LBO 4 – Heart of the Universe

Book Description

The fourth book of the series reveals hidden truths and exposes existing lies about our civilization. It is the goal of this book to give an alternative to hopelessness and bring purpose back into our lives. It is the goal of this book to give you an alternative to hopelessness, to bring clarity in place of confusion, to bring purpose back into your life. And it will do this by providing real knowledge to change your life, issuing in a new age that will be based upon truth. And this new age will be totally different than any age we have ever seen before. A new beginning is tied to a fresh concept. That is the entire purpose of this book, to introduce you to the heart of the universe. And although this is a simple concept, it’s completely different than any concept that you’ve had before concerning the reality within. The universe has a heart just like you, and when two hearts touch everything changes. Real existence comes from the heart. Imaginary existence comes from the head. One is life and the other is a simulation of life. And you need both of them to harness faith, hope and love as well as fear, despair and hate. So, the question is concerning our goal; are we headed toward life or are we headed toward death? And the answer to this question determines the type of future that we will have; the future our children will have to face. You have to change your heart and change your thinking, if you want to change your future, and this can only happen if you are changed by God. You have to be reborn on the inside. No one on the outside can help you with this; it’s between you and God. And knowledge can help you with this process. And if you have faith, I am asking you to stretch it by reading this book. And note this: keep your religion, however you understand it to be. Instead of each of us trying to change each other’s religion, we have to be still and find God within ourselves. It is my intent that we move into a new renaissance age where we can contribute to the arts, to the sciences, to the technology to the maximum of our gifting and desire. And in this section of my philosophy, I want to propose a new society where we are allowed to grow where our dreams take us and be rewarded for our contributions.

LBO 5 – Psyche Life Zoe Life

Book Description

The fifth book of the series describes the nature of human beings and how we are influenced by the things that grow in the garden of our heart. Then the book describes the existence of God and how God can help us through His kingdom. This is the question that is the basis of this book. What am I? And to answer this question I have to go back through all the other books in this series. Because it is obvious, I must be a singularity. But the truth is I'm not the center of a singularity because the singularity is unknowable. Everything I know of my body, my thoughts, my feelings are on the outside of the singularity at its outer boundary. This is where I exist. I will never be the singularity, but my source is the singularity. Even if I disappear my source will remain forever. Time only exists on the outside. So, what am I? I am on the outside where time and space, color and music, personality exist. We have three parts; the body, the Bios life as a biological organism, which will die that exists in the physical universe. The mind, the Psyche or individual consciousness, that can die or can live forever if it is worthwhile. And the spirit, Zoe interconnected life eternal, that will live forever since it is like energy in the physical universe and order in the mental universe and comes from within. But how about the humane part? That seems to be the part where we fail. This is why we try to be civil in a civilization. And this is the whole reason for our existence, building a civilization. Now there is a question about our own personal attitudes. Do we only care about ourselves, or do we care about others as well? And if we think about how we are made and if we have the same singularity center then the real question boils down to this; do we care more about the outside or the inside? Now with us we have a heart, it's the center of our being. And our heart is a large place but as we back away it becomes smaller and smaller. That usually happens with traumas that we want to forget. They can get locked away in a shrinking heart. Now the heart drives our thoughts and our words. Whatever we have planted in the garden of our heart will grow. Some of the plantings have been from other people, friends, teachers, media. Some of the planting we have done ourselves. You can weed your garden removing those influences from your life. Now in the middle of the garden is an altar. Some people keep this altar clean and shiny with no weeds around it. It is the prize of the garden. Other people pretend like it doesn't exist. Those who feared God and lived their lives according to His word, life doesn't end with death. If they kept the altar up, they could step through the altar into a new life.

LBO 6 – The Human Soul

Book Description

The sixth book of the series explores the human soul. This is where the mind, the heart, and the ID exists. And this place actually exists as a singularity that is connected to every cell in the body. And the soul can get sick affecting how we think, feel and react to everyone around us. If you ever looked at the night sky and wondered if this is all there is? I have an answer to this question. No. It definitely is not! Inside of you is a whole universe as large as the one you are looking at and it requires exploration. You have a soul. You are alive and your life determines how you view the world. So, get ready for an adventure, one of self-discovery. A soul is a singularity that divides up into smaller branches and then into twigs connected to every cell of your body. All of these individual sections are connected, but they have different attributes or responsibilities that's connected to the whole. How do they know this? From the insides, the division is from within the branches. Here is purpose and understanding, awareness and order that's mentioned in the first book of the series. The absolute requirement of the mental universe and it exists within the soul of every living creature on earth, both animal and plant based. Now the soul runs the body. When the soul is separated from the body then the body quickly returns to the original dust. Your soul continues to exist however as a unique singularity space. In truth, you are your own universe. The question you have to ask yourself is this. Do you want to be alone with yourself? Remember you are a part of life on earth. If you spent your life focus on external factors like money, success, pleasures and ignored the inner connections to beauty and truths then the death experience is going to be horrific. So, our light is the Zoe-life which is actually God's life. But if we identify with our psyche only, our personality, our intellect or even if we identify with our body only, our strengths or our beauty, then we miss the gifts God has for us. We are in darkness; in other words, the spiritual light is very dim if it hasn't gone out completely. There are many people who have lost the twinkle in their eye, the zest for life. They routinely go through the duties of the day without any creativity, spontaneity or happiness. These are the walking dead. Our society is full of them. Read about the Personality Disorders, Thought Disorder, Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety Disorders that can affect your very soul. Learn about Jesus, He is our Zoe-Life. Learn about His purpose and how He can give you life. Learn about how we should live as given in the book of Galatians chapter 5 verses 1-25. Allow the Lord to touch you, He is the healing anointing, the medicine needed for you to improve.

LBO 2 - Theory of Amorphism

Book Description

This is the end result of a 50-year quest in trying to understand the universe. Not only the physics of how things work but also the why, what's behind all of this? Now I finally found the truth; ancient wisdom and modern discoveries have joined into a lucid explanation that even a child could understand. This was more than the combination of the four known forces into a grand Unified Field Theory. It was trying to gain a deep understanding of the nature of space and matter. Why some particles have a charge while others did not. Why does gravity only attract. And what is anti-matter and dark matter? Now physics has mathematics of a greater degree than any other occupation on Earth and this math is important. It is needed to make the physics useful. But physics also has a sense of wonder. And it is this wonder, the ability to open our minds to new ideas that has captured my interest. I wanted to see the new horizons. I want to know why things were the way they were. And I wanted to know what was true and what was not true. But I also found out that sometimes the thing that you were most sure of, turns out to be false and you are forced into a reevaluation. And once you gained a new insight there is no going back. Things will never be the same again. This book is simply a submission of a protoscience recommendation (the initial phase of the scientific method, involving hypothesis formulation, but not yet proven to be true or false). It has two parts; a philosophical Burden of Proof that explains the purpose of the singularity approach, the Theory of Amorphism that explains matter and light. This theory is bench-marked against Newton's, Einstein's, Schrodinger's, Dirac's, and Maxwell's laws, theories and equations. Particle models are generated where the composite particles consist of matter and anti-matter particles. In these models the summation of masses must add up to zero, since the basic elementary particles are much heavier than any known particles. The relativistic movement of the masses provides the delta changes that give the particles their mass. Likewise, the internal forces are added together with the residual forces accounting for the charge of the particles. This is an alternate approach to the current particle Standard Model. This theory uses singularity spaces (two dimensional 1/R flat spaces which are larger on the inside) to explain Gravity, Electromagnetic and Nuclear Forces.

LBO 3 – Theory of Ubiquity

Book Description

The third book of the series provides a benchmark of this theory against Newton's, Einstein's Schrödinger's, Dirac's, and Maxwell's laws, theories, and equations. Then it describes how awareness and order exists in the universe. It makes the case for Distributed Intelligence and consciousness. This book talks about life and how it exists in the universe. This analysis is based upon the Theory of Amorphism which is explained in the second book of this series. The theory basically states that everything in the universe is based upon singularity spaces or in a layman's term, black holes. What is the case for intelligence? It's in the singularity space. It's distributed across space and time just like matter. It’s more than just Entropy in Thermodynamics. Life comes from within, everything is alive. So come investigate this book and see a whole new view of the universe. Existence connects all things; a relatively simple concept but one that is not center of current scientific thinking. Everything is interconnected. Everything exists and has value, and you are a part of it. This is my attempt to bring this concept back to the center of the scientific community and in doing so to rethink all of our theories and concepts on how we view the universe, our world, and ourselves. And I will keep this book religion free because this series is about discovery, and I do not wish to step on anyone's dogma.

LBO 8 – The Promise

Book Description

The last book of the series is all about Jesus's promises. It explores His words and what He expects from us. There is an end of the age coming. The bible talks about the sun being darkened, the moon not giving any light, the stars falling from the heaven. The powers of the heavens being shaken can only mean one thing, the earth is hit by a meteorite or comet, and it is shifted; the north pole and the south pole will be over different continents. It is the center of the earth that is rotating, the outer land masses and oceans are being dragged along for the ride as well as the atmosphere. If the earth is hit at the right angle, then the outer plate will move in another direction until it stabilizes again with the inner core. However, the ocean tsunamis, the super hurricane winds, and the violent land movement will destroy a lot of the life on the planet. The resulting dust in the atmosphere will lower the temperature for years if not decades. It won’t destroy everything since it has happened before, over a dozen times as measured by the different magnetic fields detected in the seabed. This is described in detail in Revelation chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11. Do you really want to face God's wrath? Is your rebellion worth the cost that you will pay in the near future? The earth is changing rapidly, and this is the only planet that we have, this is our home. And God says that He will destroy them which destroy the earth. This is an invite to learn about Jesus through His words. Jesus taught using parable some of which He explained to his disciples. This was not an attempt to keep truth to a select few. The only really way to gain understanding is through the parable. You have to walk with Jesus through the story and ask Him questions about it. To be told the facts like He had to do with His disciples is to lose the point of it altogether. You only have the truth in your mind. It's the same here. You have to take the thoughts above and go back to your bibles. Read up on hope, faith and love and see if this measures up. Start with Romans 14:17-19 and study peace, joy, and righteousness. God has made a beautiful world and it's time for us to do our part. I provided various scriptures to start with

LBO 7 – A Deeper Look

Book Description

The seventh book of the series explores Biblical truths about our nature and how we can correct our behavior if we want to experience the best God has for us. This book explains how we can get closer to God's agape-love and Zoe-live in the spirit. We have to walk in His light. But the only way to do that is to walk in His words. Not only to get the truth which changes the mind but to walk with Him. He is His words. There's a spiritual connection with words. It's the same with us. That is why some people tear you down and some lift you up. There's a movement of spirits. That is why we always have to be careful who we associate with. When you spend time in the word you are spending time with God. And this is God the All Mighty and God the healer. We are cheating ourselves with our thinking, limiting ourselves with our presumptions and our traditions. There may be no limits on what we can do though the love of Jesus. Now it is time for you to start walking to your future knowing that Jesus is the finisher of our faith. So, follow Him and keep His words inside of you. And don't be fearful but be full of faith. And stand up for what you believe in. Defend the truths and don't let deceptions exists. Anytime people say, “It's always been like that”, or “That's the nature of things” put your guard up. Remember Jesus paid the price in blood to reconcile you to the Father. There are two kingdoms, the kingdom of the quiet and the kingdom of the noisy. One that builds honoring God, doing works with God, at the center. And the other one that builds honoring self and center their work around themselves. They fight with themselves, taking each other's gain, trying to promote themselves. They sometimes get followers whom they promise great reward by the joining of strengths. But all they are really doing is promoting the devil. He is the king of self. The devil and demons have already been judged. Every person will stand before the Great White Throne after death for judgment. But if He sees a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully, quietly, then God is truly moved. That is what God is looking for, faithfulness, patience, long suffering, committed to God. There are two kingdoms in play here and you have to make your choice. The kingdom that Adam gave to the devil is the flesh where the devil can spread his words of stealing, destruction and killing. The Kingdom of Heaven that God set up is based upon sharing, creation and life. And the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. When we follow the spirit, we will suffer. Yet the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

The Caesars Palace Coup

Book Description

It was the most brutal corporate restructuring in Wall Street history. The 2015 bankruptcy brawl for the storied casino giant, Caesars Entertainment, pitted brilliant and ruthless private equity legends against the world's most relentless hedge fund wizards. In the tradition of Barbarians at the Gate and The Big Short comes the riveting, multi-dimensional poker game between private equity firms and distressed debt hedge funds that played out from the Vegas Strip to Manhattan boardrooms to Chicago courthouses and even, for a moment, the halls of the United States Congress. On one side: Apollo Global Management and TPG Capital. On the other: the likes of Elliott Management, Oaktree Capital, and Appaloosa Management. The Caesars bankruptcy put a twist on the old-fashioned casino heist. Through a $27 billion leveraged buyout and a dizzying string of financial engineering transactions, Apollo and TPG—in the midst of the post-Great Recession slump—had seemingly snatched every prime asset of the company from creditors, with the notable exception of Caesars Palace. But Caesars’ hedge fund lenders and bondholders had scooped up the company’s paper for nickels and dimes. And with their own armies of lawyers and bankers, they were ready to do everything necessary to take back what they believed was theirs—if they could just stop their own infighting. These modern financiers now dominate the scene in Corporate America as their fight-to-the-death mentality continues to shock workers, politicians, and broader society—and even each other. In The Caesars Palace Coup, financial journalists Max Frumes and Sujeet Indap illuminate the brutal tactics of distressed debt mavens—vultures, as they are condemned—in the sale and purchase of even the biggest companies in the world with billions of dollars hanging in the balance.


Book Description

"This is science writing as wonder and as inspiration." —The Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal From one of the most influential scientists of our time, a dazzling exploration of the hidden laws that govern the life cycle of everything from plants and animals to the cities we live in. Visionary physicist Geoffrey West is a pioneer in the field of complexity science, the science of emergent systems and networks. The term “complexity” can be misleading, however, because what makes West’s discoveries so beautiful is that he has found an underlying simplicity that unites the seemingly complex and diverse phenomena of living systems, including our bodies, our cities and our businesses. Fascinated by aging and mortality, West applied the rigor of a physicist to the biological question of why we live as long as we do and no longer. The result was astonishing, and changed science: West found that despite the riotous diversity in mammals, they are all, to a large degree, scaled versions of each other. If you know the size of a mammal, you can use scaling laws to learn everything from how much food it eats per day, what its heart-rate is, how long it will take to mature, its lifespan, and so on. Furthermore, the efficiency of the mammal’s circulatory systems scales up precisely based on weight: if you compare a mouse, a human and an elephant on a logarithmic graph, you find with every doubling of average weight, a species gets 25% more efficient—and lives 25% longer. Fundamentally, he has proven, the issue has to do with the fractal geometry of the networks that supply energy and remove waste from the organism’s body. West’s work has been game-changing for biologists, but then he made the even bolder move of exploring his work’s applicability. Cities, too, are constellations of networks and laws of scalability relate with eerie precision to them. Recently, West has applied his revolutionary work to the business world. This investigation has led to powerful insights into why some companies thrive while others fail. The implications of these discoveries are far-reaching, and are just beginning to be explored. Scale is a thrilling scientific adventure story about the elemental natural laws that bind us together in simple but profound ways. Through the brilliant mind of Geoffrey West, we can envision how cities, companies and biological life alike are dancing to the same simple, powerful tune.

Investment Banking

Book Description

A timely update to the global best-selling book on investment banking and valuation In the constantly evolving world of finance, a solid technical foundation is an essential tool for success. Due to the fast-paced nature of this world, however, no one was able to take the time to properly codify its lifeblood—namely, valuation and dealmaking. Rosenbaum and Pearl originally responded to this need in 2009 by writing the first edition of the book that they wish had existed when they were trying to break into Wall Street. Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A, and IPOs, Third Edition is a highly accessible and authoritative book written by investment bankers that explains how to perform the valuation work and financial analysis at the core of Wall Street—comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, LBO, M&A analysis . . . and now IPO analytics and valuation. Using a step-by-step, how-to approach for each methodology, the authors build a chronological knowledge base and define key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout the book. The genesis for the original book stemmed from the authors' personal experiences as students interviewing for investment banking positions. As they both independently went through the rigorous process, they realized that their classroom experiences were a step removed from how valuation and financial analysis were performed in real-world situations. Consequently, they created this book to provide a leg up to those individuals seeking or beginning careers on Wall Street—from students at undergraduate universities and graduate schools to "career changers" looking to break into finance. Now, over 10 years after the release of the first edition, the book is more relevant and topical than ever. It is used in over 200 universities globally and has become a go-to resource for investment banks, private equity, investment firms, and corporations undertaking M&A transactions, LBOs, IPOs, restructurings, and investment decisions. As the world of finance adjusts to the new normal of the post-Great Recession era, it merits revisiting the pillars of the second edition for today's environment. While the fundamentals haven't changed, the environment must adapt to changing market developments and conditions. As a result, Rosenbaum and Pearl have updated their widely adopted book accordingly, while adding two new chapters on IPOs.