Layperson's Guide to Water Conservation

Book Description

The Layperson's Guide to Water Conservation is a 20-page overview explaining why water conservation is essential in California and the West, the impact of climate change and drought on water resources needed for agriculture, the environment and communities (both urban and rural), approaches to water conservation in cities and on farms, how desert Southwest cities are trying to squeeze more use out of a limited (and potentially shrinking) water supply, and what homeowners can do to use water more efficiently.

Layperson's Guide to Water Conservation

Book Description

The 24-page Layperson's Guide to Water Conservation discusses how what was once just a response to drought has become part of everyday life for all Westerners in recognition of a key fact: water conservation is important every year, not just in drought years. This guide explains how the West's natural climate includes extensive drought cycles and how water conservation can help stretch the available supply to meet new demands. The guide includes sections on agricultural water use and conservation practices, urban conservation and Best Management Practices, and what homeowners can do around their homes and yards to save water.