Las cuatro leyes de la mente subconsciente y su aplicación para triunfar

Book Description

El subconsciente o la parte inconsciente de la mente controla en más de un 95% los pensamientos, emociones y actos de cualquier persona y afecta dramáticamente los resultados personales, sociales o económicos que todos obtenemos en la vida y es el centro de la autoestima para toda persona. De ah su extrema importancia y de cómo necesitamos aprender a conocerlo y a manejarlo para nuestro beneficio y el de los seres que nos rodean. Este texto teórico práctico ofrece a todo el público una serie de 4 leyes mentales subconscientes inherentes a todo ser humano que han sido observadas, descubiertas y aplicadas en el desarrollo de mi actividad laboral por más de 20 años en compañía de mi equipo de trabajo como profesional en desarrollo humano, consultor de empresas, entrenador de equipos comerciales, conferencista y empresario de redes de distribución. El libro y su contenido impactan de manera contundente las más diversas ramas operativas de la sociedad tanto personales, familiares, sociales, laborales y empresariales y proporciona a cada individuo una base sólida para administrar responsablemente la información y el conocimiento en aras de construir un autodesarrollo creciente y sostenible en cualquier ocupación o vocación elegida. Así mismo permite transformar y eliminar comportamientos negativos consigo mismo y con el entorno que impiden la creación y el aprovechamiento de nuevas oportunidades para lograr el éxito. La obra ofrece mecanismos claros para el conocimiento del funcionamiento de la mente humana, métodos prácticos y comprobados para tomar control efectivo de los pensamientos y como resultado modelar las circunstancias personales hacia una vida mejor. Consta de 8 capítulos e incluye diagramas explicativos y casos reales aplicados. Recomendado para: ejecutivos y gerentes de empresa (generales, comerciales, recursos humanos, mercadeo), representantes de ventas o vendedores, networkers, psicólogos, médicos, deportistas, terapistas, fuerzas armadas y de policía, padres de familia, profesionales, educadores, estudiantes y público en general.

Las Cuatro Leyes de la Mente Subconsciente y Su Aplicacion para Triunfar

Book Description

Primer y �nico texto te�rico-pr�ctico en el mundo que establece, analiza y aplica par�metros cient�fico-demostrables para entender y dominar esta delicada y compleja parte de la mente humana que controla el comportamiento y define el �xito o fracaso de cualquier actividad o proyecto, en la vida de toda persona. Con aplicaciones: personales,familiares,sociales,laborales,econ�micas y empresarialesEste libro y su contenido impactan de manera contundente las m�s diversas ramas operativas de la sociedad tanto personales, familiares, sociales, laborales y empresariales y proporciona a cada individuo una base s�lida para administrar responsablemente la informaci�n y el conocimiento en aras de construir un autodesarrollo creciente y sostenible en cualquier ocupaci�n o vocaci�n elegida.Asimismo permite eliminar comportamientos negativos consigo mismo y con el entorno y adoptar nuevos modelos de comportamiento que permitan vivir una vida nueva libre y exitosa.La obra consta de 8 cap�tulos.El libro incluye diagramas explicativos, m�todos de aplicaci�n y estudios de casos reales ocurridos en la vida diaria.Recomendado para:empresarios, ejecutivos y gerentes de empresa (generales, comerciales, recursos humanos, mercadeo), representantes de ventas o vendedores, emprendedores, networkers, psic�logos, m�dicos, deportistas, terapistas, fuerzas armadas y de polic�a, padres de familia, profesionales, educadores, estudiantes y p�blico en general.Conozca c�mo funciona su mente.Tome control de sus pensamientos.Cambie su destino.

The Luminous Novel

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Happy Women Live Better

Book Description

Women have more education, more money, and more choices than ever before. Yet, research shows we are less happy than women 40 years ago. Today, we can “have it all.” So why is happiness declining? In Happy Women Live Better, bestselling author Valorie Burton unlocks the secret to your personal happiness. She reveals 13 happiness triggers–choices that can boost your joy right now, even in the midst of deadlines, children, marriage, dating, and squeezing in a workout or girls' night out. Through these happiness triggers, you will learn to bounce back from stress and adversity faster. enjoy deeper satisfaction in your marriage and friendships. maximize career opportunities and increase your income. fight off depression, colds and other illnesses live longer! Valorie talks about the cultural shifts and modern challenges that threaten women’s happiness, such as increased stress from increased demands, earning more money than men, constant comparisons brought on by social media and reality television, and many more. Learn to navigate these issues and join thousands of women in a modern movement that empowers you to take control of your happiness.

Psalm 91

Book Description

This inspirational adult coloring book has been created to help you reduce stress, anxiety and as a wonderful meditative tool to help you reflect on scripture and the Lord's promises for your life. Coloring an image and pondering on the Lord's promises for your life will switch off your brain from negative thoughts and focus only on the moment that God wants for you to experience. Psalm 91 is the center of this inspirational adult coloring book. Psalm 91 in the Old Testament is associated with the time the Israelites were in the wilderness and the Promised Land. Each verse written in Psalm 91 explains how our relationship and life changes as we truly put our trust in God. We can hide in the Lord's presence every day even when we are led to the wilderness or the promise land.

Introducción a la Sintaxis del Español

Book Description

Written in Spanish by an experienced instructor, this textbook introduces students with no prior background in linguistics to the syntax of Spanish, exploring the building blocks of complex linguistic expressions. Variations across Spanish are highlighted and varieties spoken by bilinguals are included. New concepts are clearly presented through a gradual progression from simpler to more complex concepts, with definitions of key terms highlighted in boxes. Recent theoretical developments are presented in a theory-neutral framework, offering students a balanced perspective. Chapter learning objectives, numerous detailed examples, and summaries, enable students to build a solid knowledge and understanding of syntactic ideas from scratch. Both advanced and introductory exercises are included in every chapter, allowing students at all levels to put concepts into practice. Further reading suggestions, and expansion boxes highlight more complex developments, providing students with a platform for further exploration. This is an essential resource for introductory courses on Spanish syntax and linguistics.

The Key to Personal Peace

Book Description

People are seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. We are all crying out for guidance. For comfort. For peace. Is there a way out of our dilemma? Can we really find personal peace with God? Yes! But only if we look in the right place. The Key to Personal Peace not only includes trusted Biblical insights from renowned evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, but also includes the full gospel of John, making the book a perfect gift for evangelism or outreach. The Key to Personal Peace offers a look into how to live life in the fullness of God. Sections include: The Great Quest Our Dilemma What is God Like What Did Jesus Do for Us? Finding the Way Back Peace at Last Heaven, Our Hope Note: Must be ordered in multiples of 50.

Devil, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare

Book Description

The Battlefield: Our MindsOur most powerful enemy has many names—Satan, the devil, the evil one, the serpent. No matter what you call him, he seeks to conquer and destroy your spirit, soul, and body. But the power God has made available to you is far greater than anything in Satan’s realm. Through this book, you will learn how to: Be empowered to resist Satan’s attacks Conquer entrenched sins and habits Overcome your temptations Pray and see miracles happen Release others from spiritual bondage Realize that Jesus drove out demons, and you can do the same. The time is now for you to defeat Satan and live a life of power and victory!

The Failure of Modern Civilization and the Struggle for a "deep" Alternative

Book Description

Western civilization is the Utopia of a better and higher life on Earth. The globalization of neo-liberalism proves that this project has failed. The paradigm of «Critical Theory of Patriarchy» explains this failure and discusses alternatives. By confronting the central civilizations in history, the egalitarian, life-oriented matriarchal one, and the hierarchical, nature and life dominating, hostile patriarchal one, we see that 5000 years of patriarchy have «replaced» matriarchies and nature itself by a «progressive» counter-world of «capital». This transformation characterizes «capitalist patriarchy» including «socialism». Its demise is due to the «alchemical» destruction of the world's resources, thought of, theologically legitimized and fetishized as «creation». This violence is not recognized. Elites have, instead, begun with a new «military alchemy», treating the whole Planet as weapon of mass destruction. Hence, the «Planetary Movement for Mother Earth».


Book Description

Do you feel drained after being surrounded by too many people? Do you get the impression that you experience joy or pain more intensely than others? Whether you're consciously aware or not, if you answered yes to any of these questions you may carry the great and powerful gift of being an Empath.