Book Description
The fifth book of the series describes the nature of human beings and how we are influenced by the things that grow in the garden of our heart. Then the book describes the existence of God and how God can help us through His kingdom. This is the question that is the basis of this book. What am I? And to answer this question I have to go back through all the other books in this series. Because it is obvious, I must be a singularity. But the truth is I'm not the center of a singularity because the singularity is unknowable. Everything I know of my body, my thoughts, my feelings are on the outside of the singularity at its outer boundary. This is where I exist. I will never be the singularity, but my source is the singularity. Even if I disappear my source will remain forever. Time only exists on the outside. So, what am I? I am on the outside where time and space, color and music, personality exist. We have three parts; the body, the Bios life as a biological organism, which will die that exists in the physical universe. The mind, the Psyche or individual consciousness, that can die or can live forever if it is worthwhile. And the spirit, Zoe interconnected life eternal, that will live forever since it is like energy in the physical universe and order in the mental universe and comes from within. But how about the humane part? That seems to be the part where we fail. This is why we try to be civil in a civilization. And this is the whole reason for our existence, building a civilization. Now there is a question about our own personal attitudes. Do we only care about ourselves, or do we care about others as well? And if we think about how we are made and if we have the same singularity center then the real question boils down to this; do we care more about the outside or the inside? Now with us we have a heart, it's the center of our being. And our heart is a large place but as we back away it becomes smaller and smaller. That usually happens with traumas that we want to forget. They can get locked away in a shrinking heart. Now the heart drives our thoughts and our words. Whatever we have planted in the garden of our heart will grow. Some of the plantings have been from other people, friends, teachers, media. Some of the planting we have done ourselves. You can weed your garden removing those influences from your life. Now in the middle of the garden is an altar. Some people keep this altar clean and shiny with no weeds around it. It is the prize of the garden. Other people pretend like it doesn't exist. Those who feared God and lived their lives according to His word, life doesn't end with death. If they kept the altar up, they could step through the altar into a new life.