Leadership Accountability in Government

Book Description

In Leadership Accountability in Government, the author shares how all forms of government must exhibit the highest standards of leadership accountability with the understanding that effective leadership knows that when they put people first, their effectiveness and efficiency improves. Dr. Richard Demeritte provides a comprehensive accountability framework integrated with key elements of leadership and effective performance management to guide all levels of governing.

Leadership Accountability in Government

Book Description

In Leadership Accountability in Government, the author shares how all forms of government must exhibit the highest standards of leadership accountability with the understanding that effective leadership knows that when they put people first, their effectiveness and efficiency improves. Dr. Richard Demeritte provides a comprehensive accountability framework integrated with key elements of leadership and effective performance management to guide all levels of governing.

The Accountable Juggler

Book Description

PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND POLICY ADMINISTRATION SERIES Edited by Donald Kettl How should a manager handle different accountability expectations? While a commonplace term in government lexicon, accountability has escaped precise definition, leaving managers at a disadvantage when trying to monitor the performance of their programs. Including more than 300 programs, over 60,000 employees, and a budget of over $400 billion, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is an ideal canvas for starkly illustrating competing accountability demands. With a bird's-eye view of the agency's inner workings, Radin tackles big issues such as strategies of centralization and decentralization, coordination with states and localities, leadership, and program design, while using the apt analogy of a juggler to show how managers must keep in the air disparate demands and developments.

Innovations in Public Leadership Development

Book Description

This is the best single-source guide to leadership development in the public sector. The all-original chapters include discussions of leadership frameworks, competencies for public leaders for the new governance, and strategies for senior leaders in government.

Decentralized Governance and Accountability

Book Description

Reviews recent lessons about decentralized governance and implications for future development programs and policies.

Managing for Results, Enhanced Goal Leader Accountability and Collaboration Could Further Improve Agency Performance

Book Description

" Leadership involvement and accountability are important factors driving successful performance improvement in government. GPRAMA established the role of the agency priority goal leader and assigned accountability for achieving APGs to these officials. This report is one of a series in which GAO, as required by GPRAMA, reviewed the act's implementation. It assesses (1) the roles and responsibilities of agency priority goal leaders in managing goal progress and the extent to which they are held accountable for goal achievement; (2) the extent to which goal leaders collaborate with other programs and agencies that contribute to APG achievement; and (3) any challenges and practices identified by goal leaders, and the extent to which they exchange this information with their peers. To address all three objectives, GAO examined nearly half (47 of 103) of the APGs for 2012 and 2013, and analyzed relevant documentation. GAO also interviewed the goal leaders and other relevant officials for each of the 47 selected goals. "

The Handbook of Federal Government Leadership and Administration

Book Description

Written by "pracademics" with federal practitioners specifically in mind, the handbook is designed to bridge the gap between academic and applied public administration by identifying what resonates with practitioners as they search for usable theories and research findings to improve performance. It will be essential reading for federal practitioners, scholars, and "pracademics" alike.

Don't Count Us Out

Book Description

"This report from Public Agenda and the Kettering Foundation presents startling evidence that the public and leaders hold vastly different ideas about what it even means to be accountable. While many leaders believe that transparency and data help build public trust, this small-scale pilot study suggests that many typical Americans are deeply skeptical about the accuracy and importance of quantitative measures. Moreover, most believe that ethics and responsiveness matter as much as or more than rules and benchmarks. Many also argue that accountability is not the job of leaders alone; it is the public's responsibility as well, and that our institutions will not work well until leaders, individual employees, consumers, and voters all behave more responsibly and with more concern about what their actions and decisions mean for others. As the report points out, while accountability strategies may be effective management tools, 'they fall short in addressing the public's most potent concerns. At best, they strike much of the public as complicated and perhaps marginally informative. At worst, they risk pushing the public and leaders even further apart.' What can leaders do to address this possibly corrosive accountability gap and avoid harmful crosstalk? These findings have a real and pressing significance to both the public and leaders, including philanthropists, educators, government officials, and health professionals." --Kettering Foundation web site

Leadership and School Boards

Book Description

School boards have the potential to build an extraordinary future for our children. The leadership of the school board can launch the potential in every child and educator in their schools, or it can cripple and discourage learning communities. Elected trustees play a critical role in today's school systems. As policy-makers, governors and community representatives, they influence the direction and achievement of schools within their jurisdiction. Administrators new to the school board table must quicklyacquire comprehensive knowledge of the mandate and purpose of the school board, and how to work with trustees to lead the school district to attain its educational goals. Exploring facets of school board governance such as the role of democracy, public finance, accountability, purposeful meetings, and how to work with the personalities at the table, this book offers foundational training for board members and general knowledge for persons interested in knowing what school trustees actually do. Thoroughly understanding the purpose of the school board, and what it means to 'guard the trust' on behalf of the citizenry is critical to improved schools and quality education.