Leading with Soul

Book Description

A new edition of the bestselling book on finding one's personal path to leadership Leading with Soul has inspired thousands of readers since its publication more than a decade ago. Far ahead of its time, the book illuminated the deeply personal journey to leadership. Now, in this new and revised edition, the authors update a timeless spiritual message in the light of the turmoil of recent years? including recession, the spread of global terrorism, and ethics scandals? as well as new insights from the literature of spirituality and work. Bolman and Deal are the co-authors of the bestselling book Reframing Organizations, now in its 4th edition Explores in greater depth the concepts of love, power, and significance as relates to leadership This completely revised story of an executive and his quest for deeper meaning continues to point the way to a more fulfilling work experience.

Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership

Book Description

In this expanded edition of her spiritual formation classic, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Barton explores topics such as facing the loneliness of leadership, leading from your authentic self, reenvisioning the promised land and more.


Book Description

Every leader functions on two stages--the front stage or public world, and the back stage or private world. One cannot lead successfully front stage when one is completely depleted back stage. In a time when pastors are leaving the ministry in record numbers due to cynicism, disillusionment, weariness, and personal scandals, there is an urgent need for soul care in the private lives of leaders. Replenish helps leaders focus on the back stage, the interior life, in order to remain spiritually healthy. In a caring, encouraging tone, it will show pastors how to prioritize matters of the soul develop healthy spiritual practices address problems that lead to burnout create a healthy rhythm in their lives improve their people skills and the spiritual climate of their team develop better systems in their churches discover how to lead an unhurried life For the many ministry leaders who feel alone, in over their heads, or simply worn out, this book will offer welcome relief and a healthy way forward.

The Soul of Leadership

Book Description

“Deepak Chopra lights the way to twenty-first century leadership, where consciousness, love, and compassion redefine the locus of power in relationships and organizations.”—John Mackey, co-CEO Whole Foods Market Bestselling author and spiritual guide Deepak Chopra invites you to become the kind of leader most needed today: a leader with vision who can make that vision real. Chopra has been teaching leadership to CEOs and other top executives for eight years, and the path outlined in The Soul of Leadership applies to any business, but the same principles are relevant in every community and area of life, from family and home to school, place of worship, and neighborhood. “At the deepest level,” Chopra writes, “a leader is the symbolic soul of a group.” With clear, practical steps, you are led through the crucial skills outlined in the acronym L-E-A-D-E-R-S: L = Look and Listen E = Emotional Bonding A = Awareness D = Doing E = Empowerment R = Responsibility S = Synchronicity After identifying your own soul profile and the core values you want to develop, you can use these seven skills to allow your potential for greatness to emerge. Only from the level of the soul, Chopra contends, are great leaders created. Once that connection is made, you have unlimited access to the most vital qualities a leader can possess: creativity, intelligence, organizing power, and love. The Soul of Leadership aims to fill the most critical void in contemporary life, the void of enlightened leaders. “You can be such a leader,” Chopra promises. “The path is open to you. The only requirement is that you learn to listen to your inner guide.” In this unique handbook you are shown how to do just that, in words as practical as they are uplifting. The future is unfolding at this very minute, and the choice to lead it lies with each of us, here and now.

Leading with Heart and Soul

Book Description

Take Your Soul to Work

Book Description

Practical, inspired, and bite-sized wisdom from renowned religious scholar Erica Brown, these daily meditations help add greater depth and purpose to your leadership. Few leaders have a plan when it comes to soul-building at work. As a result, they often find themselves spiritually or emotionally depleted, and they can lose the larger ideals that made them want to lead in the first place. Take Your Soul to Work is a daily meditational for business and nonprofit leaders looking for inspiration. Each entry focuses on a different quality, emotion, or aspiration (“on discipline,” “on compassion,” “on impermanence,” “on callousness,” “on productive narcissism”) by presenting a relevant quote, story, or question inspired by the traditions of all faiths as well as artists, poets, and business thinkers to help leaders reframe, rethink, and reset. Leaders rarely have time to reflect between the meeting, calls, and emails that eat away at the work day. With just one thought per day for the entire year, these 365 meditations will anchor, ground, and enrich corporate titans and nonprofit visionaries. Take Your Soul to Work provides spiritual nourishment and encourages leaders to steer their organizations with honesty, grace, and courage—and experience transcendence in the process.

Thoughtful Leadership

Book Description

Follow the path to holistic and mindful leadership, and unlock your skills as a conscious leader.

Soul at Work

Book Description

Dozens of books about spirituality and management have demonstrated the yearning for spirituality in the workplace that exists in people like Kerry Hamilton. No longer content to abide the widening chasm between their deeply-held values and the all-too-common business practices they encounter, these readers long for congruence between their values and their work. They wonder whether the days of the giants of corporate character like Johnson & Johnson, businesses who believed that integrity and profitability could co-exist, are gone for good. Are we living in a state of business and organizational entropy? Are we doomed to endless repetition of the Enron, Worldcom, and Global Crossing scandals? Must integrity and profitability now be opposed? What has happened to American business, healthcare, and non-profits in the last forty years? Soul at Work: Spiritual Leadership in Organizations demonstrates vividly that another way is possible, based on the contemporary restoration of the partnership between integrity and profitability. It translates the core of what companies like Johnson and Johnson stood for forty years ago into contemporary forms. Through compelling stories of contemporary businesses, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits, Soul at Work shows how integrity, profitability, and personal and organizational transformation are all of a piece.

Salsa, Soul, and Spirit

Book Description

Tapping the potential of the changing workforce, consumer base, and citizenry requires a leadership approach that resonates with our country's growing diversity. In "Salsa, Soul, and Spirit," Juana Bordas shows how incorporating Latino, African American, and American Indian approaches to leadership into the mainstream has the potential to strengthen leadership practices and inspire today's ethnically rich workforce. Bordas identifies eight core leadership principles common to all three cultures, principles deeply rooted in each culture's values and developed under the most trying conditions. Using a lively blend of personal reflections, interviews, and historical background, she shows how these principles developed and illustrates the creative ways they've been put into practice in these communities (and some forward-looking companies). Bordas brings these principles together into a multicultural leadership model that offers a more flexible and inclusive way to lead and a new vision of the role of the leader in the organization. Multicultural leadership resonates with many cultures and encourages diverse people to actively engage. In a globalized economy, success for leaders in the future will rest on their ability to shift to a multicultural approach. "Salsa, Soul, and Spirit" provides conceptual and practical guidelines for beginning that process.

Leading with Integrity

Book Description

The Pastor's Soul Series. The stress of church leadership quickly reveals a pastor's strengths and weaknesses of character. Smith shows the way toward building consistent godliness throughout a leader's life that will stand these manifold tests.