Landscape Facets

Book Description

The European Landscape Convention was adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe with the aim of promoting the protection, management and planning of European landscape and organising European co-operation in this area. It is the first international treaty covering all aspects of landscape. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes that might be considered outstanding, commonplace or deteriorated. The convention represents an important contribution to achieving the Council of Europe's objectives, namely to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law, as well as to seek common solutions to the main problems facing European society. By taking into account landscape, culture and nature, the Council of Europe seeks to protect the quality of life and well-being of Europeans in a sustainable development perspective.

Marin Landscape Design

Book Description

This book is intended to help home-owners in Marin County, California with their landscape design process. It includes hundreds of local photos organized by topics as well as detailed portraits of local landscapes created by author and landscape designer Dane Rose.

The History of the Study of Landforms, Or, The Development of Geomorphology

Book Description

This volume provides a global treatment of historical and regional geomorphic work as it developed from the end of the nineteenth century to the hiatus of the Second World War. The book deals with the burgeoning of the eustatic theory, the concepts of isostasy and epeirogeny, and the first complete statements of the cycle of erosion and of polycyclic denudation chronology.

The Permaculture City

Book Description

Permaculture is more than just the latest buzzword; it offers positive solutions for many of the environmental and social challenges confronting us. And nowhere are those remedies more needed and desired than in our cities. The Permaculture City provides a new way of thinking about urban living, with practical examples for creating abundant food, energy security, close-knit communities, local and meaningful livelihoods, and sustainable policies in our cities and towns. The same nature-based approach that works so beautifully for growing food—connecting the pieces of the landscape together in harmonious ways—applies perfectly to many of our other needs. Toby Hemenway, one of the leading practitioners and teachers of permaculture design, illuminates a new way forward through examples of edge-pushing innovations, along with a deeply holistic conceptual framework for our cities, towns, and suburbs. The Permaculture City begins in the garden but takes what we have learned there and applies it to a much broader range of human experience; we’re not just gardening plants but people, neighborhoods, and even cultures. Hemenway lays out how permaculture design can help towndwellers solve the challenges of meeting our needs for food, water, shelter, energy, community, and livelihood in sustainable, resilient ways. Readers will find new information on designing the urban home garden and strategies for gardening in community, rethinking our water and energy systems, learning the difference between a “job” and a “livelihood,” and the importance of placemaking and an empowered community. This important book documents the rise of a new sophistication, depth, and diversity in the approaches and thinking of permaculture designers and practitioners. Understanding nature can do more than improve how we grow, make, or consume things; it can also teach us how to cooperate, make decisions, and arrive at good solutions.

Landscape mosaics

Book Description

Landscape protection, management and planning entail rights and responsibilities for everyone. The Council of Europe Landscape Convention aims to promote the protection, management and planning of landscapes, and to organise international co-operation in this field. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes considered outstanding, as well as everyday or degraded areas. This publication presents thoughts and proposals for the implementation of the convention and addresses a "mosaic" of key issues related to its future. It forms part of a process of reflection on major themes concerning the living environment.

Visages of Geodiversity and Geoheritage

Book Description

Geodiversity and geoheritage are emerging topics within the geosciences that are increasingly interconnected to biodiversity research and the humanities through the intersection between Earth and culture. Understanding, recognizing and conserving geodiversity is important for various domains, including geology, geomorphology, geography, ecology, conservation and land management. Geodiversity helps preserve Earth's geoheritage, support biodiversity, manage geohazards and promote sustainable land use. Geoheritage also connects with geotourism development and is integral to territorial development studies. This volume showcases theoretical research and case studies prepared by a stimulating selection of early career scientists alongside experienced researchers. The first part of this book is dedicated to conceptual chapters on geodiversity that consider its links to other studies. The second and third sections present an integrated view of geodiversity, geoheritage and landscape through their management and conservation. This volume charts the diversity of research and those working in the field of geodiversity and geoheritage. Through these multidisciplinary perspectives, we invite emerging and early researchers to continue the conversation and strengthen this dynamic field of study.

Landscape Ecology And Geographical Information Systems

Book Description

The landscape we see and live in is an important part or our everyday lives, be they urban or rural. Environmental concern has grown in recent years, as a result of public awareness of the detrimental impact industry, transport and tourism can have on the ecosystem. This book examines the role of the new technologies of geographical information sys

Landscapes and Landforms of England and Wales

Book Description

This book presents the geomorphological diversity of England and Wales. These regions are characterised by an extraordinary range of landforms and landscapes, reflecting both the occurrence of many different rock types and drastic climatic changes over the last few million years, including ice sheet expansion and decay. The book begins by providing the geological and geomorphological context needed in order to understand this diversity in a relatively small area. In turn, it presents nearly thirty case studies on specific landscapes and landforms, all of which are landmarks in the territory discussed. These include the famous coastal cliffs and landslides, granite tors of Dartmoor, formerly glaciated mountains of Snowdonia and the Lake District, karst of Yorkshire, and many others. The geomorphology of London and the Thames is also included. Providing a unique reference guide to the geomorphology of England and Wales, the book is lavishly illustrated with diagrams, colour maps and photos, and written in an easy-to-read style. The contributing authors are distinguished geomorphologists with extensive experience in research, writing and communicating science to the public. The book will not only be of interest to geoscientists, but will also benefit specialists in landscape research, geoconservation, tourism and environmental protection.

Landscape dimensions

Book Description

As a key element of individual and social well-being and quality of life, landscape plays an important part in human fulfilment and in reinforcement of European identity. Adopted under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Landscape Convention aims to promote the protection, management and planning of landscapes, and to organise international co-operation in this field. It applies to the entire territory of the contracting parties and covers natural, rural, urban and peri-urban areas. It concerns landscapes considered outstanding, as well as everyday or degraded areas. Certain “dimensions” of the landscape are presented in this publication, which addresses key issues for its future, including democracy, education, economy, leisure and advertising. Landscape management processes – and even the term “landscape” itself – are also analysed. This book forms part of a process of reflection on the major themes concerning the living environment.

Evolution of the Human Diet

Book Description

We are interested in the evolution of hominin diets for several reasons. One is the fundamental concern over our present-day eating habits and the consequences of our societal choices, such as obesity prevalent in some cultures and starvation in others. Another is that humans have learned to feed themselves in extremely varied environments, and these adaptations, which are fundamentally different from those of our closest biological relatives, have to have had historical roots of varying depth. The third, and the reason why most paleoanthropologists are interested in this question, is that a species' trophic level and feeding adaptations can have a strong effect on body size, locomotion, "life history strategies", geographic range, habitat choice, and social behavior. Diet is key to understanding the ecology and evolution of our distant ancestors and their kin, the early hominins. A study of the range of foods eaten by our progenitors underscores just how unhealthy many of our diets are today. This volume brings together authorities from disparate fields to offer new insights into the diets of our ancestors. Paleontologists, archaeologists, primatologists, nutritionists and other researchers all contribute pieces to the puzzle. This volume has at its core four main sections: · Reconstructed diets based on hominin fossils--tooth size, shape, structure, wear, and chemistry, mandibular biomechanics · Archaeological evidence of subsistence--stone tools and modified bones · Models of early hominin diets based on the diets of living primates--both human and non-human, paleoecology, and energetics · Nutritional analyses and their implications for evolutionary medicine New techniques for gleaning information from fossil teeth, bones, and stone tools, new theories stemming from studies of paleoecology, and new models coming from analogy with modern humans and other primates all contribute to our understanding. When these approaches are brought together, they offer an impressive glimpse into the lives of our distant ancestors. The contributions in this volume explore the frontiers of our knowledge in each of these disciplines as they address the knowns, the unknowns, and the unknowables of the evolution of hominin diets.