Le Bilan social de l'entreprise

Book Description

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.

Book Description

Social Institutions Of France

Book Description

First Published in 1983. Social problems have assumed a growing importance in France, as in all developed countries, especially since the end of the last century. While traditional early nineteenth century liberalism denied the existence of social problems as such, believing the greatest possible economic freedom to be the sole solution to all evils, the emphasis is still placed more and more insistently on the need for a definite and concerted welfare effort, to increase the material well-being of individuals and families. Since the second edition of this book was published in 1962, legislation and welfare services, and social reality itself have changed as much through circumstances as through political and economic evolution. It follows that the present edition of this book is, in fact, an almost wholly new book. It attempts to present a comprehensive view of French social life, drawing attention especially to welfare services and legislation as they are at the beginning of 1979.

Work and People

Book Description

The reprint of Henri Savall’s classic Work and People, originally published in French in 1974, is part of the Research in Management Consulting series effort to look backward as well as forward in examining trends, perspectives, and insights – especially from different countries and cultures – into the world of management consulting. Savall’s insights into the complexity of organizational life were groundbreaking, articulating the need to examine both economic and social factors as part of the same analysis, assessing technical and behavioral patterns through the lens of an integrated framework. As he has argued, there is a double-loop interaction between “the quality of functioning and economic performance,” and underestimating this socio-economic “tension” leads inevitably to reduced performance and losses, which he refers to as “hidden costs.” This approach, referred to as the socio-economic approach to management (SEAM), has significant potential for our thinking about organizational diagnosis and intervention. As Savall emphasizes, the North American tendency to cast people as human “resources” misses the essential point that human beings cannot be considered as simply another resource at the organization’s disposal. People are free to give or withhold their energy as they desire, depending on the quality of formal and informal contracts and interactions they have with their organizations. As such, the SEAM approach focuses on human “potential,” underscoring the need for managers and their organizations to create the conditions under which people will want to maximize their talents on behalf of the organization. Work and People focuses on the ramifications of this reality, as dysfunctions – the difference between planned and emergent activities and functions – can quickly lead to a series of costs that are “hidden” from an organization’s formal information systems (e.g., income statements, balance sheets, budgets). As his insightful work underscores, as organizations begin to accumulate dysfunction upon dysfunction, they inadvertently undermine their performance and create excessive operating costs, with lower productivity and less efficiency than they could achieve. As readers will discover, the frameworks, tools and ways of thinking about organizations, people and management in this volume – in essence the background to the socio-economic approach to organizational diagnosis and intervention – continue to hold great promise for our attempts to create truly integrative approaches to management and organizational improvement efforts.

Le Bilan social de l'entreprise

Book Description

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.


Book Description

La logistique durable

Book Description

La mondialisation, la question environnementale et les mutations de la société imposent à chaque entreprise d’être toujours innovante, tant sur le plan technologique qu’organisationnel. La modernisation de la chaîne d’approvisionnement constitue la suite logique de l’évolution de la logistique d’entreprise depuis les années 1950. Cet ouvrage présente les éléments nécessaires à la mise en place d’une logistique durable : - la prise en compte de la dimension économique qui met en exergue les poids et rôle des connexions intra et inter-organisationnelles. C’est la remise en cause des notions de logistique amont, interne, aval, de mutualisation des transports, de prestations logistiques, de traçabilité et de systèmes d’information ; - la dimension environnementale qui s’intéresse à des aspects tels que l’éco-conception, la re-production, la gestion des déchets, la logistique des retours ou encore le transport « vert » ; - la dimension sociale/sociétale qui permet de poser un regard sur les ressources humaines internes et externes. Pour assurer une bonne mesure de la performance, La logistique durable propose l’élaboration d’un tableau de bord logistique.