The Hope in Leaving

Book Description

Handsome Jack is a logger, nomad, and born dreamer. His young wife, Simone, has too many kids and never enough money to support or protect them. The family keeps on the move, shedding a grand total of twenty-seven homes. Their first child, Randy, is sensitive and brilliant and bold, protector of his younger siblings, the fearless star of their childhood adventures and misadventures—until something snaps inside him. The second child who comes a year after him, our narrator Barbara, is the lucky one, who can dream of getting out. Every time the family relocates, she feels “the hope in leaving and doing better next time.” Poverty, mental illness, sexual abuse, and injustice pursue them wherever they go. They live small-town life hard and suffer, most of all Randy. The great surprise of The Hope in Leaving isn’t that these characters descend increasingly into isolation and strife, but that despite this they remain a family, that there is always the spark of wit in their banter, and a kind of closeness no matter what happens, even a sense of normalcy. Gradually, the reader comes to understand why The Hope in Leaving is a book that had to be written. In it, Williams proves beyond doubt that there is one thing that can survive the worst of life and even death itself: love without judgment.

Hope Endures

Book Description

The searing memoir of an extraordinary woman who served as a nun for eleven years in Mother Teresa's order, Hope Endures is a compelling chronicle of idealistic determination, rigid discipline, and shattering disillusionment. InÊher life's journey from certainty to doubt, Colette Livermore enters the Missionaries of Charity order in 1973 with unwavering faith and total surrender ofÊher will and intellect after seeing a documentary on the order's work in India. Only eighteen at the time, Livermore has been studying to enter medical school -- a lifelong goal -- but virtually overnight severs her many ties with family, friends, and the life she's known in beautiful, rural New South Wales in order to train as a sister to aid the poor. In the process, she also gives herself over to the order's unexpectedly severe, ascetic regime, which demands blind obedience and submission. Given the religious name Sister Tobit, Livermore serves in some of the poorest places in the world -- the garbage dump slums of Manila, Papua New Guinea, and Calcutta -- bringing hope and care to people who are desperately ill, hungry, abandoned, and even dying, and comforting whomever she can. Although she draws inspiration and strength from her humanitarian work, Livermore and other nuns risk their own physical health, as they are sent to dangerous areas while being unschooled in the languages and cultures, untrained in medical care, and sometimes unprotected by vaccines. Livermore herself succumbs to bouts of drug-resistant cerebral malaria that almost kill her and to a new strain of hepatitis. Over time she also beginsÊto notice that the order's rigid insistence on unquestioning obedience harms the young sisters mentally, emotionally, and spiritually -- and she experiences a terrible inner struggle to find the right path for herself. As she tries to respond to the suffering around her, she often falls into an incomprehensible conflict between her vow to obey and her vow to serve, between religious strictures and the practice of compassion, between authority and personal conscience. Pressured to stay with the order by Mother Teresa and other superiors, as well as by the younger nuns, Livermore nonetheless decides to leave at age thirty and attain her medical degree, continuing to take health care and relief to impoverished people in remote areas -- the isolated aboriginal communities of the Outback and war-torn East Timor. Even as she serves others as a medical doctor, she continues in a crisis of faith thatÊeventually leads her to become an agnostic. Hope Endures is the eye-opening, deeply affecting story of a brave woman's search for meaning in a world that is rent with tragedies and contradictions. It is also an unflinching critique of any faith that insists on blind obedience. For true hope to endure, Dr. Livermore demonstrates, we must always strive to question, to face the hard truths, and to discover the courage to follow our convictions.

Leaving Maggie Hope

Book Description

Ten-year-old David Lears life is turned upside down when he is sent to boarding school and must figure out how to make his way in the world.

Grandparenting Teens

Book Description

Three million kids have grandparents parenting them. Are you one of those grandparents? Are you in need of some help? Are you in a crisis with your teen that you're not sure anyone has an answer for? There are natural communication barriers between grandparents and their teenage grandkids: • new and old cultures collide and the relationship sometimes flies out the window • hurtful words stab at a grandparent trying to help • memories are missed and arguments explode in a family Both grandparents and grandkids face these triggers, but from opposite sides. And sometimes they result in teens getting into drugs, kids smoldering in unexpressed anger that deepens into depression, and kids even harming themselves. The teenagers want attention and relationships; grandparents want to help. Help is available from author and well-known family expert Mark Gregston who has worked in teenage and family ministries such as Young Life and his own program, Heartlight, for over forty years. For Gregston, it’s all about relationships. Teens need to find out why they think no one understands them. And they need help to guide them through this contradictory world. Grandparenting Teens is a valuable resource that helps grandparents love their teens and relate to them in genuine, honest, life-changing ways. This book gives practical tips on how to start grandparenting teens in a way that fosters connection. Mark teaches skills such as getting everyone to listen—really listen. As a grandparent, you can help your teen learn to paint their honest, big-picture perspective, so no one’s left out of their world. They will learn gratefulness instead of giving grief. They will recognize when their grandparent understands their troubles and becomes their role model for life when everyone else turns away. And both grandparents and teens will find their point of contact—their bond. Gregston’s stories will entertain you. They will teach you. They will move you. Some will even change your life. This book is a must for every grandparent who wants to continue to have an influence on the life of their teen grandchildren. In this ever-important role, grandparents can offer something to their grandkids that they can receive from no one else.


Book Description

The activist and TED speaker Megan Phelps-Roper reveals her life growing up in the most hated family in America At the age of five, Megan Phelps-Roper began protesting homosexuality and other alleged vices alongside fellow members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. Founded by her grandfather and consisting almost entirely of her extended family, the tiny group would gain worldwide notoriety for its pickets at military funerals and celebrations of death and tragedy. As Phelps-Roper grew up, she saw that church members were close companions and accomplished debaters, applying the logic of predestination and the language of the King James Bible to everyday life with aplomb—which, as the church’s Twitter spokeswoman, she learned to do with great skill. Soon, however, dialogue on Twitter caused her to begin doubting the church’s leaders and message: If humans were sinful and fallible, how could the church itself be so confident about its beliefs? As she digitally jousted with critics, she started to wonder if sometimes they had a point—and then she began exchanging messages with a man who would help change her life. A gripping memoir of escaping extremism and falling in love, Unfollow relates Phelps-Roper’s moral awakening, her departure from the church, and how she exchanged the absolutes she grew up with for new forms of warmth and community. Rich with suspense and thoughtful reflection, Phelps-Roper’s life story exposes the dangers of black-and-white thinking and the need for true humility in a time of angry polarization.

Leaving Almost - The Journey of a Lifetime

Book Description

This is a grown-up fable about waking up, day in and day out, into an unfulfilled life. About facing reality, and recapturing your dreams with the wonderment of youth, but the maturity of an adult. It's about finding purpose again and moving forward in a positive way, making good decisions and moving away from that place which the book describes as Almost. If you are not growing, moving forward, then you will live your life in that debilitating place called Almost. This book is the story of how to start your journey from Almost to Fulfillment. This book tells the story of Alex Andrews, who starts his journey from Almost to Fulfillment one evening after meeting Oliver at a local park. From the very beginning, Alex is challenged in ways he had never experienced before and soon both and his wife Aimee are igniting fresh fires in their life. Through the conversations between Alex and Oliver, the reader has a front row seat to witness the journey to a John 10:10 life.

Leaving Faith Behind

Book Description

In the first nine chapters of this book Jeff Olsson answers those who have asked why he would want to leave a faith community such as the Anglican Church of Canada and Christianity. A letter to my curious friends is Jeffs personal story where he explains how faith is not always a virtue when those who choose to believe do so at the expense of others. Chapters ten through twenty eight give a historical perspective on atheism and present a rational world view. Later chapters include a criticism of Augustinian and Papal views on morality and offer humanism as a viable alternative.

Hold on Pain Ends

Book Description

After what 17 year old Hope Scott thinks was an awful dreadful dream of her suicide the afternoon before she finds herself being awaken by her parents grieving argument as they walk in the house after having gone through the awful process of identifying their daughter at the local morgue. Confused of their behavior Hope runs after her father as this one goes for a walk. Crossing the street she discovers shes a ghost as a car runs through her. Scared Hope runs back home finding her grieving mother drinking and crying regretting not having been there for her. Hope proceeds to explain to her about years of depression, self harm and self loathing that lead the girl to her actions the night before. The purpose of this story is not to praise self harm nor suicidal tendencies that often come along with Depression but to help other teens going through this terrible illness know they are not alone and hopefully to stop and reflect before they act on their suicidal thoughts if they are going through any.

Leaving New Orleans

Book Description

When a terrible tragedy drives Angela Johnson from her beloved hometown of New Orleans, her life is flipped upside down. With her best friend missing and her family scattered to the four winds, Angela has to make a new life for herself in a strange city, alone and with little more than the clothes on her back. Alone, that is, until she meets Danny Armstrong, a single father to a beautiful little girl, and a man who lives a lifestyle she can’t fully understand. He is everything Angela could want, but with all the turmoil in her life, Angela doesn't know if she can commit to a relationship. Before she can move on, Angela must come to terms with all she has lost, deal with a secret her mother and father has kept hidden for more than two decades, and learn to trust both herself and the man she loves. Finding it difficult to cope with all she’s lost, Angela struggles to find her place to fit into a city that is nothing compared to where she’s from. With an everyday struggle to maintain her sanity in the midst of her own sorrow, Angela insists on surviving. Although alone, she’s determined to make the best out of the tragic situation by meeting some new friends along the way, who inspires her to never give up looking. Torn between her emotions, Angela starts to face the dreadful realism that has impaired her for months, as she revisits the tragic scene on that awful night in July in search of the truth. Seeking to discover the truth behind the secret her parents kept for so long, Angela confronts the one person she never thought she’d ever see alive again during her visit for answers.