Learning Electricity and Electronics with Advanced Educational Technology

Book Description

The objective of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Learning electricity and electronics with advanced educational technology" was to bring together researchers coming from different domains. Electricity education is a domain where a lot of research has already been made. The first meeting on electricity teaching was organized in 1984 by R. Duit, W. Jung and C. von Rhoneck in Ludwigsburg (Germany). Since then, research has been going on and we can consider that the workshop was the successor of this first meeting. Our goal was not to organize a workshop grouping only people producing software in the field of electricity education or more generally in the field of physics education, even if this software was based on artificial intelligence techniques. On the contrary, we wanted this workshop to bring together researchers involved in the connection between cognitive science and the learning of a well defined domain such as electricity. So during the workshop, people doing research in physics education, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence had the opportunity to discuss and exchange. These proceedings reflect the different points of view. The main idea is that designing a learning environment needs the confrontation of different approaches. The proceedings are organized in five parts which reflect these different aspects.

Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, and Use in Biology

Book Description

Biology education, like science education in general, is in the midst of a revolution that is worldwide in scope. The changes in the ways science education researchers think about learning and understanding represent a major paradigm shift. In this book, international leaders in the field of biology education research give summaries of problems and solutions in biology learning and teaching at various grade levels. Based on a NATO workshop in the Special Programme on Advanced Educational Technology, it provides practical information for teachers, especially in using new interactive, constructivist teaching methods. For science education researchers, it offers a concise summary of a number of research issues in biology education.

Student Modelling: The Key to Individualized Knowledge-Based Instruction

Book Description

This book is the result of a NATO sponsored workshop entitled "Student Modelling: The Key to Individualized Knowledge-Based Instruction" which was held May 4-8, 1991 at Ste. Adele, Quebec, Canada. The workshop was co-directed by Gordon McCalla and Jim Greer of the ARIES Laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan. The workshop focused on the problem of student modelling in intelligent tutoring systems. An intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a computer program that is aimed at providing knowledgeable, individualized instruction in a one-on-one interaction with a learner. In order to individualize this interaction, the ITS must keep track of many aspects of the leamer: how much and what he or she has leamed to date; what leaming styles seem to be successful for the student and what seem to be less successful; what deeper mental models the student may have; motivational and affective dimensions impacting the leamer; and so ono Student modelling is the problem of keeping track of alI of these aspects of a leamer's leaming.

Technology-Based Learning Environments

Book Description

The present volume contains a large number of the papers contributed to the Advanced Study Institute on the Psychological and Educational Foundations of Technology-Based Learning Environments, which took place in Crete in the summer of 1992. The purpose of the Advanced Study Institute was to bring together a small number of senior lecturers and advanced graduate students to investigate and discuss the psychological and educational foundations of technology-based learning environments and to draw the implications of recent research findings in the area of cognitive science for the development of educational technology. As is apparent from the diverse nature of the contributions included in this volume, the participants at the ASI came from different backgrounds and looked at the construction of technology -based learning environments from rather diverse points of view. Despite the diversity, a surprising degree of overlap and agreement was achieved. Most of the contributors agreed that the kinds of technology-supported learning environments we should construct should stimulate students to be active and constructive in their knowledge-building efforts, embed learning in meaningful and authentic activities, encourage collaboration and social interaction, and take into consideration students' prior knowledge and beliefs.

Discourse, Tools and Reasoning

Book Description

Not long ago, projections of how office technologies would revolutionize the production of documents in a high-tech future carriedmany promises. The paper less office and the seamless and problem-free sharing of texts and other work materials among co-workers werejust around the corner, we were told. To anyone who has been involved in putting together a volume of the present kind, such forecasts will be met with considerable skepticism, if not outright distrust. The diskette, the email, the fax, the net, and all the other forms of communication that are now around are powerful assets, but they do not in any way reduce the flow of paper or the complexity of coordinating activities involved in producing an artifact such as a book. Instead, the reverse seems to be true. Obviously, the use of such tools requires considerable skill at the center of coordination, to borrow an expression from a chapter in this volume. As editors, we have been fortunate to have Ms. Lotta Strand, Linkoping University, at the center of the distributed activity that producing this volume has required over the last few years. With her considerable skill and patience, Ms. Strand and her work provide a powerful illustration of the main thrust of most of the chapters in this volume: Practice is a coordination of thinking and action, and many things had to be kept in mind during the production of this volume.

Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-Assessment

Book Description

Assessment has long been recognized as a key feature in learning efficacy, especially through formative evaluation. Item banking, the storage and classification of test items, is an essential part of systematic assessment. This volume is based on a NATO Advanced Research Workshop held as part of the Special Programme on Advanced Educational Technology. The workshop brought together scholars from around the world to discuss and critically analyze the issues and problems associated with Subjective Probability Measurement (SPM) or the more generic research area called self-assessment. Recent advances in computer technology (expert systems, interactive video disks, and hypermedia) along with the developing sophistication of self-assessment scoring systems based on SPM made this conference particularly important and timely. The book is divided into three main parts: - The input: item banking and hypermedia - The process: subjective probabilities - The output: teaching and learning feedbacks. In summary, although SPM is a difficult theoretical concept for most educators to comprehend, the sophisticated nature of modern computer systems coupled with comprehensive formative and summative evaluation and self-assessment systems make SPM transparent to the user.

Organizational Learning and Technological Change

Book Description

What the Book Is About This book is about the problem of organizational learning, that is the analysis of organizations conceived as learning systems. In order to survive in a period of a rapid change, organizations must innovate and than to develop and exploit their abilities to learn. The most innovative organizations are those that can respond with great efficiency to internal and external changes. They respond to and generate technological change by acting as effective learning systems. They maximize the learning potential of ongoing and "normal" work activities. The organizational structure and the technology allow members to learn while the organizations itself learns from its members. So organizations reach high levels of innovation when structured to take advantage of the social, distributed, participative, situated processes of learning developed by its members in interaction with the technological environment. Organizations should consider learning as an explicit "productive" objective. They must create integrated learning mechanisms, that encompass technological tools, reward and incentive systems, human resource practices, belief systems, access to information, communication and mobility patterns, performance appraisal systems, organizational practices and structures. The design of efficient learning organizations requires cognitive, technological and social analyses. All the computer-based technologies (e. g. office automation, communication and group decision support) not only those devoted to and used in training activities, have to be considered as tools for organizational learning and innovation.

Collaborative Dialogue Technologies in Distance Learning

Book Description

In April 1993, an interdisciplinary NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Collaborative dialogue technologies in distance learning" was held in Segovia, Spain. The workshop brought together researchers in fields related to distance learning using computer-mediated communication. The statement of justification of the NATO ARW follows hereafter. Justification of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Collaborative Dialogue Technologies in Distance Learning Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) systems have features that reduce some temporal, physical and social constraints on communication. Theories of communication have shifted from viewing communication as a linear transmission of messages by a sender to a receiver, to viewing it as a social paradigm, where individuals are actors in a network of interdependent relationships embedded in organizational and social structures. Recent research focuses on models of information-sharing to support not only the activities of individuals but also the problem-solving activities of groups, such as decision-making, planning or co writing. This area of research is called Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). The Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach uses knowledge-based systems to enhance and facilitate all these processes, including the possibility of using natural language. The traditional model of distance education places a strong emphasis on indepen dent study, supported by well developed learning materials. This model can be characterized as one-way media. However, the potential of CMC to provide better guidance to the student in Higher Distance Education has been quickly recognized for at least two kind of activities: information sharing and interaction.

Mathematical Modelling Courses for Engineering Education

Book Description

As the role of the modern engineer is markedly different from that of even a decade ago, the theme of engineering mathematics educa tion (EME) is an important one. The need for mathematical model ling (MM) courses and consideration of the educational impact of computer-based technology environments merit special attention. This book contains the proceeding of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop held on this theme in July 1993. We have left the industrial age behind and have entered the in formation age. Computers and other emerging technologies are penetrating society in depth and gaining a strong influence in de termining how in future society will be organised, while the rapid change of information requires a more qualified work force. This work force is vital to high technology and economic competitive ness in many industrialised countries throughout the world. Within this framework, the quality of EME has become an issue. It is expected that the content of mathematics courses taught in schools of engineering today have to be re-evaluated continuously with regard to computer-based technology and the needs of mod ern information society. The main aim of the workshop was to pro vide a forum for discussion between mathematicians, engineering scientists, mathematics educationalists, and courseware develop ers in the higher education sector and to focus on the issues and problems of the design of more relevant and appropriate MM courses for engineering education.

Electricity and Electronics

Book Description

Fundamentals of the fields of electricity and electronics including the technology of the Information Age, applied electricity, alternating current circuits, electronic devices and applications, basic electronic circuits, and electronic communication and data systems.