Last Clash of the Titans: The Second Coming of Hercules, Leviathan, and Prophetic War Between Jesus Christ and the Gods of Antiquity

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Greek and Roman tales of deities and demigods, what we call myths, are twisted versions of true history: Zeus is Satan, the Titans are the sons of god who came in to the daughters of man, and the heroes of the Golden Age are the mighty men of old-the Nephilim.If you were brought up in church, there's a good chance you were taught that the pagan gods were imaginary. But God Himself calls them gods. Not only that, He's judged them, found them wanting, and proclaimed a sentence of death on these rebels.But they're not dead yet. They're angry, and they're coming back.In Last Clash of the Titans, you'll discover:¿The Titans, the old gods of the Greeks, are the Watchers, the angelic sons of God who created the monstrous Nephilim by taking human women as wives¿The Nephilim, later called Rephaim, were the heroes and demigods of the Greeks¿Satan is lord of the Rephaim-and he'll lead them in an end times army against Israel¿The pagan Amorites worshiped the Rephaim spirits and believed they were ancestors of their kings¿The pagan prophet Balaam foretold the final destruction of the Nephilim by the Messiah¿Ezekiel's prophecy of Gog and Magog tells us when and where they'll be destroyed¿Gog won't be human, Magog is not Russia, and their war ends with the Battle of Armageddon¿The spirit of primordial chaos, Leviathan, will return from the abyss-as the AntichristAs Baudelaire wrote, "The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist." Recent research shows that nearly 60% of American Christians have fallen for that lie.Zeus, Hercules, the Olympians, and the Titans are real. They hate us, they want to kill us, and they're coming back.Get ready.

Clash of the Titans

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The Great Inception

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You stand on a battlefield, surrounded by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist.This is a classic example of a PSYOP--a psychological operation, a mission to change what you believe by feeding you information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright lie.This PSYOP is one of many by entities who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden. The Bible calls them gods. God Himself calls them gods. But we've been taught that they're imaginary, so we stumble around the battlefield completely unprepared to defend ourselves and the ones we love.In The Great Inception, you will learn:* War between God and the gods is real* Importance of mountains--and the holy mountain where the final battle will be fought* The Tower of Babel was not in Babylon and the real reason God stopped it* Where God led His heavenly army to battle the chief god of the Canaanites* True identities of Satan and Apollyon, king of the demons in the abyss* Mystery behind what God meant when He told Abraham about "the sin of the Amorites"* The Red Sea crossing was a literal battle between God and Ba`al (and why a Canaanite god was in Egypt in the first place)* The startling connections between the Titans of Greek mythology, the Nephilim of Genesis 6, and the people who fought Israel from the time of Moses to the present day* Where Jesus did battle with the rebel gods* How the moon-god of ancient Babylon is still influencing world events today* Where Armageddon will be fought (it's not where you think)* A possible end-times scenario that includes the most diabolical double-cross in historyCombining research from scholars of ancient history, languages, archaeology, and Bible prophecy, Derek P. Gilbert shows that the Bible is anything but a boring list of thou-shalt-nots; it's an epic tale of a war between God and the rebel gods who want to usurp His throne--before He can restore humanity to His holy mountain and the place we once had in the divine council.

The Second Coming of Saturn

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: A new age began December 21, 2020. The Great Conjunction-a meeting in the sky of the planets Jupiter and Saturn-heralded the Age of Aquarius, a new golden age ruled by Saturn, the old god who once reigned over a world of peace and plenty.It's a lie.In the latest groundbreaking book from author and researcher Derek P. Gilbert, you will discover:? Powerful people believe the stars have aligned to bring back the old god Saturn? Occult symbols embedded in the United States Capitol that point to the return of Saturn's reign? Why Lucifer is Saturn, not Satan? Evidence that Saturn was the leader of the rebellious "sons of God"? The many names of Saturn over the last 6,000 years? New research that traces this fallen angel's cult back to Ararat-where Noah's ark came to rest? The identity of Apollyon, the angel of the bottomless pit? The connection between Mount Hermon, where the Watchers rebelled, and the Mount of Olives? Why this fallen angel may have been the high priest in Eden? Modern cults that venerate Saturn and work to create a new golden age of humans commingling with gods? Hidden Bible prophecies of God's final judgment on Saturn and the WatchersDeep in the earth, this dark god plots and waits. A day is coming when he will be released from his chains. He and his minions will loose literal hell on earth-a time when people will long to die, but death will not come.This is the true "Golden Age" dreamed of for thousands of years-the return of Saturn's reign.

Bad Moon Rising

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Islam will be the world's largest religion by 2075. Why?Derek P. Gilbert, author of the groundbreaking books The Great Inception and Last Clash of the Titans, argues that Islam is too big and too successful to be the work of just one spirit. Tracing the pagan religions of the nations around ancient Israel, Gilbert makes the bold claim that the religion of Muhammad is actually a collaboration by the old gods of Mesopotamia, a desperate partnership of fallen angels who were caught off-guard by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.Bad Moon Rising reveals:¿Why Islam is the supernatural equivalent of a corporate merger¿How "the iniquity of the Amorites" is affecting the world today¿The importance of the moon-god, then and now¿How Islam's history reflects the characteristics of the gods of Mesopotamia¿Shocking links between Mount Hermon, Petra, and Mecca¿The prophesied death of the gods at Armageddon¿Islam's tragic role in the end timesDrawing on peer-reviewed academic research, Gilbert exposes Islam as a dark alliance of pagan gods and lays out a scenario of the end times that reveals the bloody role of Islam on the road to Armageddon.

Giants, Gods, and Dragons

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The Gnostic New Age

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Gnosticism is a countercultural spirituality that forever changed the practice of Christianity. Before it emerged in the second century, passage to the afterlife required obedience to God and king. Gnosticism proposed that human beings were manifestations of the divine, unsettling the hierarchical foundations of the ancient world. Subversive and revolutionary, Gnostics taught that prayer and mediation could bring human beings into an ecstatic spiritual union with a transcendent deity. This mystical strain affected not just Christianity but many other religions, and it characterizes our understanding of the purpose and meaning of religion today. In The Gnostic New Age, April D. DeConick recovers this vibrant underground history to prove that Gnosticism was not suppressed or defeated by the Catholic Church long ago, nor was the movement a fabrication to justify the violent repression of alternative forms of Christianity. Gnosticism alleviated human suffering, soothing feelings of existential brokenness and alienation through the promise of renewal as God. DeConick begins in ancient Egypt and follows with the rise of Gnosticism in the Middle Ages, the advent of theosophy and other occult movements in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and contemporary New Age spiritual philosophies. As these theories find expression in science-fiction and fantasy films, DeConick sees evidence of Gnosticism's next incarnation. Her work emphasizes the universal, countercultural appeal of a movement that embodies much more than a simple challenge to religious authority.

The Secret Doctrine

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