Evaluating Great Lakes Bald Eagle Nesting Habitat with Bayesian Inference

Book Description

Bayesian inference facilitated structured interpretation of a nonreplicated, experience-based survey of potential nesting habitat for bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) along the five Great Lakes shorelines. We developed a pattern recognition (PATREC) model of our aerial search image with six habitat attributes: (a) tree cover, (b) proximity and (c) type/amount of human disturbance, (d) potential foraging habitat/shoreline irregularity, and suitable trees for (e) perching and (f) nesting. Tree cover greater than 10 percent, human disturbance more than 0.8 km away, a ratio of total to linear shoreline distance greater than 2.0, and suitable perch and nest trees were prerequisite for good eagle habitat (having sufficient physical attributes for bald eagle nesting). The estimated probability of good habitat was high (96 percent) when all attributes were optimal, and nonexistent (0 percent) when none of the model attributes were present. Of the 117 active bald eagle nests along the Great Lakes shorelines in 1992, 82 percent were in habitat classified as good. While our PATREC model provides a method for consistent interpretation of subjective surveyor experience, it also facilitates future management of bald eagle nesting habitat along Great Lakes shorelines by providing insight into the number, type, and relative importance of key habitat attributes. This practical application of Bayesian inference demonstrates the technique's advantages for effectively incorporating available expertise, detailing model development processes, enabling exploratory simulations, and facilitating long-term ecosystem monitoring.

GIS-Based Model of Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus Leucocephalus) Nesting Habitat in Indiana on a Landscape Scale

Book Description

After being extirpated from the state for nearly a century, Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) are again nesting in Indiana. To effectively manage for an expanding Bald Eagle population and maintain the population's viability, factors that drive nest site selection must be understood. This study seeks to determine the association of several geographic variables with Bald Eagle nest site selection in Indiana on a landscape scale, with the purpose of identifying areas ideal for Bald Eagle nest sites. Geographic variables related to proximity of water, land cover, and human activity were measured for nest sites and random sites via GIS analyses and used to developed a logistic regression model, which was applied across Indiana to identify areas likely to provide good nesting habitat for Bald Eagles. These include Tri-County Fish and Wildlife Area and Indiana Dunes, Pokagon, and Harmonie State Parks. This knowledge enables concentrated management efforts for Bald Eagle nesting.