Land of the Fallen Star Gods

Book Description

A radical reinterpretation of Egypt’s ancient origins and its esoteric philosophy • Explains how the “spontaneous” appearance of Egyptian civilization 5,000 years ago represents the remnants of an ancient worldwide advanced culture • Explores astrophysical, geophysical, and anthropological evidence of forgotten civilizations beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa • Examines the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals of the ancient Egyptians and their sophisticated understanding of precession, human evolution, and divine purpose Radically reinterpreting the time line of prehistory, J. S. Gordon shows that Egyptian civilization is 50,000 years older than acknowledged by Egyptology. He explores astrophysical, cosmological, geophysical, linguistic, and anthropological evidence to reveal forgotten civilizations hidden beneath the Mediterranean and along the coast of northwestern Africa. He explains how the “spontaneous” full-fledged appearance of Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations 5,000 years ago represents not the birth of civilization but the remnants of an immensely ancient and sophisticated worldwide culture ranging from Tibet and China to Atlantis and the vastly larger continent of which it once was part. Examining the mystical traditions and initiatory rituals of the ancient Egyptians, Gordon shows that they were not a culture obsessed with death and tombs but one structured around cosmic knowledge, with an astronomical competence that modern science has yet to attain. He reveals their sophisticated understanding of the precession of the equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose--an understanding that could only have arisen from many millennia of high-level observation. Illustrating in detail the sacred geometry of the Great Pyramid and the Giza site, Gordon explains how the coherence of Egyptian mystico-scientific concepts and their art, architecture, and engineering reveals a mission to achieve a “reflection of Heaven on Earth” through the careful location, orientation, and stellar alignment of their temples. He shows the Egyptian Mystery School and its scientific knowledge and universal spiritual philosophy to be a legacy left to the ancient Egyptians by the “fallen star gods,” divine celestial beings who came to Earth long ago and founded the original now forgotten culture--and who will return again with the turning of the Great Year.

Land of the Fallen Star Gods

Book Description

Esoteric Egypt

Book Description

A study of the 100,000-year-old spiritual science of ancient Egypt • Examines the metaphysical structure of our universe as seen by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts, showing that each is based on the same central concepts from time immemorial • Reveals that the ancient Egyptians believed in reincarnation and a spiritual evolutionary process • Explains the connections between the movements of Orion and Sirius and the story of Osiris and Isis, the importance of the Pleiades and circumpolar stars to the Egyptians, and the fundamental unity of the Egyptian pantheon • Investigates the people who colonized greater Egypt 100,000 years ago, descendants of the Atlanteans In Esoteric Egypt, J. S. Gordon reveals how the sacred science and wisdom tradition of ancient Egypt--the Land of Khem--stems from an advanced prehistoric worldwide civilization. Examining the metaphysical structure of our universe as seen by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts, he shows that each tradition is merely a variation on the central concepts of the precession of the equinoxes and the obliquity of the ecliptic pole. He explores the connections between the cyclical movements of Orion and Sirius and the story of Osiris and Isis, the importance of the Pleiades and the circumpolar stars, and the ancient tradition of man as a divine being “born from the substance of the stars.” He investigates the people who colonized greater Egypt 100,000 years ago, the progenitors of ancient Egyptian civilization descended from the 4th- and 5th-Root Race Atlanteans. Gordon explores the magical and esoteric meanings behind Egyptian sacred ritual and temple art, drawing parallels to the Mystery School process of initiation. Explaining the fundamental unity of the Egyptian pantheon and the structure of the after-death state, he shows that the Egyptians clearly believed in reincarnation and a spiritual evolutionary process. Revealing the ancient sacred science of the Land of Khem, teachings passed down from the earliest times, he examines the psychospiritual nature of the human being and the function of our spiritual identity and our souls.

The God Secret

Book Description

An attempt to find the origin of the Judeo-Christian concept of God is made by using astronomy and ancient history.

Egypt: Child of Atlantis

Book Description

Reveals that Egyptian civilization is far older than commonly believed and that its sacred science was the legacy of the gods who founded Atlantis • Explains the cosmological and astronomical underpinnings of Egyptian philosophy and how they gave structure to the entire society • Explores the importance of the Precession of the Equinoxes in the initiatory nature of Egyptian life This book asserts that the civilization of Egypt existed far longer than is commonly believed and was structured around forms of cosmic knowledge that involved astronomical and geographical competence that modern science has yet to attain. Building on evidence of the prehistoric existence of an ancient worldwide religious culture that extended all the way to Tibet and China, John Gordon traces the origins of Egyptian culture to the legendary lost continent of Atlantis. Based on an understanding of the Precession of the Equinoxes and its inextricable connection to human evolution and divine purpose, he concludes that the sacred science of the ancient Egyptians was the legacy left to them by “fallen star gods,” conscious divine beings who founded Atlantis. Egyptologists contend that ancient Egypt was a civilization obsessed with death, that its greatest monuments were tombs, and that its history dates back only some 5,000 years. In contrast Gordon suggests this civilization to have been 50,000 years older. Furthermore, he contends that Egypt was originally not a society obsessed with death, but one that saw in life and death an initiatory transition. This idea was followed by the entire population, which was attuned to the form and nature of cosmic evolution at all levels of being, from the highest to the most mundane.

Lies of Descent

Book Description

In this compelling fantasy from a debut author, two young people must unite two warring cultures to banish the gods who destroyed their homeland. The Fallen Gods' War drove the remnants of a victorious army across the ocean in search of a new homeland. A thousand years later, the lifeless continent of Draegora is largely forgotten, a symbol for the regiments that remain. Demons to some. Protectors to others. The power of their god-touched blades has forged a nation, though many resent their absolute control. Riam and Nola are unknowing descendants of the old world. When it’s discovered they carry enough Draegoran blood to serve in the regiments, they are dragged away from their families to begin training. If they survive, they will be expected to enforce the laws of the covenant, to fight the Esharii tribesmen who raid along the border, and to be judge, jury, and executioners for those accused of crimes. For Riam, who welcomes his escape from an abusive father, the power to protect those who cannot defend themselves is alluring. For Nola, who wishes to return home, it is a betrayal by all she holds dear. Neither is given a choice...and neither may ever get the chance to serve. Lies of Descent begins an epic trilogy of fallen gods, betrayal, and magic—where dark motives often dwell within the true and just, and where the things most feared sometimes lead to salvation.

The Atum-Re Revival

Book Description

An interest in the magic, religion and spirituality of the ancient Egyptians continues to increase steadily as people begin to realise that it is possible to follow this ancient tradition in the 21st century. The Egyptian religion is the oldest recorded belief system in the world, having just entered its sixth millennium - and it still can still teach us how to live today in both earthly and cosmic harmony.

The Path of Initiation

Book Description

Details the process of spiritual initiation from aspirant to the highest Adept • Explains the characteristics of each stage of initiation, including the associated psychological issues that need to be faced to move to the next stage • Explores the long history of the Mystery traditions from ancient Egypt, Babylonia, and India to the modern Theosophy of Blavatsky and Bailey • Reveals how the Brotherhood of Spiritual Adepts is increasing global tensions to prepare humanity for the Age of Aquarius and spiritual revelation As the precessional cycle transits from Pisces to Aquarius, great shifts in spiritual evolution are on the horizon--not for all of humanity as many in the New Age movement have generously hypothesized but for those who have undertaken the necessary spiritual preparation and initiatory work. Drawing from his deep immersion in the Mystery traditions of both East and West, author J. S. Gordon investigates the initiatic path from ancient times to modern day, detailing the step-by-step process of initiation and the sequence from spiritual aspirant to the highest Adeptship. He explains the natural logic and characteristics of each stage of initiation, including the associated problems and psychological issues that need to be faced in order to move forward to the next stage. He shows how humanity is naturally inclined to spiritual evolution and the development of higher consciousness. We are part of the overall evolutionary process of Nature, a system guided by the most highly evolved Adepts and extending beyond Earth to the entire kosmos. Exploring the long history of the Mystery schools beginning with ancient Egypt, Babylonia, and India, Gordon examines the sacred metaphors and allegories of esoteric philosophy, metaphysics, occult science, and the Science of the Seven Rays as well as the Adept-inspired theosophical works of H. P. Blavatsky and A. A. Bailey. He looks at the Adept Hierarchy of the Great White Himalayan Brotherhood and considers in detail two much-discussed mysteries: The Jesus-as-Christ mystery and the Maitreya-Buddha mystery. Revealing how advancement--spiritual, scientific, and cultural--erupts out of tension, he explains how the Adepts have been increasing local and global tensions to prepare humanity for the Age of Aquarius, thereby creating the ideal preconditions for spiritual evolution and an eventual restoration of the Mysteries in our own modern era.

Astrology in Ancient Mesopotamia

Book Description

A detailed study of the earliest forms of astrology in Mesopotamia and their far-reaching hermetic influences from the Renaissance to the present day • Reveals the roots of modern astrology in the Babylonian science of omens, which was concerned not with individuals but with the state and king • Explores Mesopotamian mythology as it relates to the planets and to astrology • Traces the hermetic transmission of this knowledge over the centuries from Mesopotamia to Egypt to Renaissance Italy Among the many significant discoveries excavated from Assyrian king Ashurbanipal’s royal library in Nineveh were tablets documenting the development of Mesopotamian astrology, now recognized as the earliest astrological science. Drawing upon translations of the Nineveh library tablets as well as many other ancient sources, Michael Baigent reveals the roots of modern astrology in the Babylonian science of omens. He explains how astrology in the Babylonian and Assyrian empires was concerned not with individuals but with the king and the state. He shows that by the first dynasty of Babylon, around 1900 to 1600 BC, astrology had become a systematic discipline, the preserve of highly trained specialists intent upon interpreting omens from the movements of planets and stars. He explores Mesopotamian mythology as it relates to the planets and to astrology as well as to Mesopotamian religion, magic, and politics--for the mythology of Babylon and Assyria served the state and thus changed as the state changed. He shows how this ancient form of astrology uniquely represents both Sun and Moon as masculine entities and Saturn (Ninurta) as the principle of order imposed on chaos. He examines the connections between ancient astrology and the symbolism of Western religions, such as how the “Greek” or “Templar” cross may symbolize the Babylonian god Nabu, now known as Mercury. Tracing the hermetic transmission of this knowledge over the centuries from Mesopotamia to Egypt to Florence, Baigent reveals how the religious and magical aspects of early Babylonian cosmological speculation played a significant role in the Renaissance, influencing prominent figures such as Cosimo de Medici, Marsilio Ficino, and Botticelli.

Awakening Higher Consciousness

Book Description

Explains the relevance of ancient myths to the awakening to higher states of consciousness and enlivened experience of the world • Shows how higher consciousness can arise within each of us by following the guidance found in ancient myths • Reveals how myths influence our personal development without our awareness through their influence on our core values and culture • Examines ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hebrew myths, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Osiris and Isis In this study of ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hebrew myths, authors Lloyd M. Dickie and Paul R. Boudreau show that many classic myths contain instructions for awakening higher consciousness, allowing access to enlivened experience of the world and awareness of the divine within and around us. Inspired by the work of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, the authors deeply examine creation myths and well-known ancient myths from Mesopotamia and Egypt, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the story of Osiris and Isis. They reveal that these myths are not behavioral morality tales but actual delineations of how a higher order can arise within each of us. The authors explain how these stories teach us to distinguish the heaven within from the earth within us, to find the essential part of our being that provides a link with our higher powers. Spending more than a year onsite in Egypt to personally connect with the myths, the authors explain how ancient storytellers intentionally chose myths as a vehicle for teachings because story has a seed-like capacity to implant itself in the unconscious and influence development without the individual being aware of it. By crafting these sacred narratives, the ancient Sumerians and Egyptians provide tools to awaken to the presence of higher consciousness as well as a road map for the individual to come into conscious alignment with the perpetual unfolding of the universe.