Theater Design

Book Description

This text is a comprehensive reference to all aspects of theatre planning and construction and a history of theatre design from ancient times to the present. Drawing on examples from Greek and Roman models to Renaissance and baroque theatres to contemporary buildings around the world, it discusses such requirements as structural systems, seating, acoustics and visual volume in detail, considering the optimum conditions for both musical and dramatic performance. This edition includes, as an appendix, a new set of drawings, in addition to the original 900 illustrations.

Theater Technology

Book Description

George C. Izenour ties detailed information on construction, lighting, acoustical structures, electro-mechanical-hydraulic systems, and stage controls to a rich-history of technological developments from the invention of the proscenium stage in late Renaissance Italy to the contributions of our own time. All the drawings are produced on the same scale for plan, transverse section, and perspective section.

Horrible Prettiness

Book Description

Robert Allen's compelling book examines burlesque not only as popular entertainment but also as a complex and transforming cultural phenomenon. When Lydia Thompson and her controversial female troupe of "British Blondes" brought modern burlesque to the United States in 1868, the result was electric. Their impertinent humor, streetwise manner, and provocative parodies of masculinity brought them enormous popular success--and the condemnation of critics, cultural commentators, and even women's rights campaigners. Burlesque was a cultural threat, Allen argues, because it inverted the "normal" world of middle-class social relations and transgressed norms of "proper" feminine behavior and appearance. Initially playing to respectable middle-class audiences, burlesque was quickly relegated to the shadow-world of working-class male leisure. In this process the burlesque performer "lost" her voice, as burlesque increasingly revolved around the display of her body. Locating burlesque within the context of both the social transformation of American theater and its patterns of gender representation, Allen concludes that burlesque represents a fascinating example of the potential transgressiveness of popular entertainment forms, as well as the strategies by which they have been contained and their threats defused.

Jno. B.

Book Description