The Common European Framework of Reference

Book Description

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages was published a decade ago and has been influential ever since, not only in its European 'home' but throughout the world. This book traces the processes of the influence by inviting authors from universities and ministries in 11 countries to describe and explain what happened in their case. There are everyday factors of curriculum development – which sometimes include coincidence and happenstance – and there are also traditions of resistance or acceptance of external influences in policy-making. Such factors have always existed in bilateral borrowing from one country to another but the CEFR is a supra-national document accessible through globalised communication. The book is thus not only focused on matters of language education but is also a Comparative Education case-study of policy borrowing under new conditions.

Immigrants in Two Democracies

Book Description

International migration is often considered a relatively new development in world history. Yet, while there has been a surge in migration since World War II, the worldwide movement of peoples is a longstanding phenomenon. So, too, are the fundamental issues raised by immigration. How do immigrants fit into and affect the polity and society of the country they enter? What changes can or must the receiving state make to accomodate them? What changes in culture and ethnic indentity do immigrants undergo in their new environment? How do they relate to the mix of peoples already present in their new homeland What determines the policies that govern their reception and treatment? In this volume, expertly edited by a leading American political scientist-lawyer and a leading French historian, twenty-one renowned experts on immigration address these questions and a variety of other issues involving the experiences of immigrants in the city, at the workplace, and in schools and churches. Their essays examine the issues of nationality, citizenship, law, and politics that define the life of an immigrant population. Focusing on the United States and France, this voluem is a social history and a legal and public policy study that comprehensively portrays the dilemmas immigrants present and face. Contributors include Sophie Body-Gendrot, Danielle Boyzon-Frader, Andre-Clement Decoufle, Veronique de Rudder, Lawrence H. Fuchs, Nathan Glazer, Philip Gleason, Stanley Lieberson, Lance Liebman, Daniele Lochak, Michel Oriol, Martin A. Schain, Peter H. Schuck, Roxane Silberman, Werner Sollors, Stephan Thernstrom, Maryse Tripier, Maris A. Vinovskis, and Myron Weiner.

Diversions of Galway

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This volume contains a selection of papers from the Fifth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, dealing with subjects ranging from the classical period till the 20th century.

Language Monthly

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Book Description

La diversité linguistique

Book Description

La conférence sur "La diversité linguistique : défi pour les villes et régions européennes" (Rovinj, Croatie, 22-23 mars 2001) a été organisée conjointement par le Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux de l'Europe (CPLRE), le ministère de l'Intégration européenne de Croatie et le Comité des régions de l'Union européenne. Elle a constitué la contribution majeure du CPLRE à l'Année européenne des langues 2001 et a été l'occasion du lancement de cette année européenne en Croatie. Cette conférence a rassemblé environ 150 participants et a permis à de nombreux experts, mais aussi aux membres du Congrès et aux élus locaux et régionaux présents, d'échanger leurs vues sur l'apprentissage des langues. Cette conférence a permis de présenter des exemples concrets d'apprentissage des langues, qu'il s'agisse des langues de communication internationale, de la langue nationale, régionale ou minoritaire.