Reformas Educativas Latinoamericanas

Book Description

El fenomeno educativo es uno de los mas complejos para analizar, por la cantidad de dimensiones que entran en juego. El ejercicio de comparar politicas y situaciones originadas y desarrolladas en diferentes contextos potencia dicha complejidad. Por otro lado existe una hegemonia del pensamiento neoconservador en la decada de los noventa, cuyos indicadores demostrarian la ideologia que inspira la reforma educativa en el periodo senalado y que fueron los objetivos de la politica implementada. Un hilo conductor para el analisis de esta problematica en America Latina se centra en la ultima decada del siglo pasado, cuando en el sistema educativo se proponen reformas como las politicas seguidas en torno a la estrategia de desarrollo para los paises de America Latina disenadas en el Consenso de Washington y las inconsistencias estructurales sociales y economicas, que dicho modelo ha supuesto, han sido la causa de su fracaso a finales de la decada. Con base a lo expuesto, este trabajo analiza el impacto sociopolitico de las reformas educativas en la decada de los noventa en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay."

Las reformas educativas en los países del Cono Sur

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Participan: Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina, Colegio de Profesores de Chile, Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (Brasil), Asociación de Funcionarios de la Universidad del Trabajo de Uruguay, Federación Nacional de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria (Uruguay), Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas, LPP, Río de Jainero/Buenos Aires. Participan: Confederación de Trabajadores de la Educación de la República Argentina, Colegio de Profesores de Chile, Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (Brasil), Asociación de Funcionarios de la Universidad del Trabajo de Uruguay, Federación Nacional de Profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria (Uruguay), Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas, LPP, Río de Jainero/Buenos Aires.

The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform

Book Description

The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform examines educational reform from a global perspective. Comprised of approximately 25 original and specially commissioned essays, which together interrogate educational reform from a critical global and transnational perspective, this volume explores a range of topics and themes that fully investigate global convergences in educational reform policies, ideologies, and practices. The Handbook probes the history, ideology, organization, and institutional foundations of global educational reform movements; actors, institutions, and agendas; and local, national, and global education reform trends. It further examines the “new managerialism” in global educational reform, including the standardization of national systems of educational governance, curriculum, teaching, and learning through the rise of new systems of privatization, accountability, audit, big-data, learning analytics, biometrics, and new technology-driven adaptive learning models. Finally, it takes on the subjective and intersubjective experiential dimensions of the new educational reforms and alternative paths for educational reform tied to the ethical imperative to reimagine education for human flourishing, justice, and equality. An authoritative, definitive volume and the first global take on a subject that is grabbing headlines as well as preoccupying policy makers, scholars, and teachers around the world Edited by distinguished leaders in the field Features contributions from an illustrious list of experts and scholars The Wiley Handbook of Global Educational Reform will be of great interest to scholars and graduate students of education throughout the world as well as the policy makers who can institute change.

Las reformas educativas en los países del Cono Sur: un balance crítico

Book Description

El presente estudio constituye una pormenorizada y rigurosa aproximación a las tendencias que han marcado el rumbo de las recientes reformas educativas en los países del Cono Sur (Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay). Producto de un proyecto de investigación intersindical, este trabajo evidencia algunas de las consecuencias más dramáticas del proyecto neoliberal impuesto durante los últimos años en casi toda América Latina. Una verdadera radiografía del caos educativo al que han sido sumergidos nuestros países y cuya superación demandará muchos años de políticas gubernamentales radicalmente democráticas, que permitan fortalecer un ya degradado especio público y garantizar los derechos ciudadanos fundamentales para la construcción de una sociedad justa e igualitaria. La investigación que dio origen a este documento fue realizada por un grupo de trabajo constituido por representantes de las principales organizaciones del sindicalismo magisterial canadiense. El estudio aquí presentado es una demostración cabal de la voluntad política del sindicalismo magisterial de hacer de la reflexión y el análisis teórico una herramienta de formación para la lucha democrática.

Contextualizing Global Flows of Competency-Based Education

Book Description

The new comparative research in this volume explores the global flow of competence-based education, curricular policy, and frameworks for instructional practice. Taking critical perspectives, the chapters trace the pathways through which educators and policy actors adopted and reshaped competence-based education as promoted by the OECD, the World Bank, and the European Union. The authors ask: What purposes do competence-based educational reforms serve? How are competence-based models internationally deployed and locally modified? What happens as competence-based reforms get re-contextualized and contested in particular cultural, social, and political contexts? In their nuanced examination of these global flows, the authors theorize how competence-based reform strategies variously produce hybridity, silent borrowing, “loud borrowing,” and new social imaginaries. Although entangled with other “hot topics” in educational research —skills and dispositions for citizenship and employment; higher-order and critical thinking; and socio-emotional learning—competence itself has multiple, fluid meanings. The authors dissect this polysemy while documenting the pivotal role of key actors in the development, design, and deployment of reforms in diverse international contexts. Contextualizing Global Flows of Competency-Based Education will be a key resource for academics, researchers, and advanced students of comparative education, educational research, curriculum studies, sociology, and education leadership and policy.This book was originally published as a special issue of Comparative Education.

The Palgrave International Handbook of Marxism and Education

Book Description

The Palgrave International Handbook of Marxism and Education is an international and interdisciplinary volume, which provides a thorough and precise engagement with emergent developments in Marxist theory in both the global South and North. Drawing on the work of authoritative scholars and practitioners, the handbook explicitly shows how these developments enable a rich historical and material understanding of the full range of education sectors and contexts. The handbook proceeds in a spirit of openness and dialogue within and between various conceptions and traditions of Marxism and brings those conceptions into dialogue with their critics and other anti-capitalist traditions. As such, it contributes to the development of Marxist analyses that push beyond established limits, by engaging with fresh perspectives and views that disrupt established perspectives.

Economía política de las reformas educativas en América Latina

Book Description

Ponencias presentadas al Seminario Internacional Política y Reformas Educativas en América Latina, realizado en Santiago de Chile entre el 17 y el 19 de Enero de 2000.