Learning at Work in a Work-based Welfare System

Book Description

A study assessed the relevance of work-based learning approaches used in school-to-work efforts. Evidence indicated that employers were steadily raising the entry requirements into the low end of the labor market. Despite the serious skill deficiencies of welfare recipients, employers felt no responsibility to people who lacked the basic skills needed to hold a job and provided little support for individuals who could not function effectively in a work environment. They provided limited training for entry-level workers, but were receptive to helping welfare recipients. School-to-work models incorporated work experience and learning at work through mentoring, contextual learning, and credentialing of competencies and skills learned on the job. Three skills-related challenges facing welfare recipients could be addressed through work-based learning approaches in paid employment or community-service placements: understanding the workplace; learning a range of skills and knowledge broader than needed to accomplish immediate job tasks; and getting employers to recognize credits for skills and knowledge mastered on the job. Technical assistance and integration with the education system are still needed to assist welfare recipients' efforts to get jobs and advance in a career. These policy directions were identified: grants/support for third parties, laboratories and demonstration programs, financial incentives for employers, and integration of the welfare, employment and training, and education systems. (Appendixes contain instruments and 94 references.) (YLB)

Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better

Book Description

Work first. That is the core idea behind the 1996 welfare reform legislation. It sounds appealing, but according to Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better, it collides with an exceptionally difficult reality. The degree to which work provides a way out of poverty depends greatly on the ability of low-skilled people to maintain stable employment and make progress toward an income that provides an adequate standard of living. This forward-looking volume examines eight areas of the safety net where families are falling through and describes how current policies and institutions could evolve to enhance the self-sufficiency of low-income families. David Neumark analyzes a range of labor market policies and finds overwhelming evidence that the minimum wage is ineffective in promoting self-sufficiency. Neumark suggests the Earned Income Tax Credit is a much more promising policy to boost employment among single mothers and family incomes. Greg Duncan, Lisa Gennetian, and Pamela Morris find no evidence that encouraging parents to work leads to better parenting, improved psychological health, or more positive role models for children. Instead, the connection between parental work and child achievement is linked to parents' improved access to quality child care. Rebecca Blank and Brian Kovak document an alarming increase in the number of single mothers who receive neither wages nor public assistance and who are significantly more likely to suffer from medical problems of their own or of a child. Time caps and work hour requirements embedded in benefits policies leave some mothers unable to work and ineligible for cash benefits. Marcia Meyers and Janet Gornick identify another gap: low-income families tend to lose financial support and health coverage long before they earn enough to access employer-based benefits and tax provisions. They propose building "institutional bridges" that minimize discontinuities associated with changes in employment, earnings, or family structure. Steven Raphael addresses a particularly troubling weakness of the work-based safety net—its inadequate provision for the large number of individuals who are or were incarcerated in the United States. He offers tractable suggestions for policy changes that could ease their transition back into non-institutionalized society and the labor market. Making the Work-Based Safety Net Work Better shows that the "work first" approach alone isn't working and suggests specific ways the social welfare system might be modified to produce greater gains for vulnerable families.

Learning to Work

Book Description

"Grubb's powerful vision of a workforce development system connected by vertical ladders for upward mobility adds an important new dimension to our continued efforts at system reform. The unfortunate reality is that neither our first-chance education system nor our second-chance job training system have succeeded in creating clear pathways out of poverty for many of our citizens. Grubb's message deserves a serious hearing by policy makers and practitioners alike." —Evelyn Ganzglass, National Governors' Association Over the past three decades, job training programs have proliferated in response to mounting problems of unemployment, poverty, and expanding welfare rolls. These programs and the institutions that administer them have grown to a number and complexity that make it increasingly difficult for policymakers to interpret their effectiveness. Learning to Work offers a comprehensive assessment of efforts to move individuals into the workforce, and explains why their success has been limited. Learning to Work offers a complete history of job training in the United States, beginning with the Department of Labor's manpower development programs in the1960s and detailing the expansion of services through the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act in the 1970s and the Job Training Partnership Act in the 1980s.Other programs have sprung from the welfare system or were designed to meet the needs of various state and corporate development initiatives. The result is a complex mosaic of welfare-to-work, second-chance training, and experimental programs, all with their own goals, methodology, institutional administration, and funding. Learning to Work examines the findings of the most recent and sophisticated job training evaluations and what they reveal for each type of program. Which agendas prove most effective? Do their effects last over time? How well do programs benefit various populations, from welfare recipients to youths to displaced employees in need of retraining? The results are not encouraging. Many programs increase employment and reduce welfare dependence, but by meager increments, and the results are often temporary. On average most programs boosted earnings by only $200 to $500 per year, and even these small effects tended to decay after four or five years.Overall, job training programs moved very few individuals permanently off welfare, and provided no entry into a middle-class occupation or income. Learning to Work provides possible explanations for these poor results, citing the limited scope of individual programs, their lack of linkages to other programs or job-related opportunities, the absence of academic content or solid instructional methods, and their vulnerability to local political interference. Author Norton Grubb traces the root of these problems to the inherent separation of job training programs from the more successful educational system. He proposes consolidating the two domains into a clearly defined hierarchy of programs that combine school- and work-based instruction and employ proven methods of student-centered, project-based teaching. By linking programs tailored to every level of need and replacing short-term job training with long-term education, a system could be created to enable individuals to achieve increasing levels of economic success. The problems that job training programs address are too serious too ignore. Learning to Work tells us what's wrong with job training today, and offers a practical vision for reform.

Meeting the Challenges of Welfare Reform

Book Description

As a result of federal legislation aimed at welfare reform, states have been transforming welfare in new ways. Critical questions remain, however, and policymakers must continue to develop new ideas and implement programs from other states. This book contributes to the learning process among states by sharing program innovations and analyses to help states realize their goals for a new welfare that helps recipients find and keep jobs that will enable them to support their families without welfare. The first section of the guide provides an overview of meeting the challenges of welfare reform. The second section, "Finding and Creating Jobs for Welfare Recipients," addresses job development, microenterprise programs, targeted state employment, and community service. The third section, "Preparing Recipients for Work," addresses assessment, support services, job readiness, education, vocational training, and work experiences. The fourth section, "Child Care," examines the issues of eligibility, copayment, and reimbursement rates and mechanisms. The fifth section, "Getting to Work: Providing Transportation in a Work-Based System," addresses the transportation dilemma, transit alternatives, and life after welfare. The sixth section, "Ensuring the Well-Being of Children Under Welfare Reform," addresses tracking families that leave welfare, safety net programs, and effects on the child welfare system. The seventh section, "Overseeing Welfare Reform: Accountability, Financing and Devolution," addresses block grants and state spending. (Contains 43 notes.) (SD).

Welfare Reform

Book Description

Meeting the Challenges of Welfare Reform

Book Description

As a result of federal legislation aimed at welfare reform, states have been transforming welfare in new ways. Critical questions remain, however, and policymakers must continue to develop new ideas and implement programs from other states. This book contributes to the learning process among states by sharing program innovations and analyses to help states realize their goals for a new welfare that helps recipients find and keep jobs that will enable them to support their families without welfare. The first section of the guide provides an overview of meeting the challenges of welfare reform. The second section, "Finding and Creating Jobs for Welfare Recipients," addresses job development, microenterprise programs, targeted state employment, and community service. The third section, "Preparing Recipients for Work," addresses assessment, support services, job readiness, education, vocational training, and work experiences. The fourth section, "Child Care," examines the issues of eligibility, copayment, and reimbursement rates and mechanisms. The fifth section, "Getting to Work: Providing Transportation in a Work-Based System," addresses the transportation dilemma, transit alternatives, and life after welfare. The sixth section, "Ensuring the Well-Being of Children Under Welfare Reform," addresses tracking families that leave welfare, safety net programs, and effects on the child welfare system. The seventh section, "Overseeing Welfare Reform: Accountability, Financing and Devolution," addresses block grants and state spending. (Contains 43 notes.) (SD)

From Welfare to Work

Book Description

From Welfare to Work appears at a critical moment, when all fifty states are wrestling with tough budgetary and program choices as they implement the new federal welfare reforms. This book is a definitive analysis of the landmark social research that has directly informed those choices: the rigorous evaluation of programs designed to help welfare recipients become employed and self-sufficient. It discusses forty-five past and current studies, focusing on the series of seminal evaluations conducted by the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation over the last fifteen years. Which of these welfare-to-work programs have worked? For whom and at what cost? In answering these key questions, the authors clearly delineate the trade-offs facing policymakers as they strive to achieve the multiple goals of alleviating poverty, helping the most disadvantaged, curtailing dependence, and effecting welfare savings. The authors present compelling evidence that the generally low-cost, primarily job search-oriented programs of the late 1980s achieved sustained earnings gains and welfare savings. However, getting people out of poverty and helping those who are most disadvantaged may require some intensive, higher-cost services such as education and training. The authors explore a range of studies now in progress that will address these and other urgent issues. They also point to encouraging results from programs that were operating in San Diego and Baltimore, which suggest the potential value of a mixed strategy: combining job search and other low-cost activities for a broad portion of the caseload with more specialized services for smaller groups. Offering both an authoritative synthesis of work already done and recommendations for future innovation, From Welfare to Work will be the standard resource and required reading for practitioners and students in the social policy, social welfare, and academic communities.