Le Cercle des lettres de l’alphabet Dā’irat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyya

Book Description

Le Kitāb dā’irat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyya est un traité de magie pratique attribué à Hermès. Ce texte composite, qui ne peut être daté avec précision, est un ouvrage de magie basée sur la doctrine de la science des lettres (‘ilm al-ḥurūf). Le présent livre offre la première édition critique du texte, accompagnée d’une traduction annotée et d’une étude historique et philologique exposant les principes théoriques à la base des procédés décrits dans les recettes ainsi que des entités, objets et ingrédients utilisés (noms des anges invoqués, types de fumigations et d’encres, dessins et figures, etc.). Il s’agit d’une des premières éditions critiques d’un traité de magie pratique des lettres, genre encore fort méconnu bien qu’abondamment représenté dans les manuscrits arabes. The Kitāb dā’irat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyya is a composite treatise of letter magic attributed to Hermes. The edition and annotated translation of the Arabic text are accompanied by an explanation of the theoretical principles underlying the procedures described in the recipes, and a discussion of the entities, objects and ingredients used. These include names of the angels to be summoned, types of incenses and inks to be used, sketches and images to be drawn, etc. This is one of the first critical editions and translations of a full-length text of practical magic containing recipes pertaining to ‘ilm al-ḥurūf (the science of letters). The book is addressed to Arabists and to any non-Arabist interested in the tradition of magic.

Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice

Book Description

Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice brings together the latest research on Islamic occult sciences from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, namely intellectual history, manuscript studies and material culture. Its aim is not only to showcase the range of pioneering work that is currently being done in these areas, but also to provide a model for closer interaction amongst the disciplines constituting this burgeoning field of study. Furthermore, the book provides the rare opportunity to bridge the gap on an institutional level by bringing the academic and curatorial spheres into dialogue. Contributors include: Charles Burnett, Jean-Charles Coulon, Maryam Ekhtiar, Noah Gardiner, Christiane Gruber, Bink Hallum, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki, Michael Noble, Rachel Parikh, Liana Saif, Maria Subtelny, Farouk Yahya, and Travis Zadeh.

Syria in Crusader Times

Book Description

Presenting numerous interconnected insights into life in Greater Syria in the twelfth century, this book covers a wide range of themes relating to Crusader-Muslim relations. Some chapters deal with various literary sources, including little-known Crusader chronicles, a jihad treatise, a lost Muslim history of the Franks, biographies, letters and poems. Other chapters look at material culture, from coins to urban development, internal relations between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims and between Crusader and Oriental Christians, and the role of the Turkmen. New insights into the career of Saladin are revealed, for example through the work of a little-known propagandist at his court, and Saladin's use of gift-giving for political purposes, as well as neglected aspects of the rule of his family dynasty, the Ayyubids, which succeeded him. Special attention is paid to the Christians residing in the Middle East, from Italians to Melkites and Armenians.

Le Cercle Des Lettres De Lalphabet Dairat Al-a?ruf Al-abjadiyya

Book Description

L'ouvrage pr�sente la premi�re �dition critique, traduction annot�e et �tude du Kitāb dā'irat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyyaattribu� � Herm�s, texte de magie pratique bas�e sur la science des lettres ('ilm al-ḥurūf).This book provides a critical edition and translation of the Kitāb dā'irat al-aḥruf al-abjadiyya, a treatise of practical letter magic attributed to Hermes, giving anyone interested in magical traditions a way to understand the intricacies of the science of letters ('ilm al-ḥurūf).

Al-Ṣāḥib Ibn ʿAbbād Promoter of Rational Theology

Book Description

The volume contains critical editions of the extant parts of two hitherto unknown theological works by the Būyid vizier al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād (d. 385/925), who is well known to have vigorously promoted the teaching of Muʿtazilī theology throughout Būyid territories and beyond. The manuscripts on which the edition is based come from Cairo Geniza store rooms. They consist of two manuscripts for each of the two texts—testimony to the impact of al-Ṣāḥib’s education policy on the contemporaneous Jewish community in Cairo. The longer treatise of al-Ṣāḥib of ca. 350/960, possibly his Kitāb Nahj al-sabīl fī uṣūl al-dīn, appears to be the earliest Muʿtazilī work preserved among the Jewish community. The second, briefer treatise also contains a commentary by ʿAbd al-Jabbār al-Hamadānī (d. 415/1025).

The Wisdom of the Ages and the Secrets of the Sages

Book Description

The Wisdom of the Sages is the first English translation of an occult spell-book from medieval Syria, with a wide array of fascinating magical operations. The book will be of interests to historians of magic, occult scholars, students of religion and theology, scholars of Islamic history, herbalists, students of the history of Medicine, and scholars of alchemy.

Postmodernism: A Bibliography, 1926-1994

Book Description

This is the first bibliography of Postmodernism to take account of work published in all subject areas and in all languages. Deborah Madsen has identified a new first occurrence of the term in 1926, preceding by more than twenty years the first occurence documented by the Oxford English Dictionary. In a chronological listing, books, articles, notes, letters and working papers on Postmodernism are described with full bibliographical details. Reviews of major books are documented and full contents listings are given for special issues of journals devoted to Postmodernism. An appendix includes books on Postmodernism announced for publication in 1995. This bibliography brings together in one place all secondary material published on Postmodernism. All disciplines are included, from anthropology to zoology: architecture, cultural studies, dance, drama, feminism, fiction, geography, history, legal studies, literary theory, mathematics, medicine, music, pedagogical theory, philosophy, photography and film, poetry, politics, religion, sociology, the visual and plastic arts, and others. The bibliography also documents items in a range of languages other than English: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovanian, Spanish, and the Scandinavian languages. Access to the information contained in the bibliography is made easy with a comprehensive index providing guidance according to author, subject, language, and key words. Postmodernism: A Bibliography, 1926-1994 is an essential reference text for anyone working in the area of contemporary culture studies.

مواضيع متفرقه حول الحسد والمس بالجن والسحر‬

Book Description

ساتطرق في كتابي هذه لمواضيع حيويه عن السحر والحسد والمس بالجن. السبب عن كتابه مقالات عن موضوع الحسد والمس والسحر انني اشاهد كثيرا فيديوهات عن موضوع الحسد والمس والسحر. وهناك فوضى عارمه وغير وضوح او ترتيب في المعلومات حولها. لهذا تجد نسبه كبيره من الناس تنكر المس بالجن بسبب فوضى المعلومه حوله. وحتى لا انسى ما اسمعه واضطر ان اعود للفيديوهات الطويله فانني اوثقه بالكتابه. اما الجن والحسد والمس والسحر فهي مسلمات. الذين يؤمنون ببعض ما جاء به القرءان ولا يستطيعون استيعاب بعض الغيبيات به يحاولون ان يكذبوا وجود الجن، فانني اقر انه لم ياتي الجن ناحيتي قط مع اني اكتب عنهم لانني محصنه بالعلم وذكر الله. ولا ادعي العلم بعالمهم كما لا اخشاهم. لكن رايت حالات تلبس كثيره بعيني سواء عند الشيخ احمد نمر في قطاع غزه عام 1998 او في فيديوهات بالنت عرضت بعضها.انسوا مقالاتي الم يقر القرءان بعالم الجن والعين والسحر ؟؟ الم يطالبنا القرءان بالاستعاذه من شر حاسد اذا حسد وشر النفاثات بالعقد ومن شر الوسواس الختاس ومن شر الجنه والناس ؟؟الم يقر القرءان ان هاروت وماروت كانا ملكان يعلمان الناس السحر وحذروا الناس صراحه أنهم فتنه وان السحر كفر واذى للغير الم يرد بالقرءان عشرات الايات عن الجن والسحر ؟؟. الم يبطل سيدنا موسى سحر السحره وهذا كان سبب ايمان السحره به وعلامه بارزه لنبوته ؟؟ الا يحتاج الناس نوعيه بهم حتى لا يتوهوا في عالم الشعوذه والدجاله ؟؟ في مقالاتي اهدي الناس وادعو للتحصن من الجن ومن الحسد بالرقيه واحذر من السحر والشعوذه واتيان السحره مع العلم ان كثير من المعلومات بهذا الكتاب استقيتا من قناه خليفه الراقي باليوتيوب https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXvAlosHMAMUYlU0p6mqB4w يحتوي كتابي مقالاتي التاليه: 1. حول الخلاف بين الاطباء النفساويين وشيوخ الدين المعالجين لحالات المس بالجن 2. العين والحسد .. اسبابهم واعراضهم وعلاجهم 3. القرين 4. المس بالجن .. اعراضه وطرق حضوره وطرق صرفه 5. السحر .. تعريفه وحكمه وانواعه واركانه: 6. ايات الرقيه الشامله 7. سحر التصفيح 8. الجن العاشق 9. تجربه ساحر مع السحر 10. كيف يعلم الساحر الغيب 11. اهم كتب السحر والعلوم الروحانيه: 12. الحجامه وعلاقتها بالامراض الروحيه: 13. سحر الجلب والمحبه والقبول: 14. سحر الربط عن الجماع (الثقاف) | أنواعه - أعراضه – علاجه 15. سحر التفريق 16. اسماء وقصة ملوك الجن السبعة الارضيين من كتاب شمس المعارف الكبرى 17. تحليل لما يكون قد حدث مع المرحومه اسراء غريب بناء على اللقاءات مع اهلها وخطيبها 18. راي معارض للكاتب المفكر رمضان عيسى الذي ينكر المس بالجن

Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin

Book Description

Naǧīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandīs (st. 619/1222) Buch der Nahrungsmittel und Getränke (Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba) ist ein umfassendes medizinisches Lexikon mit Informationen zu über 500 verschiedenen Nahrungsmitteln, Speisen, Getränken und Duftstoffen. Es kann als letzte große arabische Monografie zur Diätetik im islamischen Osten angesehen werden und stellt vermutlich eines der am weitesten verbreiteten vormodernen arabischen Bücher zum Thema Ernährung dar. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin bietet Juliane Müller eine textkritische Edition des Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba mit deutscher Übersetzung. Anschließend verorten Kapitel zur Textgenese und Rezeption des Werks sowie zu seinen ernährungsmedizinischen Inhalten as-Samarqandīs Nahrungsmittellexikon in seinem Kontext innerhalb der arabischen Medizinliteratur. Najīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī’s (d. 619/1222) Book on Foods and Drinks (Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba) is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia with information on more than 500 different food items, dishes, drinks and fragrances. It can be considered to be the last major Arabic monograph on dietetics in the Islamic East and it probably rates among the most widespread premodern Arabic books on the subject of nutrition science. In Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin, Juliane Müller presents a critical edition of the Kitāb al-Aghḏiya wa-l-ashriba along with a German translation of the text. An extensive contextual study locates the book and its dietetic contents within Arabic medical literature and examines the sources and the reception of as-Samarqandī's food encyclopedia.

The Sun of Knowledge (Shams Al-Ma'arif)

Book Description

The Sun of Knowledge (Shams al-Ma'arif) is one of the most revered historical grimoires of the Arabic corpus. Feared by some, hallowed by others, it is one of the most famous - or infamous - books in the Arabic-speaking and Islamicate world. Written in Egypt in the thirteenth century by a Sufi mystic and mage of Algerian origin, the Shams presents the fundamentals of Arabic-Islamic occult work - from spiritual cosmology and astrology (including various particularly lunar magics) to working with spirits and jinn, magical employment of letters and numbers, and the occult applications of the Qur'an - thereby comprising a veritable encyclopedia of Islamicate magical wisdom and formulae. Images and descriptions of amulets and talismans adorn it. Numerous beautiful manuscripts of the Sun of Knowledge have survived, various of which have been used as a basis for this present work. Never before published in English, this selected translation includes sections of the Sun of Knowledge on the mysteries of the letters, astrological timings, lunar mansions, the ancient Arab beliefs surrounding the stars, planetary matters, astronomy, the angels for and workings pertaining to the four seasons, summoning the jinn, the employment of the names of God for many and varied purposes, the construction of the famed ring of Solomon, and a miscellany of tried-and-true talismans. This selected translation takes a general approach to a much vaster text, and features illustrations, original artwork, and commentary to assist those unfamiliar with Islamic magic and culture. This edition is also ideal for any student of magic or the occult, classical Arabic astrology and astronomy, Islamic esotericism, or Sufism.