Copyright in Cyberspace

Book Description

Le nouveau droit d'auteur et les droits voisins

Book Description

Lorsque parut en 1995 «Le nouveau Droit d’auteur et les droits voisins», peu après l’adoption de la nouvelle loi, le livre d’Alain Berenboom fut immédiatement considéré comme le « livre de référence » comme l’écrivait le professeur Françon. Dix ans plus tard, une nouvelle édition intégrait les réformes législatives, les arrêtés d’application parus entre temps et la jurisprudence fondée sur la nouvelle loi. Avec cette nouvelle édition, Alain Berenboom complète son œuvre avec le commentaire des importantes modifications de la loi intégrant la directive européenne sur la société de l’information et des nouvelles lois de 2007 qui ont profondément modifié la procédure et les sanctions. Repensant son livre, il en a revu les principaux chapitres et ses commentaires à la lumière de son expérience, de l’évolution de la jurisprudence et de la doctrine mais aussi du bouleversement qui a suivi l’invasion de la galaxie Gutenberg par l’univers numérique. Il a aussi intégré les multiples textes internationaux et européens et l’important travail jurisprudentiel récent. Créateurs, artistes, interprètes, producteurs, éditeurs, concepteurs, tous les titulaires de droits comme les praticiens et les consommateurs trouveront dans ce commentaire l’instrument qui leur permet de décoder les textes belges et internationaux, illustré de nombreux exemples et de la jurisprudence belge et étrangère la plus récente. Cerise sur le gâteau, le romancier montre souvent le bout du nez derrière la plume du jurisconsulte.

Copyright Law

Book Description

. . . this book provides an interesting insight into many aspects of copyright law. It is a useful resource not only for those whose core practice is copyright but also those involved in industries reliant on copyright. New Zealand Law Journal Copyright law is undergoing rapid transformations to cope with the new international digital environment. This valuable research Handbook provides a thorough and contemporary tableau of current thinking in copyright law. It traces the changes undergone and the challenges faced by copyright, as well as its roots and its diversity, combining to present a colourful picture of a dynamic research area. The editor brings together an elite group of international copyright scholars who offer incisive and original analysis of a wide range of issues and aspects of copyright law, and in some cases a multiplicity of perspectives on a single topic. Rigorous and often thought-provoking in nature, this research Handbook clearly maps the current landscape, and will also undoubtedly stimulate further research in the field. Analysing the cutting edge of current copyright research, Copyright Law will be of great interest to researchers, students, practitioners and policymakers.

Balancing Copyright - A Survey of National Approaches

Book Description

How does copyright law take into account the interests of third parties, especially the general public’s interest in the greatest possible dissemination of knowledge and culture? Twelve basic questions give copyright law experts from more than forty countries the opportunity to provide answers related to their national law on the following matters: categories of works and subject matter, eligibility conditions, duration, “users’ rights,” the three-step test, misuse, differentiations between categories of right holders, TPM, and relations of copyright law to other legal areas such as fundamental rights, competition law, consumer protection law, media law etc. The standardized form of the reports makes it easy to see the impacts of copyright law in the industrialized countries as well as in emerging economies; in common-law and civil-law approaches; in countries of the Andean Community and of the European Union, as well as in countries that are not party to the WIPO Treaties. A detailed preliminary chapter provides an approachable overview of issues and results. This chapter also discusses the voice of academia, represented by the European Copyright Code of the “Wittem Group.”

Enjeux européens et mondiaux de la protection des données personnelles

Book Description

Cet ouvrage offre une analyse des grands enjeux en matière de protection des données à caractère personnel, à la lumière des dispositions de la proposition de règlement européen et des législations européennes en vigueur. Nous assistons actuellement à une véritable révolution sociale, économique et technologique. L’exploitation des données avec le big data, l’internet des objets, va changer le monde. Face aux avancées, mais également aux inquiétudes que cette révolution suscite, il est important de s’appuyer sur les droits fondamentaux. Ainsi l’ouvrage revient sur la jurisprudence tant de la Cour de justice européenne que celle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. Une attention particulière est également donnée au champ d’application territorial de la proposition de règlement et au transfert des données. L’ouvrage met également en relief la perception américaine des règles de protection des données personnelles par rapport aux dernières négociations entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis ; il traite en particulier du droit à l’oubli, du profilage ou de la notification des failles de sécurité ; il met en exergue les défis de la protection des données personnelles dans le domaine des services financiers, notamment en matière de fraude au paiement. L’ouvrage s’intéresse ainsi non seulement aux mesures à prendre par les entreprises pour respecter les règles de protection des données, mais aussi à la façon des autorités de les faire respecter. Un ouvrage qui propose une approche aussi bien juridique que pratique sur le sujet. À PROPOS DE L'ÉDITEUR Larcier Group, composé des marques d’édition juridique prestigieuses que sont Larcier, Bruylant, Promoculture-Larcier, propose des solutions documentaires adaptées aux besoins spécifiques de tous les professionnels du droit belge, luxembourgeois et français (avocats, magistrats, notaires, juristes d’entreprise,...). Fournisseur historique et privilégié de toutes les sources du droit, son offre éditoriale est composée, notamment, de la base de données juridique la plus complète de Belgique (Strada lex), de plus de 300 nouvelles monographies par an, plus de 70 revues juridiques, plusieurs collections de Codes, de logiciels de calculs et d’un riche catalogue de formations. Larcier Group est l’éditeur numéro 1 dans le segment juridique en Belgique.À côté de ce segment juridique, Larcier Group s’adresse également aux professions économiques et aux professions RH en Belgique avec sa marque Larcier Business et son offre éditoriale principalement numérique.Avec Indicator, Larcier Group fait partie, depuis juin 2016, du Groupe Éditions Lefebvre- Sarrut, à présent leader en Belgique sur tous les segments de l’édition juridique et fiscale.

Ownership of Rights in Audiovisual Productions

Book Description

In a single generation audiovisual production technology has made two enormous leaps: interactivity and digital exploitation. Any law that deals with satellite transmission must take into account the ownership rights in audiovisual productions, and maintain a clear perspective on how existing laws in the field have been adapted - and will continue to be adapted - to protect authors. Who owns the digital exploitation rights in the audiovisual work? Who is entitled to collect remunerations collected from private copying? How do moral rights affect the licensing of rights in audiovisual works? These are some of the most contentious questions dealt with in this book. The book provides a comprehensive comparative framework for analysis of the regulation of ownership of rights in audiovisual productions in Europe. It is the first presentation that examines these issues in the light of revised Nordic copyright laws and the respective national regulations of Germany, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the book explains in detail how international and European Community regulations affect rights owners in audiovisual productions. The audiovisual sector is also an area where the differences between the civil law systems of author's rights and common law based copyright systems are particularly pronounced. This book clarifies some of the common misunderstandings encountered in this respect.

(Re)structuring Copyright

Book Description

In this bold and persuasive work Daniel Gervais, one of the world’s leading thinkers on the subject of intellectual property, argues that the international copyright system is in need of a root and branch rethink. As the Internet alters the world in which copyright operates beyond all recognition, a world increasingly defined by the might of online intermediaries and spawning a generation who are simultaneously authors, users and re-users of creative works, the structure of copyright in its current form is inadequate and unfit for purpose. This ambitious and far-reaching book sets out to diagnose in some detail the problems faced by copyright, before eloquently mapping out a path for comprehensive and structured reform. It contributes a reasoned and novel voice to a debate that is all too often driven by ignorance and partisan self-interest.

Copyright and Multimedia Products

Book Description

Multimedia products have experienced tremendous market success. Yet too often they are given inadequate protection under existing national and international copyright schemes. Irini Stamatoudi provides a comprehensive, comparative treatment of multimedia works and copyright protection in this clear and concise volume. A detailed introduction outlines the nature of the multimedia work, as well as the scope of existing legislation; separate chapters consider collections and compilations, databases, audiovisual works and computer programs (video games are here treated as a 'test case'). Stamatoudi then analyses issues of qualification, regime of protection, and offers a model for a European legislative solution. Copyright and Multimedia Products will interest academics and students, as well as practitioners and copyright policy makers.

Intellectual Property Law in Switzerland

Book Description

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in the Switzerland. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. Particular attention is paid throughout to recent developments and trends. The analysis approaches each right in terms of its sources in law and in legislation, and proceeds to such legal issues as subject matter of protection, conditions of protection, ownership, transfer of rights, licences, scope of exclusive rights, limitations, exemptions, duration of protection, infringement, available remedies, and overlapping with other intellectual property rights. The book provides a clear overview of intellectual property legislation and policy, and at the same time offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. Lawyers representing parties with interests in the Switzerland will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative intellectual property law.