Le christianisme bogomile cathare

Book Description

Ce livre révèle la vérité concernant cette hérésie qui fut un tournant de l'histoire de l'Europe. L'auteur y fait des analyses approfondies détaillées et trouve des liens entre les idées bogomiles et plusieurs contes de différents peuples du continent.

Mémoire en Temps Advenir

Book Description

Ce volume collectif, en hommage a Theo Venckeleer, medieviste et specialiste de linguistique historique et de lexicologie du francais et de l'occitan, contient, outre une presentation de la personnalite et de l'oeuvre scientifique de Theo Venckeleer, une quarantaine d'articles, dus a des collegues belges, neerlandais, francais, anglais, italiens, et canadiens, et regroupes en quatre sections: "Litterature du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance", "Philologie: edition et etude de textes", "Linguistique diachronique: lexicologie et morphosyntaxe historiques, histoire de la langue, variabilite textuelle et contact de langues" et "Linguistique generale: lexicologie, syntaxe, semantique et pragmatique".

La Production Du Corps

Book Description

Dans quelle mesure le corps fait-il l'identité d'un être humain ? Et pour combien de temps si quelque chose survit de lui, après sa mort, ce n'est pas tout à fait son corps ? Dans toutes les cultures, il semble que l'humanité, sous des formes diverses, ait été amenée à imaginer l'être humain comme composé de deux parties : une partie périssable et une partie qui continue d'agir bien au-delà de la mort, même si elle n'est pas immortelle. Ces deux parties ne se réduisent pas nécessairement à un corps visible et à un animal double, invisible, mais qui meurt quand l'autre meurt. Chez les Maenge de Nouville-Guinée, l'individu a deux âmes, même s'il n'a qu'un seul corps. De nombreuses sociétés pensent qu'il faut plus de deux êtres humains pour faire un être humain. Il faut que l'esprit d'un ancêtre, ou l'action d'un dieu vienne sinon animer ce corps, du moins le rendre complet, le compléter. Chaque personne naît donc, s'étant inscrite en soi, formant comme une sorte d'intimité impersonnelle, un ensemble d'idées, d'images, de valeurs, par lesquelles l'ordre ou les désordres qui s'impriment dans son corps. règne dans sa société. Seize anthropologues et historiens ont exploré ces réalités culturelles dispersées dans l'espace et le temps.

Book Description

Heresy and the English Reformation

Book Description

Medieval Europe was a hotbed of revolt against religious dogma. Particularly offensive to the established church were the views of the Cathars, whose dualist beliefs Rome condemned as heretical. Through a variety of literary works, this book explores the dualist religious movement which developed as a culture of the masses and took place in Europe between the 12th and 17th centuries. It examines the strong parallels between the Bogomils and Cathars and the religious practices of the British Lollards, extrapolating Lollardy's spread from eastern to western Europe. Providing numerous text comparisons, the work focuses on a number of authors including John Wycliffe, William Tynsdale, William Langland and John Milton, whose works exhibit the dualist philosophy.

Cistercians, Heresy, and Crusade in Occitania, 1145-1229

Book Description

"The present book examines this important but little-studied aspect of Cistercian history to probe how and why the Order undertook endeavours that drew the monks outside their monastic vocation. The analysis of texts about the preaching campaigns, and of their contexts, seeks to retrieve the role of preaching and to reconstruct what was preached in the light of its historical and specifically monastic context. Monastic texts and their contexts furnish the keys to understanding how medieval monastic authors perceived heresy, preached, and wrote against it."--BOOK JACKET.

Gnosis and Hermeticism from Antiquity to Modern Times

Book Description

This volume introduces what has sometimes been called "the third component of western culture". It traces the historical development of those religious traditions which have rejected a world view based on the primacy of pure rationality or doctrinal faith, emphasizing instead the importance of inner enlightenment or gnosis: a revelatory experience which was typically believed to entail an encounter with one's true self as well as with the ground of being, God. The contributors to this book demonstrate this perspective as fundamental to a variety of interconnected traditions. In Antiquity, one finds the gnostics and hermetics; in the Middle Ages several Christian sects. The medieval Cathars can, to a certain extent, be considered part of the same tradition. Starting with the Italian humanist Renaissance, hermetic philosophy became of central importance to a new religious synthesis that can be referred to as Western Esotericism. The development of this tradition is described from Renaissance hermeticists and practitioners of spiritual alchemy to the emergence of Rosicrucianism and Christian theosophy in the seventeenth century, and from post-enlightenment aspects of Romanticism and occultism to the present-day New Age movement.

Katarskoto bogomilsko hristiyanstvo - II

Book Description

Мишел Муние (род. 1944 г.) разкрива красотата и силата на богомилското живо християнско слово, което е пробудило през периода от Х до ХІV век цяла Европа. Основният извод от книгата му (616 страници общо) е, че богомилските идеи реално са причина за появата на средновековните приказки, а същевременно и надеждна градивна основа за пробудата на народите за съзнателен творчески труд и за неудържим стремеж към политическа свобода. В тази втора част от книгата му на български са дадени подробно историческите факти за ролята на богомилското движение в Западна Европа и анализите на оригинални и подправени от Инквизицията исторически документи.