Lecture Notes on Mechanics: Intermediate Level

Book Description

This book is for students who are familiar with an introductory course in mechanics at the freshman level. With an emphasis on perspectives that are more fundamental and techniques more advanced than those given in most introductory mechanics textbooks, the book illuminates on notions where vectors are coordinate free, presents the importance of reference frames (inertial and non-inertial) to mechanics problems, the role of Galilean Relativity on invariance and covariance of physical quantities, a framework to perform calculations -- free from the constraint of a fixed axis -- in rotational dynamics, and others. Moreover, it provides clear links between concepts in mechanics and other branches of physics, such as thermodynamics and electrodynamics, so that students can possess a more complete view of what they learn within the confines of physics.

Lecture Notes on Newtonian Mechanics

Book Description

One could make the claim that all branches of physics are basically generalizations of classical mechanics. It is also often the first course which is taught to physics students. The approach of this book is to construct an intermediate discipline between general courses of physics and analytical mechanics, using more sophisticated mathematical tools. The aim of this book is to prepare a self-consistent and compact text that is very useful for teachers as well as for independent study.

Classical Mechanics: Lecture Notes

Book Description

This textbook provides lecture materials of a comprehensive course in Classical Mechanics developed by the author over many years with input from students and colleagues alike. The richly illustrated book covers all major aspects of mechanics starting from the traditional Newtonian perspective, over Lagrangian mechanics, variational principles and Hamiltonian mechanics, rigid-body, and continuum mechanics, all the way to deterministic chaos and point-particle mechanics in special relativity. Derivation steps are worked out in detail, illustrated by examples, with ample explanations.Developed by a classroom practitioner, the book provides a comprehensive overview of classical mechanics with judicious material selections that can be covered in a one-semester course thus streamlining the instructor's task of choosing materials for their course. The usefulness for instructors notwithstanding, the primary aim of the book is to help students in their understanding, with detailed derivations and explanations, and provide focused guidance for their studies by repeatedly emphasizing how various topics are tied together by common physics principles.

Lectures On Computation

Book Description

Covering the theory of computation, information and communications, the physical aspects of computation, and the physical limits of computers, this text is based on the notes taken by one of its editors, Tony Hey, on a lecture course on computation given b

Lectures in Classical Mechanics

Book Description

This exceptionally well-organized book uses solved problems and exercises to help readers understand the underlying concepts of classical mechanics; accordingly, many of the exercises included are of a conceptual rather than practical nature. A minimum of necessary background theory is presented, before readers are asked to solve the theoretical exercises. In this way, readers are effectively invited to discover concepts on their own. While more practical exercises are also included, they are always designed to introduce readers to something conceptually new. Special emphasis is placed on important but often-neglected concepts such as symmetries and invariance, especially when introducing vector analysis in Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. More difficult concepts, including non-inertial reference frames, rigid body motion, variable mass systems, basic tensorial algebra, and calculus, are covered in detail. The equations of motion in non-inertial reference systems are derived in two independent ways, and alternative deductions of the equations of motion for variable mass problems are presented. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics are studied for non-relativistic cases, and further concepts such as inertial reference frames and the equivalence principle are introduced and elaborated on.

Analytical Mechanics

Book Description

This advanced undergraduate textbook begins with the Lagrangian formulation of Analytical Mechanics and then passes directly to the Hamiltonian formulation and the canonical equations, with constraints incorporated through Lagrange multipliers. Hamilton's Principle and the canonical equations remain the basis of the remainder of the text. Topics considered for applications include small oscillations, motion in electric and magnetic fields, and rigid body dynamics. The Hamilton-Jacobi approach is developed with special attention to the canonical transformation in order to provide a smooth and logical transition into the study of complex and chaotic systems. Finally the text has a careful treatment of relativistic mechanics and the requirement of Lorentz invariance. The text is enriched with an outline of the history of mechanics, which particularly outlines the importance of the work of Euler, Lagrange, Hamilton and Jacobi. Numerous exercises with solutions support the exceptionally clear and concise treatment of Analytical Mechanics.

Classical Mechanics

Book Description

This textbook provides an introduction to classical mechanics at a level intermediate between the typical undergraduate and advanced graduate level. This text describes the background and tools for use in the fields of modern physics, such as quantum mechanics, astrophysics, particle physics, and relativity. Students who have had basic undergraduate classical mechanics or who have a good understanding of the mathematical methods of physics will benefit from this book.

Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks

Book Description

Networks can provide a useful model and graphic image useful for the description of a wide variety of web-like structures in the physical and man-made realms, e.g. protein networks, food webs and the Internet. The contributions gathered in the present volume provide both an introduction to, and an overview of, the multifaceted phenomenology of complex networks. Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks also provides a state-of-the-art picture of current theoretical methods and approaches.

Introduction to Relativistic Continuum Mechanics

Book Description

This mathematically-oriented introduction takes the point of view that students should become familiar, at an early stage, with the physics of relativistic continua and thermodynamics within the framework of special relativity. Therefore, in addition to standard textbook topics such as relativistic kinematics and vacuum electrodynamics, the reader will be thoroughly introduced to relativistic continuum and fluid mechanics. There is emphasis on the 3+1 splitting technique.

Lectures on Mechanics

Book Description

Based on the 1991 LMS Invited Lectures given by Professor Marsden, this book discusses and applies symmetry methods to such areas as bifurcations and chaos in mechanical systems.