Vernacular Latin Americanisms

Book Description

In Vernacular Latin Americanisms, Fernando Degiovanni offers a long-view perspective on the intense debates that shaped Latin American studies and still inform their function in the globalized and neoliberal university of today. By doing so he provides a reevaluation of a field whose epistemological and political status has obsessed its participants up until the present. The book focuses on the emergence of Latin Americanism as a field of critical debate and scholarly inquiry between the 1890s and the 1960s. Drawing on contemporary theory, intellectual history, and extensive archival research, Degiovanni explores in particular how the discourse and realities of war and capitalism have left an indelible mark on the formation of disciplinary perspectives on Latin American cultures in both the United States and Latin America. Questioning the premise that Latin Americanism as a discipline comes out of the tradition of continental identity developed by prominent intellectuals such as José Martí, José E. Rodó or José Vasconcelos, Degiovanni proposes that the scholars who established the discipline did not set out to defend Latin America as a place of uncontaminated spiritual values opposed to a utilitarian and materialist United States. Their mission was entirely different, even the opposite: giving a place to culture in the consolidation of alternative models of regional economic cooperation at moments of international armed conflict. For scholars theorizing Latin Americanism in market terms, this meant questioning nativist and cosmopolitan narratives about identity; it also meant abandoning any Bolivarian project of continental unity or of socialist internationalism.

Neo-Latin and the Vernaculars

Book Description

This volume brings together case studies on key aspects of Neo-Latin and vernacular bilingualism in the early modern period, such as language choice, translations/rewritings, and the interferences between vernacular and Neo-Latin discourses.

Dynamics of Neo-Latin and the Vernacular

Book Description

Dynamics of Neo-Latin and the Vernacular offers a collection of studies that deal with the cultural exchange between Neo-Latin and the vernacular, and with the very cultural mobility that allowed for the successful development of Renaissance bilingual culture. Studying a variety of multilingual issues of language and poetics, of translation and transfer, its authors interpret Renaissance cross-cultural contact as a radically dynamic, ever-shifting process of making cultural meaning. With renewed attention for suitable theoretical and methodological frames of reference, Dynamics of Neo-Latin and the Vernacular firmly resists literary history’s temptation to pin down the Early Modern relationship between languages, literatures and cultures, in favour of stressing the sheer variety and variability of that relationship itself. Contributors are Jan Bloemendal, Ingrid De Smet, Annet den Haan, Tom Deneire, Beate Hintzen, David Kromhout, Bettina Noak, Ingrid Rowland, Johanna Svensson, Harm-Jan van Dam, Guillaume van Gemert, Eva van Hooijdonk, and Ümmü Yüksel.

Latin and Vernacular Poets of the Middle Ages

Book Description

This volume presents a series of penetrating analyses of particular poems and problems of literary history illustrating the many sides of medieval poetry and the interactions of learned, popular and courtly traditions. The first and longest essay, 'Waltharius-Gaiferos', aims to characterize the diverse treatments of one of the major European heroic themes - in modes that include lay and epic, saga and ballad, and range from pre-Carolingian times to the Renaissance. There follow three interrelated essays on the medieval transformations of Ovid, and a larger group devoted to close reading of medieval lyrics. After discussing some brilliant Latin compositions, of the 9th-12th centuries, both sacred and profane, and the work of two of the most captivating 'goliard' poets, Peter Dronke looks at the earliest formations of love-lyric in two vernaculars, Spanish and English. Finally, he explores the unique symbiosis of Latin and vernacular imagery in two key moments of Dante's Divine Comedy. Ce volume contient une série d’analyses perspicaces de poèmes spécifiques et de certains problèmes de l’histoire littéraire illustrant les multiples facettes de la poésie médiévale et l’interaction des traditions érudites, populaires et courtoises. Le premier essai, "Waltharius-Gaïferos", tente de décrire les divers traitements de l’un des principaux thèmes héroïques européens selon des modes qui incluent: le lai et l’épique, la saga et la ballade et qui s’étendent sur une période allant de l’époque pré-carolingienne à la Renaissance. Suivent trois articles corrélatifs sur les adaptations médiévales des textes d’Ovide, ainsi qu’un groupe d’études voue à la lecture détaillée de la poésie lyrique médiévale. Après avoir considéré l’oeuvre de deux des plus passionnants poètes "goliards" et un certain nombre de remarquables compositions latines, sacrées et profanes, datant du 9e-12e siècles, Peter Dronke se tourne vers les pre

Science Translated

Book Description

Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 40Medieval translators played an important role in the development and evolution of a scientific lexicon. At a time when most scholars deferred to authority, the translations of canonical texts assumed great importance. Moreover, translation occurred at two levels in the Middle Ages. First, Greek or Arabic texts were translated into the learned language, Latin. Second, Latin texts became source texts themselves, to be translated into the vernaculars as their importance across Europe started to increase.The situation of the respective translators at these two levels was fundamentally different: whereas the former could rely on a long tradition of scientific discourse, the latter had the enormous responsibility of actually developing a scientific vocabulary. The contributions in the present volume investigate both levels, greatly illuminating the emergence of the scientific terminology and concepts that became so fundamental in early modern intellectual discourse. The scientific disciplines covered in the book include, among others, medicine, biology, astronomy, and physics.

Latin and Vernacular

Book Description

This collection of new essays, substantial expansions and elaborations of papers read at the 1987 York Manuscripts Conference, focuses on the complexrelationship between Latin and vernacular in late-medieval texts and manuscripts. It includes examinations of many facets of bilingual literary culture, covering texts which incorporate both Latin and English materials, texts which are extant in both Latin and English versions, and texts which illustrate the problems and implications of translating Latin into English. Attention is paid to the ways in which the supposed difference in status of these two languages is reflected in literary and codicological practice. There are also discussions of the production of both Latin and vernacular manuscripts in the province of York during the late 14th and 15th centuries, and of the European dissemination of some spiritual writings in Latin. There ismuch to stimulate the critic as well as the codicologist, and those with broad interests in late-medieval literary culture as well as specialists inmedieval literature and languages.

Cultural Translation in Early Modern Europe

Book Description

This groundbreaking 2007 volume gathers an international team of historians to present the practice of translation as part of cultural history. Although translation is central to the transmission of ideas, the history of translation has generally been neglected by historians, who have left it to specialists in literature and language. This book seeks to achieve an understanding of the contribution of translation to the spread of information in early modern Europe. It focuses on non-fiction: the translation of books on religion, history, politics and especially on science, or 'natural philosophy', as it was generally known at this time. The chapters cover a wide range of languages, including Latin, Greek, Russian, Turkish and Chinese. The book will appeal to scholars and students of the early modern and later periods, to historians of science and of religion, as well as to anyone interested in translation studies.

Latin and Vernacular Poets of the Middle Ages

Book Description

This volume presents a series of penetrating analyses of particular poems and problems of literary history illustrating the many sides of medieval poetry and the interactions of learned, popular and courtly traditions. The first and longest essay, 'Waltharius-Gaiferos', aims to characterize the diverse treatments of one of the major European heroic themes - in modes that include lay and epic, saga and ballad, and range from pre-Carolingian times to the Renaissance. There follow three interrelated essays on the medieval transformations of Ovid, and a larger group devoted to close reading of medieval lyrics. After discussing some brilliant Latin compositions, of the 9th-12th centuries, both sacred and profane, and the work of two of the most captivating 'goliard' poets, Peter Dronke looks at the earliest formations of love-lyric in two vernaculars, Spanish and English. Finally, he explores the unique symbiosis of Latin and vernacular imagery in two key moments of Dante's Divine Comedy. Ce volume contient une série d'analyses perspicaces de poèmes spécifiques et de certains problèmes de l'histoire littéraire illustrant les multiples facettes de la poésie médiévale et l'interaction des traditions érudites, populaires et courtoises. Le premier essai, "Waltharius-Gaïferos", tente de décrire les divers traitements de l'un des principaux thèmes héroïques européens selon des modes qui incluent: le lai et l'épique, la saga et la ballade et qui s'étendent sur une période allant de l'époque pré-carolingienne à la Renaissance. Suivent trois articles corrélatifs sur les adaptations médiévales des textes d'Ovide, ainsi qu'un groupe d'études voue à la lecture détaillée de la poésie lyrique médiévale. Après avoir considéré l'oeuvre de deux des plus passionnants poètes "goliards" et un certain nombre de remarquables compositions latines, sacrées et profanes, datant du 9e-12e siècles, Peter Dronke se tourne vers les pre

Spoken and Written Language

Book Description

The linguistic situation of medieval Europe has sometimes been characterized as one of diglossia: one learned language, Latin, was used for religion, law, and documents, while the various vernaculars were used in other linguistic registers. Informing the relationship between Latin and the vernaculars was the choice of Latin as the language of the Western Roman Empire and the Roman Church. This choice entailed the possibility of a shared literary culture and heritage across Europe, but also had consequences for access to that heritage. Scholarship on the Romance languages has contested the relevance of the term diglossia, and the divergence between written or spoken Latin and Romance is a subject of energetic debate. In other linguistic areas, too, questions have been voiced. How can one characterize the interaction between Latin and the various vernaculars, and between the various vernaculars themselves? To what extent could speakers from separate linguistic worlds communicate? These questions are fundamental for anyone concerned with communication, the transmission of learning, literary history, and cultural interaction in the Middle Ages. This volume contains contributions by historians, cultural historians, and students of texts, language, and linguistics, addressing the subject from their various perspectives but at the same time trying to overcome familiar disciplinary divisions.