Le Corbusier Le Grand

Book Description

The 70 page booklet accompanying Le Corbusier : Le Grand contains a French/English glossary of architectural terms and translations of the foreign language documents.

Le Corbusier Le Grand

Book Description

A spectacular visual biography of one of the greatest architects of the 20th century.

Le Corbusier's Hands

Book Description

Le Corbusier's assistant and fellow architect remembers his mentor in a series of concise and poetic reflections. Le Corbusier's Hands offers a poetic and personal portrait of Le Corbusier—a nuanced portrayal that is in contrast to the popular image of Le Corbusier the aloof modernist. The author knew Le Corbusier intimately for thirty years, first as his draftsman and main assistant, later as his colleague and personal friend. In this book, written in the mid-1980s, Wogenscky remembers his mentor in a series of revealing personal statements and evocative reflections unlike anything that exists in the vast literature on Le Corbusier. Wogenscky draws a portrait in swift, deft strokes—50 short chapters, one leading to the next, one memory of Le Corbusier opening into another. Appearing and reappearing like a leitmotif are Le Corbusier's hands—touching, taking, drawing, offering, closing, opening, grasping, releasing: "It was his hands that revealed him.... They spoke all his feelings, all the vibrations of his inner life that his face tried to conceal." Wogenscky writes about Le Corbusier's work, including the famous design of the chapel at Ronchamp, his ideas for high-density Unités d'Habitation linked to the center of a "Radiant City," and his "Modulor" system for defining proportions—which Wogenscky compares to a piano tuner's finding the exact relation between sounds. He remembers the day Picasso spent with Le Corbusier at the Marseilles building site—"All day long they outdid one another in a show of modesty," he observes in amazement. He adds, speaking for himself and the others present, "We were inside a double energy field." And Wogenscky writes about Le Corbusier more personally. "I have spent years trying to understand what went on in his mind and in his hand," he tells us. With Le Corbusier's Hands, Wogenscky gives us a unique record of an enigmatic genius.

Modern Man

Book Description

Journalist Flint recounts the life and times of the legendary architect Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, aka Le Corbusier, and provides illuminating details of his most iconic projects.

Le Corbusier

Book Description

An authoritative, visual exploration of the eminent twentieth-century architect's buildings features newly commissioned photography and includes coverage of such structures as the Chapel of Ronchamp and the Carpenter Arts Center.

Le Corbusier

Book Description

Le poeme de l'angle droit

Book Description

Between 1947 and 1953, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) produced a series of lithographs and poems that can be regarded as an artistic realization of his worldview. The works have been arranged in such a way that seven rows, one upon the other, result in a picture wall, an iconostasis. Each row is dedicated to a specific topic, ranging from the environment and mental and physical elements to the right angle, with which human beings establish their own order. The publication presents a meticulously reproduced facsimile of the original lithographs and the poème from 1955. An appendix includes a translation into English. Le Corbusier once stated that his buildings first became possible on the basis of his artistic work, thus the cycle also reveals the architectural achievements of the greatest architect of the 20th century.

Le Corbusier and the Maisons Jaoul

Book Description

In 1955, just as the world was pigeonholing him as the high priest of modernism, Le Corbusier shocked the architecture world with – of all things – weekend houses. Built of brick, concrete, stone, and timber, the Maisons Jaoul are the antithesis of everything commonly referred to as “Corbusian.” Their surprising scale gives them a magnificent sculptural presence and the uncharacteristically raw materiality of their exteriors – oozing mortar, rough brick – gives them a deliberately crude, almost craftlike, appearance. Le Corbusier and the Maisons Jaoul is the first book-length, detailed examination of these lesser-known, yet architecturally significant houses. Built for André Jaoul and his son – and their wives – the Maisons Jaoul encompassed four years of intense design activity. Using previously unpublished sources, author Caroline Maniaque Benton thoroughly captures Le Corbusier’s extraordinary journey of discovery. Valuable insights are gleaned from conversations between clients, draughtsmen, and craftsmen; firsthand documents; and letters in Le Corbusier’s own hand.

Ideas of Le Corbusier On Architecture and Urban Planning

Book Description

The writing of Le Corbusier, one of the master builders of the twentieth century, is made available in this careful selection of his texts. His drawings are also reproduced and are supplemented by plans and photographs of buildings he either designed himself or cited in his work.

Le Corbusier, the Dishonest Architect

Book Description

This is not a book for architects, but for all those that have suffered, consciously and unconsciously, from modern architecture and have wondered how it came about. This was largely due to one man, an architect called Le Corbusier. For some he was a genius, but the truth is he was a sham, a fake, a charlatan whose only gift was for self-publicity. He was the most influential architect of the second half of the twentieth century; his influence overwhelmed the architectural profession on a global scale, who swallowed his publicity whole, and still hold him in awe. For the rest of the world, the mere mortals, his influence was disastrous, as traditional buildings were destroyed and replaced by featureless boxes of varying sizes, imposing a dreariness hitherto unimagined. As usual, it was the poor who suffered most as they were herded into tower-blocks. These were often grouped into estates that ringed many towns and cities, which then degenerated into high-rise slums with all the well-known attendant social problems. This book exposes the myths that surround Le Corbusier, detailing the endless failures of his proposals and his projects. These were due to his profound dishonesty, both as a person and as an architect. His legacy was an architectural profession that believed, and still believe, they were designing buildings based on logic, functionality and honesty whereas they were doing the opposite.