High Order Large Eddy Simulation for Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction Control by a Micro-ramp Vortex Generator

Book Description

This volume presents an implicitly implemented large eddy simulation (ILES) by using the fifth order bandwidth-optimized WENO scheme. The chosen method is applied to make comprehensive studies on ramp flows with and without control at Mach 2.5 and Re=5760. Flow control in the form of microramp vortex generators (MVG) is applied. The results show that a MVG can distinctly reduce the separation zone at the ramp corner and lower the boundary layer shape factor under simulated conditions. A series of new findings about the MVG-ramp flow are obtained, including structures relevant to surface pressure, three-dimensional structures of the re-compression shock waves, a complete surface separation pattern, momentum deficit and a new secondary vortex system. A new mechanism of shock-boundary layer interaction control by MVG associated with a series of vortex rings is also presented. Vortex rings strongly interact with air flow and play an important role in the separation zone reduction. Additionally, readers will learn about the governing equation, boundary condition, high quality grid generation, high order shock capturing scheme and DNS inflow condition in detail. This volume will, therefore, serve as a useful reference for aerospace researchers using LES methods to study shock boundary layer interaction and supersonic flow control.

Large Eddy Simulation of Shock Boundary Layer Interaction Control Using Micro-vortex Generators

Book Description

The performance of supersonic engine inlets and external aerodynamic surfaces can be critically affected by shock wave / boundary layer interactions (SBLIs), whose severe adverse pressure gradients can cause boundary layer separation. Currently such problems are avoided primarily through the use of boundary layer bleed/suction which can be a source of significant performance degradation.

Shock Wave-Boundary-Layer Interactions

Book Description

Shock wave-boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) is a fundamental phenomenon in gas dynamics that is observed in many practical situations, ranging from transonic aircraft wings to hypersonic vehicles and engines. SBLIs have the potential to pose serious problems in a flowfield; hence they often prove to be a critical - or even design limiting - issue for many aerospace applications. This is the first book devoted solely to a comprehensive, state-of-the-art explanation of this phenomenon. It includes a description of the basic fluid mechanics of SBLIs plus contributions from leading international experts who share their insight into their physics and the impact they have in practical flow situations. This book is for practitioners and graduate students in aerodynamics who wish to familiarize themselves with all aspects of SBLI flows. It is a valuable resource for specialists because it compiles experimental, computational and theoretical knowledge in one place.

Experimental Study of Separated Ramp-induced Shock/boundary-layer Interaction with Upstream Micro-vortex Generation at Mach 2.5

Book Description

Shock wave/boundary layer interactions (SBLIs) are important issues for high-speed vehicles. SBLIs reduce the performance of aerodynamic surfaces and engine inlets, amongst a number of adverse effects. Micro-vortex generators (MVGs) are a flow control method with strong potential to mitigate the effects of SBLI by energizing the boundary layer through momentum transfers from the freestream. They have been implemented in actual configurations at low speeds. The present research includes a combined experimental and theoretical analysis of the evolution of the perturbation downstream the MVG, the formation of vortices, and their interaction with the shock front. Experiments were performed with a baseline MVG configuration of 90° trailing edge on flat plate, ramp alone, and also with MVG mounted ahead of a 20° ramp. The surface flow visualization and particle image velocimetry (PIV) results are presented; the surface flow visualization shows a substantial suppression of SBLIs. A new method to quantify the effectiveness of the MVG on the shock recompression is presented. Moreover, the PIV results were used as the initial input values for the simulation work. A theoretical analysis of the interaction of the MVG perturbation with the boundary layer is performed by assuming linear dynamics of the perturbation. The major assumption is that the interaction between MVG perturbation and the shear flow is affected by transient growth as a result of the non-orthogonality of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. A new method to perform the projection of the measured perturbation on the continuous modes of the boundary layer is presented. The method takes advantage of the biorthogonality of the direct and adjoint modes. The implementation of such a method using both the Chebyshev polynomials and a shooting algorithm is discussed. The results of the theoretical analysis are encouraging and display a similar trend as the experiments. Both experimental and theoretical results yield perturbation decay not far downstream from the MVG: about 72 mm for experiments, and about 95 mm for simulation. The experiments display two distinguishable growths downstream of MVG, while the simulation predicted one small growth at the very beginning. Both works show trends that agree well with each other.

Unsteady Effects of Shock Wave induced Separation

Book Description

This volume contains description of experimental and numerical results obtained in the UFAST project. The goal of the project was to generate experiment data bank providing unsteady characteristics of the shock boundary layer interaction. The experiments concerned basic-reference cases and the cases with application of flow control devices. Obtained new data bank have been used for the comparison with available simulation techniques, starting from RANS, through URANS, LES and hybrid RANS-LES methods. New understanding of flow physics as well as ability of different numerical methods in the prediction of such unsteady flow phenomena will be discussed.

28th International Symposium on Shock Waves

Book Description

The University of Manchester hosted the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves between 17 and 22 July 2011. The International Symposium on Shock Waves first took place in 1957 in Boston and has since become an internationally acclaimed series of meetings for the wider Shock Wave Community. The ISSW28 focused on the following areas: Blast Waves, Chemically Reacting Flows, Dense Gases and Rarefied Flows, Detonation and Combustion, Diagnostics, Facilities, Flow Visualisation, Hypersonic Flow, Ignition, Impact and Compaction, Multiphase Flow, Nozzle Flow, Numerical Methods, Propulsion, Richtmyer-Meshkov, Shockwave Boundary Layer Interaction, Shock Propagation and Reflection, Shock Vortex Interaction, Shockwave Phenomena and Applications, as well as Medical and Biological Applications. The two Volumes contain the papers presented at the symposium and serve as a reference for the participants of the ISSW 28 and individuals interested in these fields.

Mathematical Methods for Vortex Identification with Application on Shock Wave Vortex Ring Interaction

Book Description

Vortices are seen everywhere in nature, from smoke rings to tornadoes. Vortical structures play an essential role in the turbulence dynamics such as turbulence generation, kinetic energy production and dissipation, enhancement of transport of mass, heat and momentum and so on. In this dissertation, we present several vortex identification methods and compare them by the visualization of the examples studied by direct numerical simulation for flows with different speeds. The comparisons show the Omega method is much close to give vortex a mathematical definition and better visualization for vortical structures. We apply our method on the Micro Vortex Generator (MVG) data to reveal the significant role of the transport of vortices in the shock wave boundary layer interaction. A wedge-shaped MVG is placed on a flat plate over which a turbulent boundary layer at Mach number 2.5 is developed. We investigate the interaction between an oblique shock and high-speed vortex rings in the MVG controlled ramp flow by using a high order implicit large eddy simulation with the fifth order bandwidth optimized WENO scheme. By tracking several typical vortex rings before, when and after they pass through the shock front, the quantitative changes of flow properties are studied in detail. The vortex ring propagation is found to be responsible for the shock motion, and thus cause the pulsation of the separation bubble. The shock ring interaction will provide an insight for the study of flow control.