Laws Of Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

We will be discussing the economic system of the kingdom of God, and we need to understand that the battle for wealth and prosperity is not just about the desire to use money to prove a point to people around you, but that there is a program and there is an agenda that is bigger than the personal interest of men, its important to get this, that prosperity is not just about the propriety for affluence but it's the time redemption strategy. Paul was teaching the church in Ephesus and he admonish them to redeem time and he said the reason why they should redeem time is because the days were evil and the days are still evil, so we must access the system of God that makes up time for redemption, also in my previous message, I also spoke about preserving our soul while we prosper, that satan is not after your money, he's not after real estate, he's not after any of these things, he's after the souls of men and that he will use the journey or your desire or your need for financial prosperity to force you to exchange your souls the kind of prosperity that he gives and the bibles says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and then looses his soul. Read This Book and be Mightily Blessed

The Kingdom Law

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The subject of wealth and prosperity is one that I think, respectfully speaking, may be one of the most controversial subjects in the body of Christ. Every time we mention the word rich, prosper, wealth, money, there is such a negative atmosphere that rises even from well meaning believers. It is as though it does something to them and so we have such division along this subject. There are people, for instance, who frown and vocally propose a life of mediocrity that does not have the blessing of God as the template for a believer and they support it with scripture. There are some people whose entire life is surrounded by money. They will throw away Jesus a thousand times to keep money. And so, because of these, most preachers don't want to talk on the subject of money. Even though they know that a good shepherd will have to train, teach and mentor his people along that line. The pain, the backlash and controversies surrounding this area makes most people to leave it silent. And hope that people will find their way. So it takes a lot of love and courage from someone like your pastor to make sure that you learn these principles and stop shadow-boxing. I am unveiling to you the economic system of the kingdom. I confess to you that there is so much about the subject of finance that not even a month can exhaust it. There are many dimensions to it, and the goal is not to do everything but to select a few vitals since I am laying the foundation

Laws of Kingdom Wealth!

Book Description

We will be discussing the economic system of the kingdom of God, and we need to understand that the battle for wealth and prosperity is not just about the desire to use money to prove a point to people around you, but that there is a program and there is an agenda that is bigger than the personal interest of men, it is important to get this, that prosperity is not just about the propriety for affluence but it's the time redemption strategy. Paul was teaching the church in Ephesus and he admonishes them to redeem time and he said the reason why they should redeem time is because the days were evil and the days are still evil, so we must access the system of God that makes up time for redemption, also in my previous message, I also spoke about preserving our soul while we prosper, that satan is not after your money , he's not after real estate, he's not after any of these things, he's after the souls of men and that he will use the journey or your desire or your need for financial prosperity to force you to exchange your souls the kind of prosperity that he gives and the bibles says what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and then loses his soul. Then we began to discuss the few foundational thoughts to take note of, I will just do a quick recap on them;1, That in the economy of the kingdom, we must realize that all blessing and that includes wealth, all blessings come from God, that in this kingdom, structures, system, jobs, businesses and are only conduits of the blessings and not sources. It's a fundamental spiritual understanding that we must have, so your boss, jobs, businesses, investment, whatever it is, is only a vehicle, a funnel of the blessing. Read this Book and Understand how You can Practically walk into Kingdom's wealth and Riches.

The Laws of Kingdom Prosperity

Book Description

Wealth and prosperity can never be side tracked. Money is an indispensable tool in living a comfortable life. Whether we admit it or not, we can never do without money! We are at every time, consciously or unconsciously talking, and driving towards it in our everyday life. Everybody needs it. In the body of Christ, it is the desire of God for His children to possess it and not the devil's. But there have been debates about believers possessing it. There are even heated discussions as regards the place of wealth and prosperity in the kingdom of God. But as a kingdom matter, God is the only person that gives the ultimate say. And He had made it known through His word the prosperity God's way. The prosperity Bible, as one of the prosperity books has opened us up towards having a prosperity mindset and prosperity consciousness. In this great book on kingdom wealth and prosperity, we will be handed over with the complete truth of the prosperity gospel. Using the Holy Scriptures, we will laying hold on the super prosperity key that brings about wealth and prosperity in the kingdom of God. We will take a deep look on what kingdom wealth and prosperity is, the distinction between worldly and kingdom wealth and prosperity, its priority and place in God's covenant, and also the purposes God chooses to bless His people with kingdom wealth and prosperity. Since nothing good comes by chance. And nothing works until we make them work, we shall take a thorough examination of all it takes to walk in full actualization and possession of kingdom wealth and prosperity. The Holy Scripture is very specific as regards our wealth and prosperity in the kingdom, as believers. There is a right unmistakable place for it. We were not just saved from sins alone. We also got the deliverance from all forms of oppression, harassment, destruction, shame and identity related to sin, which wealth is among. We have been all it takes to walk into a life of abundance, plenty, purpose and glory. Our calling into the kingdom is that of wealth and prosperity and not of deprivation and shame. Come along as we go on a journey towards discovering God's mind and re-possessing our rights as it relates to kingdom wealth and prosperity. I want you to be open-hearted, right positioned and determined to know the revelation of God's spirit in your possessing of your possessions. It's time to awake and arise! Shine for your light is come. Take possession of kingdom wealth and prosperity that truly belongs to you!

Kingdom Wealth

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Fundamental of Kingdom Wealth

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WealthKingdom wealth refers to the abundance and prosperity that flows from living a life that is aligned with the principles of the Kingdom of God. It is not just about accumulating material possessions but about experiencing true wealth in all aspects of life, including spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being.The concept of kingdom wealth is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who spoke extensively about the Kingdom of God and how it operates. In the Bible, Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).Kingdom wealth is not something that is earned through hard work or achieved through personal ambition, but it is a gift that is received by living a life that is in obedience to God's will. The Bible says, "The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it" (Proverbs 10:22).Kingdom wealth is not limited to financial prosperity, although it can certainly include that. The Bible says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 1:2). This means that true wealth encompasses all areas of life, including physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.One of the key principles of kingdom wealth is the concept of stewardship. As Christians, we are called to be faithful stewards of all that God has given us, including our time, talents, and resources. This means using our resources to bless others and to further the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38).Another important aspect of kingdom wealth is the idea of generosity. The Bible says, "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself" (Proverbs 11:25). When we are generous with our resources, we open ourselves up to receive even more blessings from God. This is not just about giving money, but about giving of ourselves and our time to serve others.Kingdom wealth is also about having the right perspective on material possessions. The Bible says, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal" (Matthew 6:19-20). This means that we should not place our ultimate trust in material possessions, but in God.In conclusion, Kingdom wealth is about living a life that is aligned with the principles of the Kingdom of God. It is about experiencing true wealth in all areas of life, including spiritual, emotional, and relational well-being. It is not something that is earned or achieved through personal ambition, but it is a gift that is received by living a life that is in obedience to God's will. Kingdom wealth encompasses the principles of stewardship, generosity, and having the right perspective on material possessions. Ultimately, it is about seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to us (Matthew 6:33).Kingdom wealth differs from traditional wealth in several ways. First, it is not solely focused on accumulating material possessions or financial resources for personal gain. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of using wealth to advance the purposes of God and to promote the well-being of others.

The Laws of Prosperity

Book Description

There are instructions set forth in the Word of God to teach men how to live a prosperous life. True prosperity is the ability to apply the power of God to meet any need spiritual, mental, and physical. In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares the revelation of spiritual laws that govern prosperity. The Laws of Prosperity is written to teach you how to apply these laws in your own life so that you can begin to enjoy the great, abundant life that only God can provide.

Kingdom Wealth

Book Description

The wealth God gives to a man in a large measure transcends money and material wealth; it is a way of life which demonstrates His glory and greatness. Our daily lives should reflect it in the eyes of a pessimistic world which is basking in bleakness and schemes. KINGDOM WEALTH is a thirty days mentorship program. A unique collection of valuable concepts, insights, poetry, and most importantly scriptural truths that enlightens, enliven and enrich life. This timeless transformational book will challenge you to do more than standby and watch things happen. It will move you into action to put God's principles of kingdom Wealth into practice in every day of your life. You spirit will be enriched and your mind enlightened as you read through the daily expositions. This is a great book for a resource, insight, ideas, and a burst of information and inspiration for those willing to possess and utilize the wealth of God's kingdom.


Book Description

When we talk of the Laws of God's Kingdom, we are speaking of Rules which people who are in the Kingdom of God must obey or follow. The Rules instruct and command us on how things must be done, or the things that are allowed in it. The Laws of God's Kingdom also refer to how things happen in the Kingdom of God. In other words, the Laws of God's Kingdom describe the outcomes or resultant effects of doing this and that, or not doing this and that. Some things may happen in your life, which you did not expect or which you may not explain; but it may just be that an existing Law in the Kingdom of God has worked. God has magnified and exalted His Word above all His Name. Therefore, be careful not to go against the Laws of the Kingdom of God.

Financial Dominion

Book Description

Topics dealt with in the book-Introduction-The concept of prosperity-The Anatomy of God's Economic System (How God's Economic System works)-The role of wealth and prosperity in the kingdom-Spiritual laws of wealth and abundance-The natural laws of wealth and abundance-Concept of wealth transferRead This Book and Be Blessed