaluated both experimentally and numerically. Experiments were conducted using a spherical vessel to measure laminar burning speed and a cylindrical vessel to investigate flame instability. The cylindrical vessel is set up in a Z-shape Schlieren system, coupled with a high-speed CMOS camera that is used to capture evolutionary behavior of flames at up to 40,000 frames per second (around 2000 frames per second in general case). Upon ignition, the pressure rises as a function of time, during flame propagation in the spherical chamber, is the primary input of a multi-shell thermodynamic model, used to calculate the laminar burning speed for smooth flames. Power law correlations were developed for experimental burning speed results of different combustible mixtures over a wide range of equivalence ratios, temperatures, pressures, and diluent concentrations. For the onset of flame instability, a correlation for the ratio of critical pressure to initial pressure of syngas/air/diluent flames over a wide range of initial temperatures, initial pressures, equivalence ratios, diluent concentrations, and hydrogen percentages were developed. Kinetics simulations calculated by 1-D steady state flame code from CANTERA were compared with various experimental burning speed results"--Author's abstract.

Laminar Flame Speed of Jet Fuel Surrogates and Second Generation Biojet Fuel Blends

Book Description

"An understanding of the fundamental combustion properties of alternative fuels is essential for their adoption as replacements for non-renewable sources. In the aviation industry, a promising candidate is hydrotreated renewable jet fuel (HRJF). HRJF can be synthesized in a sustainable and economically viable manner from long chain fatty-acid methyl esters found in jatropha and camelina seed, and the laboratory-scale characterization of the combustion properties of HRJF is an active area of research. Such research is motivated, in part, by the chemical complexity of biojet fuels which are composed of hundreds of hydrocarbon species, similar to conventional aviation grade fuels. The laminar flame speed has been identified as an important combustion parameter for many combustion applications, and is especially relevant to the aviation community. The laminar flame speed is also an important parameter in the validation of chemical kinetic mechanisms, as it is representative of the chemical reactivity of the fuel. In this study, laminar, atmospheric pressure, premixed stagnation flames were used to determine the laminar flame speed of HRJF blended in varying ratios with Jet A-1 aviation fuel, requiring a combination of experimental and numerical methods. Jet A-1 was also studied to allow for comparative benchmarking of the biojet blends. Experiments were carried out in a jet-wall stagnation flame geometry at a pre-heated temperature of 400 K. Centerline velocity profiles were obtained using particle image velocimetry, from which the strained reference flame speeds were determined. Simulations of each experiment were carried out using the CHEMKIN-PRO software package together with a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism, with the specification of necessary boundary conditions taken entirely from experimental measurements. A direct comparison method was used to infer the true laminar flame speed from the experimental and numerical strained reference flame speeds. In order to model the chemical kinetics of Jet A-1 and the biojet blends, it was necessary to identify a surrogate blend that emulates the reactivity of the biojet fuels, while consisting of a much smaller number of pure compounds. Published data shows significant discrepancies for many jet fuel surrogate components, motivating their inclusion in this study. Thus, laminar flame speeds were also obtained for three candidate jet fuel surrogate components: n-decane, methylcyclohexane and toluene, which are representative of the alkane, cycloalkane and aromatic components of conventional aviation fuel, respectively. Results for the pure surrogate components were used to generate a suitable surrogate blend for the biojet blends. The results form this work resolve conflicting laminar flame speed data for the surrogate components, which is essential for the further development of chemical kinetic mechanisms and contributes to the surrogate modelling of jet fuel combustion. The laminar flame speeds of the biojet blends are compared to the Jet A-1 benchmark over a wide range of equivalence ratios. The biojet blends are found to behave similarly to Jet A-1 for low to moderate levels of blending, but show a marked disagreement otherwise." --