Leadership Processes and Follower Self-identity

Book Description

Presenting a follower-centered perspective on leadership, this book focuses on followers as the direct determinant of leadership effects because it is generally through follower reactions and behaviors that leadership attempts succeed or fail. Therefore, leadership theory needs to be articulated with a theory of how followers create meaning from leadership acts and how this meaning helps followers self-regulate in specific contexts. In this book, an attempt is made to develop such a theory, maintaining that the central construct in this process is the self-identity of followers. In developing this theoretical perspective, the authors draw heavily from several areas of research and theory. The most critical constructs do not come directly from the leadership literature, but from social and cognitive theory pertaining to follower's self-identity, self-regulatory processes, motivation, values, cognitions, and emotions and perceptions of social justice. Leaders may have profound effects on these aspects of followers and it is by analyzing such indirect, follower-mediated leadership effects that most ideas regarding leadership theory and practice are developed. Due to its broad theoretical focus, this book is relevant to a number of audiences. The authors' principal concern is with the development of leadership theory and the practice of leadership making the book relevant to audiences in management, applied psychology, and social psychology. They have tried to clearly define key constructs and provide practical examples so that the book could be accessible to advanced undergraduate students. However, the diversity of the underlying theoretical literatures and the complexity of the framework developed also make the book appropriate for graduate courses in those disciplines, and for readers with a professional interest in leadership theory or practice.

The Implications of Leader-follower Congruence on Co-production of Leadership Beliefs for Leader and Follower Outcomes

Book Description

Within organizations there are leaders and there are followers; if there were no followers then leaders would not have anyone to lead. However, leadership is not one person but instead a process in which followers can affect and inhibit leaders’ productivity in active ways. Thus, there is a need to study followers and their ability to impact leaders and organizations. Within academic research, the primary focus has been on leadership and what constitutes an effective leader.. Researchers recently have developed the concept of co-production of leadership beliefs (CPLBs), which are the beliefs that an individual holds that followers should partner with leaders to work together to achieve the highest levels of productivity. CPLB congruence may be successful in predicting leader and follower outcomes because CPLBs focus on how followers’ roles are viewed and how followers should behave in relation to leaders in organizations to assist in the leadership process. Survey data was collected from 69 established leader-subordinate dyads within two different organizations measuring CPLBs and outcomes, including liking, relationship quality, turnover intentions, employee voice, constructive resistance, job satisfaction, and job performance. Polynomial regression with response surface modeling was utilized to test the hypotheses. Twenty-seven polynomial regressions were investigated, and three regressions had significant R2 values. Results revealed that employee voice is highest when the leader has high levels of proactive CPLBs. Additionally, LMX rated by the follower was lowest when the leader had high levels of obedience CPLBs, especially when the follower had low levels of obedience CPLBs. Similar results were found for obedience CPLBs and followers’ liking of their leaders . These results suggest that the congruence of leader and follower CPLBs may not be as important as originally believed, but that leader CPLBs may be more impactful independently on follower outcomes. This was particularly the case for leaders’ obedience CPLBs, which were negatively related to follower constructive resistance, employee voice, followers’ liking of their leader, and follower-rated LMX. Future research should continue to clarify the importance of leader versus follower CPLBs and how they combine to predict relationship and performance outcomes.

Exploring Distance in Leader-Follower Relationships

Book Description

Leaders face new challenges as they cope with changes in culture, technology and the workplace. In this edited volume, based on a conference at Claremont, scholars of leadership studies from three continents discuss the latest psychological research on interpersonal leader¿follower relations. The book tackles the impact of distance ¿ physical, interpersonal and social ¿ on our organizations, governments and societies.

The Connecting Leader

Book Description

Previous books of the Leadership Horizon Series showed unequivocally how both leaders and followers play an equally important part in the co-production of leadership outcomes, and how leader and follower identities are fluid, so that the same individual can enact both at different times. This book stretches the notion of leadership a step further by exploring the co-enactment of both roles, identities, and positions of leader and follower by one same individual. This individual is defined as a connecting leader, as in this co-enactment he/she functions as connector between different leadership relationships. The concept of connecting leader emerges from the observation that most individuals in organizations engage in the leader-follower role co-enactment: managers, pulled between executives and reportees; CEOs, between the board and the head of departments; or employees involved in cross functional teams, leading and following in different degrees, subject to their expertise. Yet, despite its pervasiveness this concept is at best under theorized by the literature, which, dominated by dyadic and romanticized views, mostly presents the roles as enacted by separate individuals facing each other. To advance our understanding of connecting leaders the editor proposes to shift our focus on leadership in three ways: to unpack the interconnectedness and interplay of leader and follower identities; to investigate the tensions arising from the co-enactment and how these can be overcome; to widen the way in which we study leadership, through new configurations (e.g. leadership triads) and ontologies; and finally to consider the similarities between leading and following. The book chapters are organized to mirror these areas of exploration. Understanding leadership from a perspective that acknowledges that many individuals in organizations are not just leaders or followers, but both, democratizes the way we theorize leadership, and moves us further away from the temptation to romanticize it.