Les droits fondamentaux au travail

Book Description

L’apparition du concept de droits fondamentaux au travail et sa consécration par la Déclaration relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail et son suivi adoptée au sein de l’Organisation internationale du Travail en 1998 ont eu des conséquences sur la réglementation internationale du travail. Beaucoup y ont vu une tentative de l’OIT de mieux se positionner dans le contexte difficile de la mondialisation, tout en notant que cette initiative pourrait affaiblir le droit international du travail. Cet ouvrage propose une analyse approfondie du concept des droits et principes fondamentaux au travail, de la Déclaration de l’OIT qui l’a scellé, ainsi que de son contenu conventionnel. Il s’interroge en particulier sur le statut coutumier des droits fondamentaux au travail, sur la signification de la Déclaration de même que sur sa place au sein du droit international, en insistant tant sur son importance pour l’OIT que sur ses effets hors de l’OIT. Il s’en dégage que même si la Déclaration est indubitablement le reflet d’un contexte contemporain peu favorable à la réglementation du travail, elle constitue néanmoins une étape substantielle dans le travail de l’OIT pour promouvoir une paix universelle basée sur la justice sociale.

Les droits fondamentaux au travail

Book Description

L'apparition du concept de droits fondamentaux au travail et sa consécration par la Déclaration relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail et son suivi adoptée au sein de l'Organisation internationale du Travail en 1998 ont eu des conséquences sur la réglementation internationale du travail. Beaucoup y ont vu une tentative de l'OIT de mieux se positionner dans le contexte difficile de la mondialisation, tout en notant que cette initiative pourrait affaiblir le droit internationa.

Book Description

International Labour Law Reports

Book Description

The "International Labour Law Reports (ILLR) is a series of annual publications of labour law judgments by the highest courts in a number of jurisdictions. "ILLR is a particularly useful resource for judges, labour law practitioners, industrial relations specialists, and students who seek ready access to authoritative information of a comparative nature on problems arising in the field of labour law and industrial relations. "ILLR accompanies each reprinted judgement with Headnotes and, in practically all cases, an Annotation which sets forth, among other things, -the legal issues involved, - the basic facts of the case (if not included in the judgment itself), - the relevant statutory provisions and judicial precedents, - the labour law and industrial relations context in which the case arose, and - the significance of the judgment in the development of the law. "ILLR" provides the reader with factual information not coloured by the personal views of the annotators. As a rule, judgments are printed in extenso; the editors summarize or cut portions of judgments that are purely technical or only of marginal interest. "ILLR" also provides a list of cases both by jurisdiction and by subject matter. As a result, this work offers the reader a concise, readily-accessed statement of law. Volume 16 covers the period 1 October 1995 to 30 September 1996. (Volume 15 covers the period 1 October 1994 to 30 September 1995 and is also available, as are all earlier volumes.)


Book Description

The four volumes of the Encyclopaedia of International Aviation Law are intended for students, lawyers, judges, scholars and readers of all backgrounds with an interest in Aviation Law; and to provide the definitive corpus of relevant national and regional legislation, including global aviation treaties and legislation to enable all readers without exception, to develop the background, knowledge and tools to understand local, regional and international Aviation Law in contextual fashion. The first volume has a detailed text of country legislation, including national cases and materials whilst the second, third and fourth volumes focus on International Aviation Law Treaties, international cases and materials and Aircraft Refueling Indemnity (TAR BOX) Agreements.

The Influence of Human Rights and Basic Rights in Private Law

Book Description

This book provides a comparative perspective on one of the most intriguing developments in law: the influence of basic rights and human rights in private law. It analyzes the application of basic rights and human rights, which are traditionally understood as public law rights, in private law, and discusses the related spillover effects and changing perspectives in legal doctrine and practice. It provides examples where basic rights and human rights influence judicial reasoning and lead to changes of legislation in contract law, tort law, property law, family law, and copyright law. Providing both context and background analysis for any critical examination of the horizontal effect of fundamental rights in private law, the book contributes to the current debate on an important issue that deserves the attention of legal practitioners, scholars, judges and others involved in the developments in a variety of the world’s jurisdictions. This book is based on the General Report and national reports commissioned by the International Academy of Comparative Law and written for the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law in Vienna, Austria, in the summer of 2014.

The Future of the International Labour Organization in the Global Economy

Book Description

The International Labour Organization was created in 1919, as part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended the First World War, to reflect the belief that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice. As the oldest organisation in the UN system, approaching its 100th anniversary in 2019, the ILO faces unprecedented strains and challenges. Since before the financial crisis, the global economy has tested the limits of a regulatory regime which was conceived in 1919. The organisation's founders only entrusted it with balancing social progress with the constraints of an interconnected open economy, but gambled almost entirely on tools of persuasion to ensure that this would happen. Whether that gamble is still capable of paying-off is the subject of this book, by a former ILO insider with an unrivalled knowledge of its work. The book forms part of a broader inquiry into the relevance of founding institutional principles to today's context, and strives to show that the bet made on persuasion may yet pay off. In part, the text argues that there may be little alternative anyway, showing that the pathways to more binding solutions are fraught with difficulty. It also shows the ILO's considerable future potential for promoting effective, universal regulations by extending its tools of persuasion in as yet insufficiently explored directions. Starting with an examination of how the organisation's institutional context differs from 93 years ago, the author goes on to evaluate the prospects of numerous proposals put forward today, including the trade/labour linkage, but going beyond this. As a case study in how strategic choices can be made under legal, social and institutional constraints, the book should be valuable not only to those with an interest in the ILO, but to anyone who studies international organisation, labour law, law and society or political economy.